High free t but moderately high shbg too I thought this wasn’t a thing n can’t find shit online

I know, in fact I was commenting on you alluding to me being ‘unstable’ or whatever, not commenting on adhd as that’s something I’m pretty sure I am too (although I don’t take meds for it n don’t have issues concentrating on most things I do use em sometimes for work if stuff is 12hrs long and boring).

I’m 30 years old, if you saw me you wouldn’t think so cos I’ve always looked younger (on the outside, mentally after all the shit I been through I’m like 300 or sumn but I tend to not talk or think too negatively about even relatively bad shit cos all in all I can’t complain bout anything I’ve been very lucky n I’m thankful for everything)

Sorry for writing long ass posts but depending on what I’m talking bout I sometimes feel the need to provide the right context :p

P.S. I actually have benefited a lot from AAS so far regarding lots of stuff so I understand your point even though I don’t think it applies in this case it’s a fair point to make, but trust me when I say shit is a lot better now than when I was younger, I was a fkin dickhead n did some horrible stuff due to circumstance

This is a harm reduction board after all, so don't take this as a personal attack. Seeing as you are totally new(?) to the aas world, any absolute deductions and projections from your persona, would have very little validity on their part, wouldn't you agree? Similar to @G0ld, you are assuming too much.

If you had issues with aggression and seeing how you are impulsive and probably have adhd, you are one of the worst candidates for AAS use. This is pretty clear from all the literature and a plethora of anecdotal evidence, yes, including me.

If the 1200 ngdl TRT+ thing that you are doing now, which has been what? for the couple of weeks or a month or two?, is your first exposure to supraphysiological dosages of aas, then your assumptions on your future cycle outcomes, which are based on how you feel at the moment, have a huge chance of being completely fraudulent. Why? What you are experiencing now is the so called "honeymoon" phase which doesn't last and quickly, after a couple of months, turns in to burned out anxiety. That's just a TRT+ regimen, but using cycle dosages is something completely different. You know how the saying goes; it's the dosage that makes the poison. You can not compare TRT with TRT+ and you definitely can't compare TRT+ to a CYCLE and yet alone CYCLE testosterone dosages to CYCLE testosterone dosages + other AAS.

Either way, I know you'll do it regardless of what I'm saying, so just be mindful of personality changes; increased impulsivity, lowered cognitive flexibility, aggression, inability to control emotions, etc. It's very easy to make bad life decisions when on cycle. And even if we're not talking about making some grand mistakes, there is still a slew of "micro" mistakes waiting to be made. But those are just on cycle effects, people with aggression and impulsivity issues usually suffer even after cessation of aas use with changes to cognition, anxiety, increased adhd, etc. which then only further mental issues down the road.

This topic is particularly broad, complex and hard to present to people in such a manner, that they actually grasp the depth and seriousness of dangers to mental health and the general quality of life deteriorations that aas use brings to individuals that are predisposed to them. And unfortunately, people with reward system malfunctions such as you and myself, are the ones that are the most drawn to aas use. It took years for me to truly grasp what aas did to my mental health until it was too late. I'm the same ass you, adhd + aggression, so should be relatable to you.

Either way, do more research as you seem to be confused on the simple basic physiological knowledge related to aas, yet alone more complex topics as mental effects. Good luck, you'll need it.
This is a harm reduction board after all, so don't take this as a personal attack. Seeing as you are totally new(?) to the aas world, any absolute deductions and projections from your persona, would have very little validity on their part, wouldn't you agree? Similar to @G0ld, you are assuming too much.

If you had issues with aggression and seeing how you are impulsive and probably have adhd, you are one of the worst candidates for AAS use. This is pretty clear from all the literature and a plethora of anecdotal evidence, yes, including me.

If the 1200 ngdl TRT+ thing that you are doing now, which has been what? for the couple of weeks or a month or two?, is your first exposure to supraphysiological dosages of aas, then your assumptions on your future cycle outcomes, which are based on how you feel at the moment, have a huge chance of being completely fraudulent. Why? What you are experiencing now is the so called "honeymoon" phase which doesn't last and quickly, after a couple of months, turns in to burned out anxiety. That's just a TRT+ regimen, but using cycle dosages is something completely different. You know how the saying goes; it's the dosage that makes the poison. You can not compare TRT with TRT+ and you definitely can't compare TRT+ to a CYCLE and yet alone CYCLE testosterone dosages to CYCLE testosterone dosages + other AAS.

