Highest Effective Mast Dose


New Member
What's the highest dose of masteron y'all ran? Is it effective to build muscle at higher doses, or is its main purpose to control estrogen and produce DHT effects at a moderate to low dose? What test to mast ratio works best for y'all? Does that ratio hold true at higher doses for heavy aromatizers?
All AAS have an asymptotic curve for beneficial effect and a similar but nearly inverted curve for side effects, for many compounds this will eventually lead to the LD50 dosing.


Don't fuck around and find out what the LD50 is for you:


What test to mast ratio works best for y'all?
I like 1:3 Test:Mast personally
I've run 1:1 to 1:3 (maybe 1:4, I'd have to go look) and all I noticed was the vials emptied faster.

IMO Mast is a good hardener and a fantastic anti-depressant but not really a muscle-builder.
interesting graph thx
All AAS have an asymptotic curve for beneficial effect and a similar but nearly inverted curve for side effects, for many compounds this will eventually lead to the LD50 dosing.

View attachment 257986

Don't fuck around and find out what the LD50 is for you:


I like 1:3 Test:Mast personally
what's the highest mast dose youve run?
HUGE improvement in mood and sense of well-being. Just vibing all the time, and nothing phases me.

The second part of your question I have to break out. Libido was only slightly elevated, but my normal baseline is HORNY, full stop.

It's hard to get hornier than I already am, so running mast increases it slightly, but I get pervier when I'm on it, if that makes more sense. Less vanilla, more far out needs, not to overshare.
How long and how is going for you?
It's going. I feel like my hair might be taking a mild hit. Shall see if it grows back. Definitely have alot of oil production...

Otherwise I feel fine. Feel normal, no anger issues. Good gains. I just have sleep apnea now from size increase .(happened last blast)
HUGE improvement in mood and sense of well-being. Just vibing all the time, and nothing phases me.

The second part of your question I have to break out. Libido was only slightly elevated, but my normal baseline is HORNY, full stop.

It's hard to get hornier than I already am, so running mast increases it slightly, but I get pervier when I'm on it, if that makes more sense. Less vanilla, more far out needs, not to overshare.
how did your hairline hold up?
Been well over a gram a week before. Utterly pointless.
yeah thats what I figured if it isn't a potent muscle builder, a gram per week seems excessive to reap its effects. But, I guess u can argue a gram per week of any roid is excessive, except maybe test