Forum Etiquette ⚡Welcome to the MESO-Rx Forum. New Members ⭐️PLEASE READ⭐️

Welcome to the MESO-Rx Forum community! I want to take the opportunity to offer a brief overview of the MESO Forum.

The MESO-Rx Forum is comprised of 25 subforums. The subforums cover a wide variety of topics related to the world of anabolic steroids, performance, and performance-enhancing drugs with an emphasis on minimizing the associated harm and risk.

Each subforum has a different focus. For example:

The "Steroid Forum" subforum emphasizes the use of anabolic steroids to increase muscle size, strength and performance;

The "Human Growth Hormone and Peptides" subforum deals with peptide hormones for similar purposes;

The "Steroid Post Cycle Therapy and ASIH Treatment" subforum pays specific attention to minimizing and managing side effects associated with the use of AAS;

The "Steroid Lab Testing" subforum facilitates the share of anayltical reports to help users determine quality and safety of different PED products;

The "Steroid Legal Forum" subforum discusses the legal issues related to PEDs across different jurisdictions;

The "Steroid Underground" subforum seeks to help members minimize harm and risk associated with acquisition and use of black market products.

New Members can read all 25 subforums.

New Members can post and participate in 24 of the 25 subforums immediately upon successful completion of the registration.

The one subforum where New Members must meet minimum requirements in order to gain posting privileges is the "Steroid Underground" subforum. The discussion of source-related issues is prohibited outside of the the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

The reason for this restriction is that many New Members are too eager to rush to the Steroid Underground to engage in one of two behaviors:

(1) praise/promote a source;
(2) ask for a reliable source

Many New Members regrettably disregard or fail to recognize the potential negative consequences of such behaviors.

First of all, MESO-Rx is not a source board that exists to connect you with a source. MESO-Rx is a harm reduction forum for AAS. The MESO community values harm reduction first and foremost.

MESO-Rx seeks to discourage New Members who seem intent on pursuing loyalty to the source over loyalty to the harm reduction community.

Instead, MESO-Rx encourages New Members to show commitment to the shared community goals.

This means: DO NOT engage in the aforementioned behaviors as your first interaction with the community. This is rude and disrespectful of a community devoted to harm reduction. Furthermore, it places New Members at risk of being exploited by opportunistic sources who seize upon the impulsiveness and naivete of new AAS users.

Learn proper forum etiquette.

First, this begins by introducing yourself to the community with a thread in the New Member Introduction subforum. Tell us about yourself, your goals, your experiences, your expectations, etc. Use this subforum for your initial interactions with other members of the community.

Next, you should have many questions about AAS/PED use. Educate yourself by reading and posting your questions/experiences/feedback in one of the 24 relevant subforums. This should be done before you even consider participating in the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

Shortly after doing this, most New Members will quickly gain full access to the MESO Forums.

If you still don't have full access to all the features of the MESO, there is a simple solution: just continue reading, learning, asking, sharing, and posting. (NOTE: posting many threads on MESO-Rx Forum just for the sake of posting may be penalized. Be sure and take the time to post well-thought out questions and/or experiences and information to could be of value to others).

The last questions you should ask are the ones about source acquisition.

If your first questions are about source acquisition, maybe you need to reevaluate your approach to AAS/PED use.

Those who fail to take the time to learn about everything associated with AAS use tend to have worse outcomes.

MESO-Rx is about assessing and minimizing risks.

If you are interested in this goal, we can definitely help you.
Great mission statement. I knew this was gonna be a great forum for some quality information.
Im a new member here. I read all the rules and im aware what are you trying accoplished with no comment rule on underground sub of the forum. I came on this forum so i can comment on a few online sources who didnt send my order and dont respond to my emails and just took money. One source is well known here on the forum. But because of the rules i cant.
Welcome to the MESO-Rx Forum community! I want to take the opportunity to offer a brief overview of the MESO Forum.

The MESO-Rx Forum is comprised of 25 subforums. The subforums cover a wide variety of topics related to the world of anabolic steroids, performance, and performance-enhancing drugs with an emphasis on minimizing the associated harm and risk.

