High free t but moderately high shbg too I thought this wasn’t a thing n can’t find shit online

So I posted a thread in the bloodwork area askin if people could help me interpret some results as I had generally good markers n seem to respond well to even TRT doses (gonna start my blast today was waiting to first do the 8 week follow up at the trt place first so in like an hour I go there to do another BW, but did some extra BW privately earlier on out of curiosity n got the results yesterday).

Thing is though my free test is higher than the range (like a lot higher) but my shbg is also high but not out of range, from everything I read online etc… it seems the 2 are not something that goes that way and I’m not sure tf could make it be that way, I’m not complaining rather just curious as to how n why that could be, I literally just took 100/120mg x week n my total is nearly 1200 my free is 180 n my shbg is something like 30/50 I gotta check).

Looked online all over n only found 2 results of people asking how that could be but no actual answers ahah
So I posted a thread in the bloodwork area askin if people could help me interpret some results as I had generally good markers n seem to respond well to even TRT doses (gonna start my blast today was waiting to first do the 8 week follow up at the trt place first so in like an hour I go there to do another BW, but did some extra BW privately earlier on out of curiosity n got the results yesterday).

Thing is though my free test is higher than the range (like a lot higher) but my shbg is also high but not out of range, from everything I read online etc… it seems the 2 are not something that goes that way and I’m not sure tf could make it be that way, I’m not complaining rather just curious as to how n why that could be, I literally just took 100/120mg x week n my total is nearly 1200 my free is 180 n my shbg is something like 30/50 I gotta check).

Looked online all over n only found 2 results of people asking how that could be but no actual answers ahah
Post the blood work and units with reference ranges listed for the assays used. Screenshot preferred.
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30 is very far from 50, so yeah better post the results. High(er) shbg is not a problem as you can lower it fast, only if you crush it and want to raise it is a pain in the ass lol.
Shits all in different pages as it had to get sent to me through the patient portal after I went to the bloodwork place so imma just repost what I wrote in the BW forum but add in the actual values n assays etc…
Just type of the lab name, test name, units, and reference range. Free T measurements are not all created equal so I can try and assist. Total T by LCMS or IA? Free T measured or calculated? If measured what assay?

If you list lab, test name, units, ref ranges I should able to determine if you don't know the type of assay.
Yeah it’s 39.8 I didn’t remember exactly

It's higher than the optimal but not considered very high. Iirc you pin twice per week? If you start to pin more frequent it will definitely get lower. Mine was 55 before i hop on Test and with daily microdosing it went to 24 after 4 weeks.
Best range seems to be around 20 but if you start blasting or add a dht derivative it might get single digit
Just type of the lab name, test name, units, and reference range. Free T measurements are not all created equal so I can try and assist. Total T by LCMS or IA? Free T measured or calculated? If measured what assay?

If you list lab, test name, units, ref ranges I should able to determine if you don't know the type of assay.
It was quest if I’m not mistaken, the assay I’m checking but either way the results are as follows:

Total T: 1120ng/dl (pinning 100/120mg x week so I’d say good response considering it was a low TRT dose but I generally respond well to stuff n don’t need too much of stuff unless I get a tolerance, idk how it works with this kinda stuff tho but yeah almost 10x dose response which surprised me) the reference range was infinite (no cap on it) but it says 250-1100

Free t: 180.5pg/dl (reference range is 35-155pg/dl)

Shbg: 39.8nmol/L (reference is 10-50nmol/L)

Even though I did em at the quest diagnostics place it says the lab is z3e idk what that means

My other markers were all good HCT only went up 1 point from before starting (was 45 now it’s 46) lipids are good everything is ok apart from e2 being 40 which is 1 point higher than the range but I had it like at 30 or 42 or something so could have been even higher before I started as I have a vague memory of it being 42 or 32 but now it’s 40 so I’m range if you use the ratio to test (still will ask em guys at the TRT clinic to give me an AI to have on hand as I will be upping the dose and also doing a good 4 week dbol cycle so I don’t want to risk gyno). So yeah e2 just up by a point n my cholesterol is only a lil bit higher than usual but that’s cos I eat all my bodybuilding meals then eat extra junk on top of it as I have a quick metabolism n idk I don’t get fat easily (currently at around 12/15% still visible abs n obliques etc… n delt n quad striations)
It's higher than the optimal but not considered very high. Iirc you pin twice per week? If you start to pin more frequent it will definitely get lower. Mine was 55 before i hop on Test and with daily microdosing it went to 24 after 4 weeks.
Best range seems to be around 20 but if you start blasting or add a dht derivative it might get single digit
Yeah I do either 2x week or 3x more recently, started at 1x then quickly changed it cos of the couple day slump before the next shot day
Total T: 1120ng/dl (pinning 100/120mg x week so I’d say good response considering it was a low TRT dose

Free t: 180.5pg/dl (reference range is 35-155pg/dl)

Shbg: 39.8nmol/L (reference is 10-50nmol/L)

Excellent work. This is an LCMS test for TT and equilibrium dialysis test for FT.

Your FT is measured at 18 ng/dl (180 pg/ml). Calculated FT is 25.2 ng/dl by Vermeulen. ED by Quest is typically 10 to 20% lower than calculated.

Ignore Quest's range for FT. It is busted based on small sample. Healthy FT more like 10 to 25 ng/dl based on more extensive sampling and no don't assume 25 ng/dl applies to you.

A lot more info I could point you to if you want.

