High free t but moderately high shbg too I thought this wasn’t a thing n can’t find shit online

Your posts are pretty confusing to read. If your free T is higher than you would like for TRT then lower your dose.
Your posts are pretty confusing to read. If your free T is higher than you would like for TRT then lower your dose.
No shit mane I’m writing from work so I don’t do formatting that well :p either way I wasn’t complaining, shit I’m happy with having high results I was just curious as the free was high n the shbg was relatively too and there’s nothing online that said it was even probable so I came here to ask.

I’m gonna get my TRT/cruise dose pulled up hopefully (definitely don’t want to lower it) n either way I’m gonna be doing a blast so I will be pulling it up a lot I just wanted to check a couple things first and ask people that knew more than I do
Thing is though my free test is higher than the range (like a lot higher) but my shbg is also high but not out of range, from everything I read online etc… it seems the 2 are not something that goes that way

1. Bro, chill, stop tweaking ... Your post's are all over the place : )

2. Your FT is higher because your TT is almost 1200 ngdl. Why would you think your FT can't be high with normal SHBG? If you are a natty and have a TT of 1000+ your SHBG will be high, probably 70+ and thus your free androgen index will be lower. But if you inject exogenous T towards a 1200 ngdl (through?), your SHBG will be lower, as is in your case at 30 or what was it. So naturally, if your TT is at 1200 and SHBG at 30, your free androgen index will be higher. I don't understand what's so complex about this ...
1. Bro, chill, stop tweaking ... Your post's are all over the place : )

2. Your FT is higher because your TT is almost 1200 ngdl. Why would you think your FT can't be high with normal SHBG? If you are a natty and have a TT of 1000+ your SHBG will be high, probably 70+ and thus your free androgen index will be lower. But if you inject exogenous T towards a 1200 ngdl (through?), your SHBG will be lower, as is in your case at 30 or what was it. So naturally, if your TT is at 1200 and SHBG at 30, your free androgen index will be higher. I don't understand what's so complex about this ...

If I wasn't clear enough, your SHBG is not high, it's normal. It's where you want it to be. A high shbg would be 60, 70 ...
1. Bro, chill, stop tweaking ... Your post's are all over the place : )

2. Your FT is higher because your TT is almost 1200 ngdl. Why would you think your FT can't be high with normal SHBG? If you are a natty and have a TT of 1000+ your SHBG will be high, probably 70+ and thus your free androgen index will be lower. But if you inject exogenous T towards a 1200 ngdl (through?), your SHBG will be lower, as is in your case at 30 or what was it. So naturally, if your TT is at 1200 and SHBG at 30, your free androgen index will be higher. I don't understand what's so complex about this ...
Yeah great clarification. His SHBG is not high. Alot of people see a 65 or 75 percentile value and think ...oh no it is high.

A TT/SHBG of 1200/40 is rare for functional endogenous T production. I wish I could wave a magic wand and help dispel the mythology surrounding TT/FT/SHBG at least when it comes to serum blood testing.
Yeah great clarification. His SHBG is not high. Alot of people see a 65 or 75 percentile value and think ...oh no it is high.

Rare or practically non existent yeah ...

I wish I could wave a magic wand and help dispel the mythology surrounding TT/FT/SHBG at least when it comes to serum blood testing.

What exactly are you thinking about here?
To clarify for the reader. Based on the blood work shared and an injection frequency of once weekly, the dosing here is not TRT. It is mild androgen abuse. But everybody has to do their thing.

Best wishes @ChevChelios
Well technically it was TRT until today when I start my blast, 100/120mg x week split into 2 shots is far from AAS abuse (although I could understand your argument as in I wasn’t hypogonadal when I started, just had borderline symptoms) but when did those doses start to qualify as androgen abuse ahah most people here laugh at that amount even for TRT purposes.

But yeah you are right in saying that even though it started as TRT it was always planned to be an actual cycle once stuff was figured out, but I did only start that today so that bloodwork is from straight up TRT dosing.