Each subforum has a different focus. For example:

The "Steroid Forum" subforum emphasizes the use of anabolic steroids to increase muscle size, strength and performance;

The "Human Growth Hormone and Peptides" subforum deals with peptide hormones for similar purposes;

The "Steroid Post Cycle Therapy and ASIH Treatment" subforum pays specific attention to minimizing and managing side effects associated with the use of AAS;

The "Steroid Lab Testing" subforum facilitates the share of anayltical reports to help users determine quality and safety of different PED products;

The "Steroid Legal Forum" subforum discusses the legal issues related to PEDs across different jurisdictions;

The "Steroid Underground" subforum seeks to help members minimize harm and risk associated with acquisition and use of black market products.

New Members can read all 25 subforums.

New Members can post and participate in 24 of the 25 subforums immediately upon successful completion of the registration.

The one subforum where New Members must meet minimum requirements in order to gain posting privileges is the "Steroid Underground" subforum. The discussion of source-related issues is prohibited outside of the the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

The reason for this restriction is that many New Members are too eager to rush to the Steroid Underground to engage in one of two behaviors:

(1) praise/promote a source;
(2) ask for a reliable source

Many New Members regrettably disregard or fail to recognize the potential negative consequences of such behaviors.

First of all, MESO-Rx is not a source board that exists to connect you with a source. MESO-Rx is a harm reduction forum for AAS. The MESO community values harm reduction first and foremost.

MESO-Rx seeks to discourage New Members who seem intent on pursuing loyalty to the source over loyalty to the harm reduction community.

Instead, MESO-Rx encourages New Members to show commitment to the shared community goals.

This means: DO NOT engage in the aforementioned behaviors as your first interaction with the community. This is rude and disrespectful of a community devoted to harm reduction. Furthermore, it places New Members at risk of being exploited by opportunistic sources who seize upon the impulsiveness and naivete of new AAS users.

Learn proper forum etiquette.

First, this begins by introducing yourself to the community with a thread in the New Member Introduction subforum. Tell us about yourself, your goals, your experiences, your expectations, etc. Use this subforum for your initial interactions with other members of the community.

Next, you should have many questions about AAS/PED use. Educate yourself by reading and posting your questions/experiences/feedback in one of the 24 relevant subforums. This should be done before you even consider participating in the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

Shortly after doing this, most New Members will quickly gain full access to the MESO Forums.

If you still don't have full access to all the features of the MESO, there is a simple solution: just continue reading, learning, asking, sharing, and posting. (NOTE: posting many threads on MESO-Rx Forum just for the sake of posting may be penalized. Be sure and take the time to post well-thought out questions and/or experiences and information to could be of value to others).

The last questions you should ask are the ones about source acquisition.

If your first questions are about source acquisition, maybe you need to reevaluate your approach to AAS/PED use.

Those who fail to take the time to learn about everything associated with AAS use tend to have worse outcomes.

MESO-Rx is about assessing and minimizing risks.

If you are interested in this goal, we can definitely help you.
Great mission Statement, I somehow missed it
Welcome to the MESO-Rx Forum community! I want to take the opportunity to offer a brief overview of the MESO Forum.

The MESO-Rx Forum is comprised of 25 subforums. The subforums cover a wide variety of topics related to the world of anabolic steroids, performance, and performance-enhancing drugs with an emphasis on minimizing the associated harm and risk.

Each subforum has a different focus. For example:

The "Steroid Forum" subforum emphasizes the use of anabolic steroids to increase muscle size, strength and performance;

The "Human Growth Hormone and Peptides" subforum deals with peptide hormones for similar purposes;

The "Steroid Post Cycle Therapy and ASIH Treatment" subforum pays specific attention to minimizing and managing side effects associated with the use of AAS;

The "Steroid Lab Testing" subforum facilitates the share of anayltical reports to help users determine quality and safety of different PED products;

The "Steroid Legal Forum" subforum discusses the legal issues related to PEDs across different jurisdictions;

The "Steroid Underground" subforum seeks to help members minimize harm and risk associated with acquisition and use of black market products.

