High estrogen help


New Member
Hey guys,
I'm 4 weeks past my pc and I'm having a lot of symptoms of high estrogen, I have blood work scheduled for 2 weeks from now and I really don't want to reschedule this so my question Is, if I run a short and weak Cycle of nolva would this affect my blood work drastically? I'm thinking like 5 days of 10 mg a day? I ran out of arimidex or I'd just pop one of those bad boys and I'm too short on time to get some in.. help is appreciated.

Symptoms I'm having
shrunken genitalia (balls and stick, stick I noticed just recently started shrinking down when flacid)
Water retention
Moodiness/ crying like a female even while I'm like "da fuq why Am I even crying"
High blood pressure
low sex drive, no issues with ED but the desire isn't always there
I have enough clomid and nolva for another pct BTW but the clomid makes me Feel weird for the first few days of taking it but if it would work better than nolva I'll give it a shot..
If you have high estrogen definitely libido increases not decreases ... And you have more aggressiveness ... balls are small symptom suppression .. Estrogen high damage effect greater suppression .. The nolvadex blocks estrogen but often lowers them if sn too high .. try arimidex on alternate days
If you have high estrogen definitely libido increases not decreases ... And you have more aggressiveness ... balls are small symptom suppression .. Estrogen high damage effect greater suppression .. The nolvadex blocks estrogen but often lowers them if sn too high .. try arimidex on alternate days

This is backwards. High estrogen REDUCES libido and can often cause ED.

Adex would work to help manage high estrogen and provide some relief, but only a band-aid at this point.

OP, based on your symptoms you appear shut down and need reboot your HPTA. I dont belive your PCT worked well for you. Perhaps your SERM's are sub par or bunk. I dont know. But there are several options but i feel that clomid/nolva therapy for reboot - re do PCT - may provide the relief your seeking. Also, double check your source, it may not be working well for you. Just a suggestion as i dont know where your getting your gear from.

Next cycle; quality hCG and AI on cycle, and PCT at the end.
Excuse me if I would .. I believe that estrogen highest increase libido ... For example if you use letro or aromasin libido decreases .. If you are using testosterone dianabol or whatever spices libido increases ... Then of course if you have the high estrogen definitely decrease .. Obviously mine is not a way to make the hero .. And a humble statement
Excuse me if I would .. I believe that estrogen highest increase libido ... For example if you use letro or aromasin libido decreases .. If you are using testosterone dianabol or whatever spices libido increases ... Then of course if you have the high estrogen definitely decrease .. Obviously mine is not a way to make the hero .. And a humble statement
Just because "you believe it" doesn't make it true. People are reading here to get help and what you're posting is completely wrong, and NOT helping. I don't play well with others and being nice isn't my strong point, but do us a favor and do some research before posting your beliefs as some form of fact. High estro AND low estro LOWER libido and BOTH have been known to cause ED. AIs such as adex and asin might lower libido if too much is taken,but if PROPERLY dosed, can help libido. There's a sweet spot between high and low that must be hit for things to all work together. Those are facts and just because you might "believe" different, doesn't change a fucking thing.
Friend if you're nervous you do a cold shower .. I definitely have more experience than you in the field and do not say this because I believe it because I know .. I just said that to cause erectile dysfunction estrogen should be congratulated ... If you are a bit ' the highest increase then think what you want .. Probably high estrogen may have raised prolactin and consequently had a decreased libido .. I do not speak because I think ... and you're not nobody better than me dear coleman
Friend if you're nervous you do a cold shower .. I definitely have more experience than you in the field and do not say this because I believe it because I know .. I just said that to cause erectile dysfunction estrogen should be congratulated ... If you are a bit ' the highest increase then think what you want .. Probably high estrogen may have raised prolactin and consequently had a decreased libido .. I do not speak because I think ... and you're not nobody better than me dear coleman
  1. And I too had recommended aromasin .. Learn to read

    arimidex sorry

I DO know how to read - I read English, Profanity, Sarcasm, and I don't know WHAT the FUCK you're trying to convey above. I'm done with your ignorant ass.
This is backwards. High estrogen REDUCES libido and can often cause ED.

Adex would work to help manage high estrogen and provide some relief, but only a band-aid at this point.

OP, based on your symptoms you appear shut down and need reboot your HPTA. I dont belive your PCT worked well for you. Perhaps your SERM's are sub par or bunk. I dont know. But there are several options but i feel that clomid/nolva therapy for reboot - re do PCT - may provide the relief your seeking. Also, double check your source, it may not be working well for you. Just a suggestion as i dont know where your getting your gear from.

Next cycle; quality hCG and AI on cycle, and PCT at the end.
Hey I appreciate the response. All of my gear and pct was pharmaceutical. I did manage to get ahold of some more AI, used it and I'm a lot better off than I was before. I'm getting bloods done very soon but I fear you are right about being shut down and I've got some hcg coming in. Depending on my blood results I will either run a power pct or just some smaller doses of hcg, of course with an AI, to reboot myself. I will update this thread with my blood results once they are in.
Ok results are in, I only got a quick testosterone test done and judging by the results I'm fairly certain that it's either a mental issue or high estrogen. My testosterone this morning was 1016ng/dl. So given that information, would it still be advisable to run a cycle of hcg? ( still suffering from shrunken balls) thanks.
I the problem of libido and the small balls I settled with 100mcg of triptorelin in pct .. I'm the thirteenth day and really know who are coming back big ... But I did not have high estrogen