Either way, I know you'll do it regardless of what I'm saying, so just be mindful of personality changes; increased impulsivity, lowered cognitive flexibility, aggression, inability to control emotions, etc. It's very easy to make bad life decisions when on cycle. And even if we're not talking about making some grand mistakes, there is still a slew of "micro" mistakes waiting to be made. But those are just on cycle effects, people with aggression and impulsivity issues usually suffer even after cessation of aas use with changes to cognition, anxiety, increased adhd, etc. which then only further mental issues down the road.

This topic is particularly broad, complex and hard to present to people in such a manner, that they actually grasp the depth and seriousness of dangers to mental health and the general quality of life deteriorations that aas use brings to individuals that are predisposed to them. And unfortunately, people with reward system malfunctions such as you and myself, are the ones that are the most drawn to aas use. It took years for me to truly grasp what aas did to my mental health until it was too late. I'm the same ass you, adhd + aggression, so should be relatable to you.

Either way, do more research as you seem to be confused on the simple basic physiological knowledge related to aas, yet alone more complex topics as mental effects. Good luck, you'll need it.
Brotha I think you’re making too many assumptions based upon little to no knowledge of who I am as a person, I was an aggressive person due to circumstances that made me so in the past but always tried to avoid conflict & tbh I’m not new to the AAS world I just didn’t take anything til recently but used to be involved in a whole other way due to my sports and ex shiesty dealings. That doesn’t make me an expert in anything but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t know a good amount more than the average new guy just due to the fact I’ve been around a myriad of people who used em and helped em use them for half my life (I would have taken em earlier but didn’t think I needed em back then and yeah I wasn’t in the right place mentally so I knew what would have been the best way).

You are more than right in telling me this stuff in fact if it wasn’t for some of the assumptions you make I’d fully agree with you as this is in the spirit of harm reduction. I’m not confused as to the potential effects this stuff can have on anyone (imo you’re saying something that is technically right but I’ve witnessed countless people who fit the bill of what you would consider the wrong candidate n they thrive while totally calm n ‘normal’ people have completely gone off their rocker so it’s a more complex subject in that regard and I think it’s based upon way more unknown things than both of us could predict right now.

But once again I do agree with your worry as you don’t know me and I would be telling the same thing to someone if I had only the amount of evidence you do which tbh some might get annoyed at but I find helpful and you’re a good guy for saying stuff in that nature as the board is harm reduction after all, but just keep in mind that I’m very mindful of everything that could possibly go wrong or well and am definitely taking all the precautions necessary to avoid any type of such situation as you describe.

I know I can’t judge how I will react based off just the TRT + dosages, that is why I’m going to first taper up instead of just jumping to the deep end and blasting half a g of gear like some do, I keep a myriad of journals regarding training diet and anything to do with my chemical enhancement and measure everything I can to avoid possible side effects etc…

Stuff is very unpredictable so I will always approach this kinda thing with caution, respect and good intentions, all I can say for now is that from the limited exposure I have had so far it has made my life a huge amount better and I tend to be a lot calmer on it than the other way round (something I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who feels that way), but I do agree that it’s always best to err on the side of caution and that’s why I’m doing stuff in the most scientific and calm manner possible so I can understand what might be causing any possible changes in the future, I know my body very well due to all my sporting achievements in the past and will keep on researching everything to do with this side of things as it fascinates me (psych n Chen major here so I was researching stuff even as a kid just out of interest) and I am one that is of the opinion that you can never know too much when it comes to this kind of thing.

That’s one of the reasons I joined this forum and I actually very much appreciate everyone here being so helpful, even though to someone looking in from the outside it might seem like me and you are arguing I hope you didn’t get that impression and I hope I didn’t give off some weird arrogance impression either as that is very much far from the truth, you did well to mention certain things but as both of us know this stuff is very shit extremely subjective and what can be the case for one can be the opposite for another even when all variables are identical, either way I appreciate the concern and will be sure to make a log on this forum so I can show y’all I treat all of this with the utmost respect and I’m not one of em arrogant pricks that think they know everything just cos they had a lot of experience, I value experience a huge amount but I also know that due to me being relatively new to this world I also need to learn a lot more and that is what I am currently doing as I want to be the best version of myself as I can.

