High E2 @ 520 pg/ml / Advise needed


hi guys
i just did a bloodwork and my E2 came back at 520
Currently taking a gram of test P and a gram of Mast P / week with 25mg aromasin EOD

What would you suggest to try to bring it down to acceptable levels? Would dosing aromasin 25mg/ day possibly solve the issue?
Should I introduce another AI?
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maybe the masteron is interfering with the estrogen test, causing a false high levels, i have not heard of masteron doing this, but it is something to consider because you have done non sensitive testing because of europe.

do you have estrogen side effects?

if you do not have estrogen side effects then ma ybe i am correct that the labratory number is false, but if you do have estrogen side effects then you will need to take more aromasin, but I actually reccomend arimidex for most people especially on big doses

for me, I would do .5mg-1mg adex everyday, if you want to continue using aromasin then i guess 25mg everyday which i dont see people using

do you take aromasin with fats? it is fat soluable, maybe you are not taking it with a fatty meal for proper estrogen lowering effect