Forum Etiquette ⚡Welcome to the MESO-Rx Forum. New Members ⭐️PLEASE READ⭐️

I find it extremely interesting that a steroid forum is so focused on harm reduction! I wish this was the case for many other communities. Thank you for maintaining this constantly growing library of high quality information.
What’s up y’all? My name is Hunter Gombac and I live in Dallas, TX. I’ve been lifting for about 10 years pretty on and off. I’m just here for a good community and stead stream of good information. Happy to get involved with everyone!
Welcome to the MESO-Rx Forum community! I want to take the opportunity to offer a brief overview of the MESO Forum.

The MESO-Rx Forum is comprised of 25 subforums. The subforums cover a wide variety of topics related to the world of anabolic steroids, performance, and performance-enhancing drugs with an emphasis on minimizing the associated harm and risk.

Each subforum has a different focus. For example:

The "Steroid Forum" subforum emphasizes the use of anabolic steroids to increase muscle size, strength and performance;

The "Human Growth Hormone and Peptides" subforum deals with peptide hormones for similar purposes;

The "Steroid Post Cycle Therapy and ASIH Treatment" subforum pays specific attention to minimizing and managing side effects associated with the use of AAS;

The "Steroid Lab Testing" subforum facilitates the share of anayltical reports to help users determine quality and safety of different PED products;

The "Steroid Legal Forum" subforum discusses the legal issues related to PEDs across different jurisdictions;

The "Steroid Underground" subforum seeks to help members minimize harm and risk associated with acquisition and use of black market products.

New Members can read all 25 subforums.

New Members can post and participate in 24 of the 25 subforums immediately upon successful completion of the registration.

The one subforum where New Members must meet minimum requirements in order to gain posting privileges is the "Steroid Underground" subforum. The discussion of source-related issues is prohibited outside of the the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

The reason for this restriction is that many New Members are too eager to rush to the Steroid Underground to engage in one of two behaviors:

(1) praise/promote a source;
(2) ask for a reliable source

Many New Members regrettably disregard or fail to recognize the potential negative consequences of such behaviors.

First of all, MESO-Rx is not a source board that exists to connect you with a source. MESO-Rx is a harm reduction forum for AAS. The MESO community values harm reduction first and foremost.

MESO-Rx seeks to discourage New Members who seem intent on pursuing loyalty to the source over loyalty to the harm reduction community.

Instead, MESO-Rx encourages New Members to show commitment to the shared community goals.

This means: DO NOT engage in the aforementioned behaviors as your first interaction with the community. This is rude and disrespectful of a community devoted to harm reduction. Furthermore, it places New Members at risk of being exploited by opportunistic sources who seize upon the impulsiveness and naivete of new AAS users.

Learn proper forum etiquette.

First, this begins by introducing yourself to the community with a thread in the New Member Introduction subforum. Tell us about yourself, your goals, your experiences, your expectations, etc. Use this subforum for your initial interactions with other members of the community.

Next, you should have many questions about AAS/PED use. Educate yourself by reading and posting your questions/experiences/feedback in one of the 24 relevant subforums. This should be done before you even consider participating in the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

Shortly after doing this, most New Members will quickly gain full access to the MESO Forums.

If you still don't have full access to all the features of the MESO, there is a simple solution: just continue reading, learning, asking, sharing, and posting. (NOTE: posting many threads on MESO-Rx Forum just for the sake of posting may be penalized. Be sure and take the time to post well-thought out questions and/or experiences and information to could be of value to others).

The last questions you should ask are the ones about source acquisition.

If your first questions are about source acquisition, maybe you need to reevaluate your approach to AAS/PED use.

Those who fail to take the time to learn about everything associated with AAS use tend to have worse outcomes.

MESO-Rx is about assessing and minimizing risks.

If you are interested in this goal, we can definitely help you.
Thank you!
Was a long time lurker here and recently decided to start getting active in the community, unfortunately I think I came on a little too strong in a source thread about a recent order of mine. Any new members who see this learn from my mistakes lol. Lost my posting privileges but the day goes on
I've been lurking for a while trying to soak in as much info as I can. Mostly interested in peptides for better health. Looking forward to continued learning.
Hey, I'd like to ask if there is some time window and how long it is between the first introduction and getting all the permissions.
Good day . I would like to introduce myself

I am 25 years old and new here and have been on iron for 11 years now and 5 years supported.
I am 1.78 tall and weigh 96kg with a lower single digit body fat percentage.

In 2024 I would like to compete in my first competitions, Classic physique or mens physique.
Welcome to the MESO-Rx Forum community! I want to take the opportunity to offer a brief overview of the MESO Forum.

The MESO-Rx Forum is comprised of 25 subforums. The subforums cover a wide variety of topics related to the world of anabolic steroids, performance, and performance-enhancing drugs with an emphasis on minimizing the associated harm and risk.

Each subforum has a different focus. For example:

The "Steroid Forum" subforum emphasizes the use of anabolic steroids to increase muscle size, strength and performance;

The "Human Growth Hormone and Peptides" subforum deals with peptide hormones for similar purposes;

The "Steroid Post Cycle Therapy and ASIH Treatment" subforum pays specific attention to minimizing and managing side effects associated with the use of AAS;

The "Steroid Lab Testing" subforum facilitates the share of anayltical reports to help users determine quality and safety of different PED products;

The "Steroid Legal Forum" subforum discusses the legal issues related to PEDs across different jurisdictions;

The "Steroid Underground" subforum seeks to help members minimize harm and risk associated with acquisition and use of black market products.

New Members can read all 25 subforums.

New Members can post and participate in 24 of the 25 subforums immediately upon successful completion of the registration.