New Members can read all 25 subforums.

New Members can post and participate in 24 of the 25 subforums immediately upon successful completion of the registration.

The one subforum where New Members must meet minimum requirements in order to gain posting privileges is the "Steroid Underground" subforum. The discussion of source-related issues is prohibited outside of the the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

The reason for this restriction is that many New Members are too eager to rush to the Steroid Underground to engage in one of two behaviors:

(1) praise/promote a source;
(2) ask for a reliable source

Many New Members regrettably disregard or fail to recognize the potential negative consequences of such behaviors.

First of all, MESO-Rx is not a source board that exists to connect you with a source. MESO-Rx is a harm reduction forum for AAS. The MESO community values harm reduction first and foremost.

MESO-Rx seeks to discourage New Members who seem intent on pursuing loyalty to the source over loyalty to the harm reduction community.

Instead, MESO-Rx encourages New Members to show commitment to the shared community goals.

This means: DO NOT engage in the aforementioned behaviors as your first interaction with the community. This is rude and disrespectful of a community devoted to harm reduction. Furthermore, it places New Members at risk of being exploited by opportunistic sources who seize upon the impulsiveness and naivete of new AAS users.

Learn proper forum etiquette.

First, this begins by introducing yourself to the community with a thread in the New Member Introduction subforum. Tell us about yourself, your goals, your experiences, your expectations, etc. Use this subforum for your initial interactions with other members of the community.

Next, you should have many questions about AAS/PED use. Educate yourself by reading and posting your questions/experiences/feedback in one of the 24 relevant subforums. This should be done before you even consider participating in the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

Shortly after doing this, most New Members will quickly gain full access to the MESO Forums.

If you still don't have full access to all the features of the MESO, there is a simple solution: just continue reading, learning, asking, sharing, and posting. (NOTE: posting many threads on MESO-Rx Forum just for the sake of posting may be penalized. Be sure and take the time to post well-thought out questions and/or experiences and information to could be of value to others).

The last questions you should ask are the ones about source acquisition.

If your first questions are about source acquisition, maybe you need to reevaluate your approach to AAS/PED use.

Those who fail to take the time to learn about everything associated with AAS use tend to have worse outcomes.

MESO-Rx is about assessing and minimizing risks.

If you are interested in this goal, we can definitely help you.
Excited to be part of the community, looking forward to being active on here.
Willkommen in der MESO-Rx-Forum-Community! Ich möchte die Gelegenheit nutzen, einen kurzen Überblick über das MESO-Forum zu geben.

Das MESO-Rx-Forum besteht aus 25 Unterforen. Die Unterforen decken eine Vielzahl von Themen rund um die Welt der anabolen Steroide, der Leistung und leistungssteigernder Medikamente ab, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Minimierung der damit verbundenen Schäden und Risiken liegt.

Jedes Unterforum hat einen anderen Schwerpunkt. Zum Beispiel:

Das Unterforum „ Steroid Forum “ betont den Einsatz von anabolen Steroiden zur Steigerung von Muskelgröße, Kraft und Leistung;

Das Unterforum „ Human Growth Hormone and Peptides “ befasst sich mit Peptidhormonen für ähnliche Zwecke;

Das Unterforum „ Steroid-Post-Cycle-Therapie und ASIH-Behandlung “ legt besonderen Wert auf die Minimierung und Bewältigung der mit der Anwendung von AAS verbundenen Nebenwirkungen;

Das Unterforum „ Steroid Lab Testing “ erleichtert den Austausch von Analyseberichten, um Benutzern dabei zu helfen, die Qualität und Sicherheit verschiedener PED-Produkte zu bestimmen.

Das Unterforum „ Steroid Legal Forum “ diskutiert die rechtlichen Fragen im Zusammenhang mit PEDs in verschiedenen Gerichtsbarkeiten;

Das Unterforum „ Steroid Underground “ soll Mitgliedern dabei helfen, Schäden und Risiken im Zusammenhang mit dem Erwerb und der Verwendung von Schwarzmarktprodukten zu minimieren.