Either way though I appreciate all the help man you’re very knowledgeable and provided me with lots of interesting info so thanks again!
1. Bro, chill, stop tweaking ... Your post's are all over the place : )

2. Your FT is higher because your TT is almost 1200 ngdl. Why would you think your FT can't be high with normal SHBG? If you are a natty and have a TT of 1000+ your SHBG will be high, probably 70+ and thus your free androgen index will be lower. But if you inject exogenous T towards a 1200 ngdl (through?), your SHBG will be lower, as is in your case at 30 or what was it. So naturally, if your TT is at 1200 and SHBG at 30, your free androgen index will be higher. I don't understand what's so complex about this ...
I ain’t tweakin just bored at work ahah sorry if it comes off that way though :p

As for the second point yeah I didn’t know that would be how it worked as I’m relatively new so I’m very thankful that people explained as online there was fk all to go by even in the resources that have to do with AAS use
Rare or practically non existent yeah ...

What exactly are you thinking about here?
You should definitely dispel that myth as most people seem to think what I did earlier on n spread misinformation, tbh you could start with the cesspool that is Reddit n YouTube ahah but I’m definitely going to tell all my homies about this as they too seem to be under false impressions
Well technically it was TRT until today when I start my blast, 100/120mg x week split into 2 shots is far from AAS abuse
Thanks for sharing you are doing every ~3.5D. As per the table I shared that would put your peak at 1.4x and mean at 1.2x your trough approximately.

Is the blood work you shared after at least 4 weeks of twice weekly dosing?

Assuming you shared trough values...

TT,mean = 1340 ng/dl
FT,mean = 22 ng/dl

TT,peak = 1570 ng/dl
FT,peak = 25 ng/dl

Calculated FT peak and mean even higher. But let's roll with your ED FT value.

Definitely higher than almost any eugonadal person walking around with that SHBG. Not judging, just keeping it real so TRT folks understand that many times they measure their blood values at trough, whereas the published references ranges for TT/FT are peak values.
No shit mane I’m writing from work so I don’t do formatting that well :p either way I wasn’t complaining, shit I’m happy with having high results I was just curious as the free was high n the shbg was relatively too and there’s nothing online that said it was even probable so I came here to ask.

I’m gonna get my TRT/cruise dose pulled up hopefully (definitely don’t want to lower it) n either way I’m gonna be doing a blast so I will be pulling it up a lot I just wanted to check a couple things first and ask people that knew more than I do
On TRT I have high range free T and high range SHBG. I feel best when my SHBG is high range.
Thanks for sharing you are doing every ~3.5D. As per the table I shared that would put your peak at 1.4x and mean at 1.2x your trough approximately.

Is the blood work you shared after at least 4 weeks of twice weekly dosing?

Assuming you shared trough values...

TT,mean = 1340 ng/dl
FT,mean = 22 ng/dl

TT,peak = 1570 ng/dl
FT,peak = 25 ng/dl

Calculated FT peak and mean even higher. But let's roll with your ED FT value.

Definitely higher than almost any eugonadal person walking around with that SHBG. Not judging, just keeping it real so TRT folks understand that many times they measure their blood values at trough, whereas the published references ranges for TT/FT are peak values.

Well, that's more than 2 x, and at peak it's 3 x, the average natty TT. @ChevChelios this what readalot meant by abuse. TRT would put you around 700 ngdl.

Also @ChevChelios, are you adhd and on medication? Regarding using aas in your mental state, you should know that the impulsivity and most aspects of mental stability will get worse for you on cycle as even now you sound pretty unhinged. I know you don't care but using aas is the last thing which is recommend to users with your neurobiological profile.
Thanks for sharing you are doing every ~3.5D. As per the table I shared that would put your peak at 1.4x and mean at 1.2x your trough approximately.

Is the blood work you shared after at least 4 weeks of twice weekly dosing?

Assuming you shared trough values...

TT,mean = 1340 ng/dl
FT,mean = 22 ng/dl

TT,peak = 1570 ng/dl
FT,peak = 25 ng/dl

Calculated FT peak and mean even higher. But let's roll with your ED FT value.

Definitely higher than almost any eugonadal person walking around with that SHBG. Not judging, just keeping it real so TRT folks understand that many times they measure their blood values at trough, whereas the published references ranges for TT/FT are peak values.
Yeah it was after more than 4 weeks and at trough, I thought most people knew that you did bloods right before your next pin day? Or is that not common knowledge?