The one subforum where New Members must meet minimum requirements in order to gain posting privileges is the "Steroid Underground" subforum. The discussion of source-related issues is prohibited outside of the the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

The reason for this restriction is that many New Members are too eager to rush to the Steroid Underground to engage in one of two behaviors:

(1) praise/promote a source;
(2) ask for a reliable source

Many New Members regrettably disregard or fail to recognize the potential negative consequences of such behaviors.

First of all, MESO-Rx is not a source board that exists to connect you with a source. MESO-Rx is a harm reduction forum for AAS. The MESO community values harm reduction first and foremost.

MESO-Rx seeks to discourage New Members who seem intent on pursuing loyalty to the source over loyalty to the harm reduction community.

Instead, MESO-Rx encourages New Members to show commitment to the shared community goals.

This means: DO NOT engage in the aforementioned behaviors as your first interaction with the community. This is rude and disrespectful of a community devoted to harm reduction. Furthermore, it places New Members at risk of being exploited by opportunistic sources who seize upon the impulsiveness and naivete of new AAS users.

Learn proper forum etiquette.

First, this begins by introducing yourself to the community with a thread in the New Member Introduction subforum. Tell us about yourself, your goals, your experiences, your expectations, etc. Use this subforum for your initial interactions with other members of the community.

Next, you should have many questions about AAS/PED use. Educate yourself by reading and posting your questions/experiences/feedback in one of the 24 relevant subforums. This should be done before you even consider participating in the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

Shortly after doing this, most New Members will quickly gain full access to the MESO Forums.

If you still don't have full access to all the features of the MESO, there is a simple solution: just continue reading, learning, asking, sharing, and posting. (NOTE: posting many threads on MESO-Rx Forum just for the sake of posting may be penalized. Be sure and take the time to post well-thought out questions and/or experiences and information to could be of value to others).

The last questions you should ask are the ones about source acquisition.

If your first questions are about source acquisition, maybe you need to reevaluate your approach to AAS/PED use.

Those who fail to take the time to learn about everything associated with AAS use tend to have worse outcomes.

MESO-Rx is about assessing and minimizing risks.

If you are interested in this goal, we can definitely help you.
Welcome to the MESO-Rx Forum community! I want to take the opportunity to offer a brief overview of the MESO Forum.

The MESO-Rx Forum is comprised of 25 subforums. The subforums cover a wide variety of topics related to the world of anabolic steroids, performance, and performance-enhancing drugs with an emphasis on minimizing the associated harm and risk.

Each subforum has a different focus. For example:

The "Steroid Forum" subforum emphasizes the use of anabolic steroids to increase muscle size, strength and performance;

The "Human Growth Hormone and Peptides" subforum deals with peptide hormones for similar purposes;

The "Steroid Post Cycle Therapy and ASIH Treatment" subforum pays specific attention to minimizing and managing side effects associated with the use of AAS;

The "Steroid Lab Testing" subforum facilitates the share of anayltical reports to help users determine quality and safety of different PED products;

The "Steroid Legal Forum" subforum discusses the legal issues related to PEDs across different jurisdictions;

The "Steroid Underground" subforum seeks to help members minimize harm and risk associated with acquisition and use of black market products.

New Members can read all 25 subforums.

New Members can post and participate in 24 of the 25 subforums immediately upon successful completion of the registration.

The one subforum where New Members must meet minimum requirements in order to gain posting privileges is the "Steroid Underground" subforum. The discussion of source-related issues is prohibited outside of the the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

The reason for this restriction is that many New Members are too eager to rush to the Steroid Underground to engage in one of two behaviors:

(1) praise/promote a source;
(2) ask for a reliable source

Many New Members regrettably disregard or fail to recognize the potential negative consequences of such behaviors.

First of all, MESO-Rx is not a source board that exists to connect you with a source. MESO-Rx is a harm reduction forum for AAS. The MESO community values harm reduction first and foremost.

MESO-Rx seeks to discourage New Members who seem intent on pursuing loyalty to the source over loyalty to the harm reduction community.

Instead, MESO-Rx encourages New Members to show commitment to the shared community goals.

This means: DO NOT engage in the aforementioned behaviors as your first interaction with the community. This is rude and disrespectful of a community devoted to harm reduction. Furthermore, it places New Members at risk of being exploited by opportunistic sources who seize upon the impulsiveness and naivete of new AAS users.

Learn proper forum etiquette.

First, this begins by introducing yourself to the community with a thread in the New Member Introduction subforum. Tell us about yourself, your goals, your experiences, your expectations, etc. Use this subforum for your initial interactions with other members of the community.

Next, you should have many questions about AAS/PED use. Educate yourself by reading and posting your questions/experiences/feedback in one of the 24 relevant subforums. This should be done before you even consider participating in the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

Shortly after doing this, most New Members will quickly gain full access to the MESO Forums.

If you still don't have full access to all the features of the MESO, there is a simple solution: just continue reading, learning, asking, sharing, and posting. (NOTE: posting many threads on MESO-Rx Forum just for the sake of posting may be penalized. Be sure and take the time to post well-thought out questions and/or experiences and information to could be of value to others).

The last questions you should ask are the ones about source acquisition.

If your first questions are about source acquisition, maybe you need to reevaluate your approach to AAS/PED use.

Those who fail to take the time to learn about everything associated with AAS use tend to have worse outcomes.

MESO-Rx is about assessing and minimizing risks.

If you are interested in this goal, we can definitely help you.
is there a private chat option?
I've been lurking for a while and finally decided to create an account. Happy to be here. I've been lifting for years but it's not something my friends have ever been interested in. I look forward to joining this community.