Sorry for the huge post I just thought I should clear up some stuff as I think we got off on the wrong foot, I’m sorry you had a bad time with AAS due to your biochemistry and if anything will rise up I will be sure to ask you for advice mane, but don’t assume too much about me as we don’t know each other so we are pretty much just making educated guesses about everything (which is fair enough but in the spirit of harm reduction we should also know the subject better to actually draw any type of conclusion, so if you want I can explain some of my background to you in a dm as some stuff I don’t like to write down, but either way I’m very much aware of the things you mentioned and so far nothing of the sort has happened but you’re right in saying there’s no way of me knowing, all I can say for now is that this stuff has really helped me out and that it’s probably saved my ass from other things, this last part I’m talking bout lifting and sports not AAS as those are a tool to achieve one’s goals).

But hey ain’t it also something we all know that some of if not all of the best athletes in our sports are kinda off their rocker too? It’s a sport full of people with issues and all sorts of baggage and that can be used to fuel you towards achieving greatness or it can tear your whole life down, so let’s not act like it’s a new thing or that me and you are the only ones who had past issues who then got on the sauce as shit both bodybuilding and powerlifting is full of crazy mfkas who have way more issues than both of us combined and they still thrived so it can go both ways ykno?

Once again though I appreciate the lengthy post and the concern and I will be sure to keep everything in check as I do not want any issues either so for real mane thanks for the input, don’t worry I’m not doing anything haphazardly and am a great deal more mindful than what I might make it seem upon first impression ahah
This is a harm reduction board after all, so don't take this as a personal attack. Seeing as you are totally new(?) to the aas world, any absolute deductions and projections from your persona, would have very little validity on their part, wouldn't you agree? Similar to @G0ld, you are assuming too much.

If you had issues with aggression and seeing how you are impulsive and probably have adhd, you are one of the worst candidates for AAS use. This is pretty clear from all the literature and a plethora of anecdotal evidence, yes, including me.

If the 1200 ngdl TRT+ thing that you are doing now, which has been what? for the couple of weeks or a month or two?, is your first exposure to supraphysiological dosages of aas, then your assumptions on your future cycle outcomes, which are based on how you feel at the moment, have a huge chance of being completely fraudulent. Why? What you are experiencing now is the so called "honeymoon" phase which doesn't last and quickly, after a couple of months, turns in to burned out anxiety. That's just a TRT+ regimen, but using cycle dosages is something completely different. You know how the saying goes; it's the dosage that makes the poison. You can not compare TRT with TRT+ and you definitely can't compare TRT+ to a CYCLE and yet alone CYCLE testosterone dosages to CYCLE testosterone dosages + other AAS.

Either way, I know you'll do it regardless of what I'm saying, so just be mindful of personality changes; increased impulsivity, lowered cognitive flexibility, aggression, inability to control emotions, etc. It's very easy to make bad life decisions when on cycle. And even if we're not talking about making some grand mistakes, there is still a slew of "micro" mistakes waiting to be made. But those are just on cycle effects, people with aggression and impulsivity issues usually suffer even after cessation of aas use with changes to cognition, anxiety, increased adhd, etc. which then only further mental issues down the road.

This topic is particularly broad, complex and hard to present to people in such a manner, that they actually grasp the depth and seriousness of dangers to mental health and the general quality of life deteriorations that aas use brings to individuals that are predisposed to them. And unfortunately, people with reward system malfunctions such as you and myself, are the ones that are the most drawn to aas use. It took years for me to truly grasp what aas did to my mental health until it was too late. I'm the same ass you, adhd + aggression, so should be relatable to you.

Either way, do more research as you seem to be confused on the simple basic physiological knowledge related to aas, yet alone more complex topics as mental effects. Good luck, you'll need it.
Oh btw I’m not confused about the effects of things I was just confused as to the bw stuff as I wasn’t one to do that so often in the past. And I repeat I was never an aggressive person unless the outside context forced me to and I’m talking very fked up shit in the past like friends getting killed etc… but even in those situations I always managed to keep my cool so idk why you’re assuming all this aggression out of me ahah even as a fighter I always found it best to stay as calm as possible n keep my cool.

I just saw how long my previous post was n I apologise but I hope you read it as I read yours and I think both of us could use knowing each other better :)