Neue Mitglieder können alle 25 Unterforen lesen.

Neue Mitglieder können sofort nach erfolgreicher Registrierung Beiträge in 24 der 25 Unterforen posten und daran teilnehmen.

Das einzige Unterforum, in dem neue Mitglieder Mindestanforderungen erfüllen müssen, um Posting-Berechtigungen zu erhalten, ist das Unterforum „Steroid Underground“. Die Diskussion quellenbezogener Fragen ist außerhalb des Unterforums „Steroid Underground“ untersagt .

Der Grund für diese Einschränkung liegt darin, dass viele neue Mitglieder zu gern in den Steroid-Untergrund eilen, um eines von zwei Verhaltensweisen an den Tag zu legen:

(1) eine Quelle loben/fördern;
(2) Fragen Sie nach einer zuverlässigen Quelle

Bedauerlicherweise missachten viele neue Mitglieder die möglichen negativen Folgen eines solchen Verhaltens oder erkennen sie nicht.

Erstens handelt es sich bei MESO-Rx nicht um eine Quellplatine, die dazu da ist, Sie mit einer Quelle zu verbinden. MESO-Rx ist ein Schadensminderungsforum für AAS. Die MESO-Community legt in erster Linie Wert auf Schadensminimierung.

MESO-Rx versucht, neue Mitglieder abzuschrecken, die offenbar eher auf Loyalität gegenüber der Quelle als auf Loyalität gegenüber der Schadensminderungsgemeinschaft aus sind.

Stattdessen ermutigt MESO-Rx neue Mitglieder, Engagement für die gemeinsamen Ziele der Gemeinschaft zu zeigen.

Das bedeutet: Beteiligen Sie sich bei Ihrer ersten Interaktion mit der Community NICHT an den oben genannten Verhaltensweisen. Das ist unhöflich und respektlos gegenüber einer Gemeinschaft, die sich der Schadensminimierung verschrieben hat. Darüber hinaus besteht für neue Mitglieder das Risiko, von opportunistischen Quellen ausgenutzt zu werden, die die Impulsivität und Naivität neuer AAS-Benutzer ausnutzen .

Lernen Sie die richtige Forum-Etikette .

Zunächst stellen Sie sich zunächst der Community mit einem Thread im Unterforum „Einführung neuer Mitglieder“ vor. Erzählen Sie uns etwas über sich selbst, Ihre Ziele, Ihre Erfahrungen, Ihre Erwartungen usw. Nutzen Sie dieses Unterforum für Ihre ersten Interaktionen mit anderen Mitgliedern der Community.

Als nächstes sollten Sie viele Fragen zur Verwendung von AAS/PED haben. Informieren Sie sich, indem Sie Ihre Fragen/Erfahrungen/Feedback lesen und in einem der 24 relevanten Unterforen posten. Dies sollte geschehen, bevor Sie überhaupt darüber nachdenken, am Unterforum „Steroid Underground“ teilzunehmen.

Kurz danach erhalten die meisten neuen Mitglieder schnell vollen Zugriff auf die MESO-Foren.

Wenn Sie immer noch nicht vollen Zugriff auf alle Funktionen des MESO haben, gibt es eine einfache Lösung: Lesen, lernen, fragen, teilen und posten Sie einfach weiter. (HINWEIS: Das Posten vieler Threads im MESO-Rx-Forum, nur um des Postens willen, kann bestraft werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie sich die Zeit nehmen, gut durchdachte Fragen und/oder Erfahrungen und Informationen zu posten, die für andere von Wert sein könnten.)

Die letzten Fragen, die Sie stellen sollten, betreffen die Quellenbeschaffung.

Wenn sich Ihre ersten Fragen auf die Quellenerfassung beziehen, müssen Sie möglicherweise Ihren Ansatz zur Verwendung von AAS/PED überdenken.

Wer sich nicht die Zeit nimmt, sich über alles rund um den AAS-Einsatz zu informieren, hat tendenziell schlechtere Ergebnisse.