Either way yeah I wouldn’t say I was anywhere near hypogonadal I just had lowered my t levels due to the aforementioned idiotic drug issues, plus some CTEs from fighting (used to do MMA, Muay Thai n BJJ and I was a pretty damn good wrestler in college even though I had never wrestled before that, as my asshole biological father was a national champion so I guess I have good grappling genetics) n just dumb shit like falling down the stairs as a kid (once instead I was hit by a zodiac while on a small sailboat n cut the top of my head open, let’s just say I have a thick skull cos that kinda shit happened wayyy too often as a kid n even though I never got knocked out my whole life I’m lucky it wasn’t worse cos I got hit plenty), plus yeah PTSD apparently doesn’t help your levels too n I saw multiple friends of mine get killed so I’m guessing all of those things play a factor in me having had 450ng/dl before TRT.

Tbh I’m very happy to have started that, as even though I would have used AAS regardless I do think it makes a huge difference for lifestyle quality (plus ofc if one is using AAS they often will need that later on regardless so it made sense on both ends, wasn’t really trying to be one of em people who just want to game the system, it just happens that I would have used regardless due to my goals).
On TRT I have high range free T and high range SHBG. I feel best when my SHBG is high range.
Word that makes sense with what ik bout shbg I was just confused as there’s so many people treating it like it’s some sort of gains stealer when in reality it has very important functions
Well, that's more than 2 x, and at peak it's 3 x, the average natty TT. @ChevChelios this what readalot meant by abuse. TRT would put you around 700 ngdl.

Also @ChevChelios, are you adhd and on medication? Regarding using aas in your mental state, you should know that the impulsivity and most aspects of mental stability will get worse for you on cycle as even now you sound pretty unhinged. I know you don't care but using aas is the last thing which is recommend to users with your neurobiological profile.
Bro why tf you makin assumptions like that? I was just bored at work n in a good mood shit mane, online idgaf if sometimes I write too much or too little it’s a forum.

And yes I understand what he meant now, wasn’t clear earlier on as I was distracted, I’m far from unhinged and I guess I will just make sure to be more on point when I write shit down cos I tend to not check tf I write but I don’t want to be giving the wrong impressions as I’m lots of things n was a huge asshole back in the day but I ain’t some mental case or whatever you assume based off something I wrote while working ahah
Bro why tf you makin assumptions like that? I was just bored at work n in a good mood shit mane, online idgaf if sometimes I write too much or too little it’s a forum.

And yes I understand what he meant now, wasn’t clear earlier on as I was distracted, I’m far from unhinged and I guess I will just make sure to be more on point when I write shit down cos I tend to not check tf I write but I don’t want to be giving the wrong impressions as I’m lots of things n was a huge asshole back in the day but I ain’t some mental case or whatever you assume based off something I wrote while working ahah

Being adhd does not mean you are a "mental case". I'm also adhd. It does however mean that aas will make you more unstable, more impulsive then somebody who is more neurotypical.

How old are you?
Being adhd does not mean you are a "mental case". I'm also adhd. It does however mean that aas will make you more unstable, more impulsive then somebody who is more neurotypical.

How old are you?
I know, in fact I was commenting on you alluding to me being ‘unstable’ or whatever, not commenting on adhd as that’s something I’m pretty sure I am too (although I don’t take meds for it n don’t have issues concentrating on most things I do use em sometimes for work if stuff is 12hrs long and boring).

I’m 30 years old, if you saw me you wouldn’t think so cos I’ve always looked younger (on the outside, mentally after all the shit I been through I’m like 300 or sumn but I tend to not talk or think too negatively about even relatively bad shit cos all in all I can’t complain bout anything I’ve been very lucky n I’m thankful for everything)

Sorry for writing long ass posts but depending on what I’m talking bout I sometimes feel the need to provide the right context :p

P.S. I actually have benefited a lot from AAS so far regarding lots of stuff so I understand your point even though I don’t think it applies in this case it’s a fair point to make, but trust me when I say shit is a lot better now than when I was younger, I was a fkin dickhead n did some horrible stuff due to circumstance