I would say yes this is very good response. Your blood was drawn at trough on once weekly injection? Please clarify.
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And btw, ignore what you read online that SHBG affects your FT value while on exogenous Testosterone. It does not. Your FT will be proportional to dose and dependent on your liver's clearance of free testosterone from the body. Often times SHBG may be correlated with clearance (age, obesity, ...). Correlation not causation.
Excellent work. This is an LCMS test for TT and equilibrium dialysis test for FT.

Your FT is measured at 18 ng/dl (180 pg/ml). Calculated FT is 25.2 ng/dl by Vermeulen. ED by Quest is typically 10 to 20% lower than calculated.

I would say yes this is very good response. Your blood was drawn at trough on once weekly injection? Please clarify.
Word that’s the case yes, n yeah I’m pretty happy with the results so far just curious as to why shbg would be high while free t is also high but if you say it’s a calculation then it would make more sense (although I always built muscle pretty easily so it could actually be that weird as I had technically borderline low t when I started, 450ng/dl n still didn’t have many issues with the bodybuilding side of things mostly just being tired during work n shit like that, libido is better now but wasn’t bad before n yeah just in general stuff wasn’t as horrible as some others have had to deal with plus most of that low t was self induced due to idiotic drug use in the past and some CTE stuff from fighting along with PTSD from seeing various friends mudered & other stuff, all of which ik contribute to lowering results)
And btw, ignore what you read online that SHBG affects your FT value while on exogenous Testosterone. It does not. Your FT will be proportional to dose and dependent on your liver's clearance of free testosterone from the body. Often times SHBG may be correlated with clearance (age, obesity, ...). Correlation not causation.
Yeah that’s what I was assuming too but I couldn’t find any stuff that explained why one could have both at the same time shit it was really hard to even find one person who had a similar issue n was asking what could be the deal but nobody knew tf was the answer ahah but yeah I’m guessing it’s still good although idk if I should try to lower my shbg or leave it be as I know it’s a necessary component and serves a myriad of functions but yeah no idea there, e2 wise I could probably lower it a lil bit but it’s not causing any problems so far (have some pubertal gyno that is the same as before starting, shit it’s been the same since I was like 15/16 n it’s not too noticeable I just don’t like how it looks to me but I actually don’t even know if people can notice it, either way that’s the only thing I don’t like that could be helped out by lowering e2 as for the rest I don’t have any high e2 symptoms n don’t really even have acne or shit like that so I’d just keep an AI on hand for the blast but mostly for the dbol not the test)
If you want to compare your response in the grand scheme...

Clarify your injection frequency and use the table provided in the post to convert your measured value to mean weekly value.
Yeah that’s what I was assuming too but I couldn’t find any stuff that explained why one could have both at the same time shit it was really hard to even find one person who had a similar issue n was asking what could be the deal but nobody knew tf was the answer ahah but yeah I’m guessing it’s still good although idk if I should try to lower my shbg or leave it be as I know it’s a necessary component and serves a myriad of functions but yeah no idea there, e2 wise I could probably lower it a lil bit but it’s not causing any problems so far (have some pubertal gyno that is the same as before starting, shit it’s been the same since I was like 15/16 n it’s not too noticeable I just don’t like how it looks to me but I actually don’t even know if people can notice it, either way that’s the only thing I don’t like that could be helped out by lowering e2 as for the rest I don’t have any high e2 symptoms n don’t really even have acne or shit like that so I’d just keep an AI on hand for the blast but mostly for the dbol not the test)
Yes. You don't want to lower your SHBG purposefully. It will lower with exogenous androgen use anyway. Mine has dropped in half after 6 years on TRT.

If you want to do a fun experiment drop your SHBG to low single digits using 50 mg/day of oxandrolone for few weeks. Repeat your TT / FT measurement (same assays you used) while keeping your Testosterone dose constant the whole time. Test at same trough. Your FT will not budge. Only your TT will drop.
I compared your measured value to a calculated value to show the difference.

See my comment above on FT/SHBG. Your weekly dose determines your FT, not SHBG.

Take care and best wishes.
Word thanks man I appreciate it n yeah I’m guessing that’s determined by the dosage, you thinkin I should try to lower my shbg to have even more free t or is it all generally in range?

I’m gonna start a blast this weekend (already started technically today but I’m gonna start the PW dbol etc…) n I’m very curious as to how my first proper cycle will go, but with these results I’m hoping pretty well as I appear to respond well even to lower dosages.

Either way thanks for the input mane I’m no dummy when it comes to biology n chemistry but with this stuff I’m still learning a lot so I really enjoy this forum as there are lots of very knowledgeable people n it’s not a pussyfied place like fkin Reddit (that place makes me want to wipe out humanity sometimes ahah)
Yes. You don't want to lower your SHBG purposefully. It will lower with exogenous androgen use anyway. Mine has dropped in half after 6 years on TRT.

If you want to do a fun experiment drop your SHBG to low single digits using 50 mg/day of oxandrolone for few weeks. Repeat your TT / FT measurement (same assays you used) while keeping your Testosterone dose constant the whole time. Test at same trough. Your FT will not budge. Only your TT will drop.
Yo that’s trippy n I should actually have some car pretty soon so I dunno maybe I will do that outta curiosity when I finish my blast, as I love the pseudo alchemical part of bodybuilding experimentation ahah but yeah if it’s not an issue for now I will leave it be but that’s fr a trip mane! Ik bar lowers shbg but I didn’t know it would do that kinda thing ahah I would feel sad if my total went down tho as idk I like it being as high as possible