Bei MESO-Rx geht es darum, Risiken einzuschätzen und zu minimieren.

Wenn Sie an diesem Ziel interessiert sind, können wir Ihnen auf jeden Fall weiterhelfen.
Ich freue mich hier auf die Community und um vieles zu erfahren
Welcome to the MESO-Rx Forum community! I want to take the opportunity to offer a brief overview of the MESO Forum.

The MESO-Rx Forum is comprised of 25 subforums. The subforums cover a wide variety of topics related to the world of anabolic steroids, performance, and performance-enhancing drugs with an emphasis on minimizing the associated harm and risk.

Each subforum has a different focus. For example:

The "Steroid Forum" subforum emphasizes the use of anabolic steroids to increase muscle size, strength and performance;

The "Human Growth Hormone and Peptides" subforum deals with peptide hormones for similar purposes;

The "Steroid Post Cycle Therapy and ASIH Treatment" subforum pays specific attention to minimizing and managing side effects associated with the use of AAS;

The "Steroid Lab Testing" subforum facilitates the share of anayltical reports to help users determine quality and safety of different PED products;

The "Steroid Legal Forum" subforum discusses the legal issues related to PEDs across different jurisdictions;

The "Steroid Underground" subforum seeks to help members minimize harm and risk associated with acquisition and use of black market products.

New Members can read all 25 subforums.

New Members can post and participate in 24 of the 25 subforums immediately upon successful completion of the registration.

The one subforum where New Members must meet minimum requirements in order to gain posting privileges is the "Steroid Underground" subforum. The discussion of source-related issues is prohibited outside of the the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

The reason for this restriction is that many New Members are too eager to rush to the Steroid Underground to engage in one of two behaviors:

(1) praise/promote a source;
(2) ask for a reliable source

Many New Members regrettably disregard or fail to recognize the potential negative consequences of such behaviors.

First of all, MESO-Rx is not a source board that exists to connect you with a source. MESO-Rx is a harm reduction forum for AAS. The MESO community values harm reduction first and foremost.

MESO-Rx seeks to discourage New Members who seem intent on pursuing loyalty to the source over loyalty to the harm reduction community.

Instead, MESO-Rx encourages New Members to show commitment to the shared community goals.

This means: DO NOT engage in the aforementioned behaviors as your first interaction with the community. This is rude and disrespectful of a community devoted to harm reduction. Furthermore, it places New Members at risk of being exploited by opportunistic sources who seize upon the impulsiveness and naivete of new AAS users.

Learn proper forum etiquette.

First, this begins by introducing yourself to the community with a thread in the New Member Introduction subforum. Tell us about yourself, your goals, your experiences, your expectations, etc. Use this subforum for your initial interactions with other members of the community.

Next, you should have many questions about AAS/PED use. Educate yourself by reading and posting your questions/experiences/feedback in one of the 24 relevant subforums. This should be done before you even consider participating in the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

Shortly after doing this, most New Members will quickly gain full access to the MESO Forums.

If you still don't have full access to all the features of the MESO, there is a simple solution: just continue reading, learning, asking, sharing, and posting. (NOTE: posting many threads on MESO-Rx Forum just for the sake of posting may be penalized. Be sure and take the time to post well-thought out questions and/or experiences and information to could be of value to others).

The last questions you should ask are the ones about source acquisition.

If your first questions are about source acquisition, maybe you need to reevaluate your approach to AAS/PED use.

Those who fail to take the time to learn about everything associated with AAS use tend to have worse outcomes.

MESO-Rx is about assessing and minimizing risks.

If you are interested in this goal, we can definitely help you.
Great read!
Excited to read around and learn about all things bodybuilding
I am writing to express my gratitude for the opportunity to join your esteemed group. It is a privilege to be part of a team so deeply committed to the principles of harm reduction.Your efforts in making a significant impact in this field are truly inspiring, and I am excited to contribute my energy and ideas to our shared goals. My interest in harm reduction stems from a sincere compassion for those affected and a strong desire to support initiatives that create safer, healthier communities.Thank you for welcoming me into this group. I am eager to learn, collaborate, and contribute to our important work.
Welcome to the MESO-Rx Forum community! I want to take the opportunity to offer a brief overview of the MESO Forum.

