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I’m a 43 yo male that started TRT with my provider. I’m only on week 3 of twice a week injections. I am pinning 60mg (0.30ml) of test-c on Sunday night and Thursday morning, making my weekly dose 120mg (0.60ml)

But before the test-c…

Last year this time I was about 280lbs. I started working out in the summer of 2023, and kept getting injured. I asked my Dr for some help, he prescribed me Mounjaro, I was denied by my insurance. So I found an online clinic and I was prescribed Tirzepatide compounded with BPC-157… I never heard of BPC-157, so I decided to do some digging while my script was getting shipped… and that is when I jumped in the rabbit hole…

Long story short… I dove right in and learned a lot about peptides, got rid of my online clinic, found better sources, researched BPC, TB, CJC, Tesa and Ipam… all that was great… but then I decided test was next since already knew I was low T for many years… and the baby factory was closed forever.

So now I am here to learn more about AAS, HGH and everything this forum has to offer.

Today I’m 218-222lbs… depending on the time of day… my goal is to be 200-205lbs, lean and hard like steel. I just want to be healthy and vibrant for my boys… plus I love the gym now. It’s a lot of fun and the gains are rewarding
Hi there
I am new to this community
I have been training since I was young then hit the early 20's let go of myself and wound up at 120kg. Mid 20s I did a full bro science cycle with limited knowledge of adequate use and did the typical test dbol cycle. Got great results trained well for another year then the ball and chain tied me down(weak I know) I got back into training a few years later and shredded right down to 88kg. I'm currently into my second cycle since hitting that weight and sitting at a healthy 94kg. My goals are to bulk up to the high 90s and then during an off cycle shred and repeat. Weights on cycle, calastetics off cycle. My knowledge has greatly grown since I was young and I take harm reduction a lot more serious now taking the minimum I need not the most my bro can get into me. Thanks for allowing me onto your board I see there is alot of information present.
Hi guys not new to the forum been using it for information for years, thanks to all the mods for keeping this site running!
Hi guys, new account here but not new to MESO. I have been using anabolics for 5 years, currently 90kg at about 12% body fat and I’m 6 foot. I have competed once before in men’s physique and came second. I wish I came across this forum before my first cycle, did the typical 500mg test for 12 weeks and dbol for 4 weeks (the back pumps made me tear up a few times)!Currently if I ‘blast I’ll do something like 300 test 200 mast/primobolan and that’s the highest I find that I need also doesn’t affect my bloods much at all, I usually stay on trt 7-8 months of the year (125mg test) and this suits my long term goals. I’ve done heavier cycles in the past usually from advice from the older guys in my gym but recommended everyone to read up on here about moderate usage and to get blood work done. Thanks for having me :) look forward to posting more on here!
Hey not a new account but first time posting. Done a few cycles and doing self prescribed trt until I have better access to medical car in a few months. I am trying to be very health conscious as I have UC and am on Biologics so I won’t be doing any crazy cycles just yearly small blasts and trt.
Returning member. Lost access to my old email. I love all the harm reduction tract is the site has in place. I’ve got tons of post myself on my old account responding to people asking for sources explaining they need to do the work so I get it.
I have been a lurking member of this forum for five months. Peptides are changing my life for the better! I guess the site is making it harder for people to cause harm. Down 21 lbs from the start of the year. Hopeful that I can enter my 50's with a better body than I had in my late 20's.
This forum is awesome. Been here for about two years now. Lots of old school guys in here that will give you a hard time but the knowledge is incredibly valuable if you can take a joke every now and again.