High resting heart rate


New Member
I'm currently on a blast with 400mg of Test C and 25mg of Tbol a day (planning to increase up to 50mg in a few weeks).

My blood pressure is completely normal but my RHR is wavering between 80-90.

Has anyone experienced this? Outside of beta-blockers, any tips on bringing down RHR?

(Started doing more cardio)

Edit: I'm usually on TRT at 200mg of Test C. This is my first blast
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I’ve found taking Cardarine on cycle to help with this and controlling my lipids although it’s debatable how safe it is.
Apart from that like you already said cardio would go a long way in helping you get that RHR down a bit.
Here's another link with some good relevant info for you. Limit stimulants such as caffeine (check your pre-workout) and make sure you stay well hydrated