The MESO-Rx Forum is comprised of 25 subforums. The subforums cover a wide variety of topics related to the world of anabolic steroids, performance, and performance-enhancing drugs with an emphasis on minimizing the associated harm and risk.

Each subforum has a different focus. For example:

The "Steroid Forum" subforum emphasizes the use of anabolic steroids to increase muscle size, strength and performance;

The "Human Growth Hormone and Peptides" subforum deals with peptide hormones for similar purposes;

The "Steroid Post Cycle Therapy and ASIH Treatment" subforum pays specific attention to minimizing and managing side effects associated with the use of AAS;

The "Steroid Lab Testing" subforum facilitates the share of anayltical reports to help users determine quality and safety of different PED products;

The "Steroid Legal Forum" subforum discusses the legal issues related to PEDs across different jurisdictions;

The "Steroid Underground" subforum seeks to help members minimize harm and risk associated with acquisition and use of black market products.

New Members can read all 25 subforums.

New Members can post and participate in 24 of the 25 subforums immediately upon successful completion of the registration.

The one subforum where New Members must meet minimum requirements in order to gain posting privileges is the "Steroid Underground" subforum. The discussion of source-related issues is prohibited outside of the the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

The reason for this restriction is that many New Members are too eager to rush to the Steroid Underground to engage in one of two behaviors:

(1) praise/promote a source;
(2) ask for a reliable source

Many New Members regrettably disregard or fail to recognize the potential negative consequences of such behaviors.

First of all, MESO-Rx is not a source board that exists to connect you with a source. MESO-Rx is a harm reduction forum for AAS. The MESO community values harm reduction first and foremost.

MESO-Rx seeks to discourage New Members who seem intent on pursuing loyalty to the source over loyalty to the harm reduction community.

Instead, MESO-Rx encourages New Members to show commitment to the shared community goals.

This means: DO NOT engage in the aforementioned behaviors as your first interaction with the community. This is rude and disrespectful of a community devoted to harm reduction. Furthermore, it places New Members at risk of being exploited by opportunistic sources who seize upon the impulsiveness and naivete of new AAS users.

Learn proper forum etiquette.

First, this begins by introducing yourself to the community with a thread in the New Member Introduction subforum. Tell us about yourself, your goals, your experiences, your expectations, etc. Use this subforum for your initial interactions with other members of the community.

Next, you should have many questions about AAS/PED use. Educate yourself by reading and posting your questions/experiences/feedback in one of the 24 relevant subforums. This should be done before you even consider participating in the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

Shortly after doing this, most New Members will quickly gain full access to the MESO Forums.

If you still don't have full access to all the features of the MESO, there is a simple solution: just continue reading, learning, asking, sharing, and posting. (NOTE: posting many threads on MESO-Rx Forum just for the sake of posting may be penalized. Be sure and take the time to post well-thought out questions and/or experiences and information to could be of value to others).

The last questions you should ask are the ones about source acquisition.

If your first questions are about source acquisition, maybe you need to reevaluate your approach to AAS/PED use.

Those who fail to take the time to learn about everything associated with AAS use tend to have worse outcomes.

MESO-Rx is about assessing and minimizing risks.

If you are interested in this goal, we can definitely help you.
Read and noted.
Been a lurker on this forum for quite some time but I find myself wanting to post and provide some insights and personal experiences as well. There’s a fountain of information here to be learned for everyone interested in AAS. Safety over everything!
Source related discussion is not permitted outside the Steroid Underground subforum.

If you have not earned posting privileges in this subforum, it does NOT give you permission to spam any of the other 24 subforums with source-related inquiries.

I thought this went without saying but apparently not... :rolleyes:
Well put, this is only the 2nd forum that I have ever associated with and find that this is the real deal, top notch.
Thanks for all the information and being upfront, telling it how it is in the real world of Ped's. Thanks again..Rob