Horrible respiratory infection going on 9 days


New Member
First time getting ill on cycle. Usually I recover very quickly from illness. I am on GA primo and test.

This is the worst cold ive ever had. Insane amounts of mucus. Could it be related to taking gear?

Sore throat, cough, chills, weakness.

Whats the protocol for this while your on cycle?

Thank you
It sounds like an upper respiratory infection. Could very well be Covid, or any other viral/bacterial infections. It wouldn't be a bad idea to go to a local Urgent Care Clinic and get a chest x ray (rule out pneumonia) and a respiratory panel performed. Unlikely related to gear.
If it has been that long already I would have self treated with antibiotics like augmentin. You would be able to tell by the next day if it's working or not. If it's viral all you can do is wait it out. I don't think antivirals would do anything at that point.
If it has been that long already I would have self treated with antibiotics like augmentin. You would be able to tell by the next day if it's working or not. If it's viral all you can do is wait it out. I don't think antivirals would do anything at that point.
Yeah honestly past a certain point I’d just take a course of antibiotics. I wouldn’t recommend to others just to avoid unnecessary exposure but it’s easier to just pop them and call it a day
Not runnjng dhb.

I suspected covid last week went to urgent care. They did a bunch of instant tests all came back negative. They sent a culture out and a few days ago it cane back as "slight strep bacteria". Started antibiotics this morning.

Do i keep pinning? Havent lifted in 9 days. Cycle was just peaking
Yeah honestly past a certain point I’d just take a course of antibiotics. I wouldn’t recommend to others just to avoid unnecessary exposure but it’s easier to just pop them and call it a day
Good point. If self medication with antibiotics is overdone, eventually one will run out of antibiotics that will work, then a normal infection can turn into a godzilla infection that puts you in the hospital.
Not runnjng dhb.

I suspected covid last week went to urgent care. They did a bunch of instant tests all came back negative. They sent a culture out and a few days ago it cane back as "slight strep bacteria". Started antibiotics this morning.

Do i keep pinning? Havent lifted in 9 days. Cycle was just peaking
If it were me, I would just pin the minimum amount of test needed to keep total test in normal range until I was over the illness and/or back to normal lifting routine.
Moral of the story: don't trust rapid tests, i would have ran the antibiotics a week ago and been long done with this infection
Would that give the immune system a better chance?
I'm not sure about that. My reasoning is if you go with your normal doses, it is just a waste as you can't work out.

I only suggest to take any test at all so that your total test does not crash while you are sick.
Not runnjng dhb.

I suspected covid last week went to urgent care. They did a bunch of instant tests all came back negative. They sent a culture out and a few days ago it cane back as "slight strep bacteria". Started antibiotics this morning.

Do i keep pinning? Havent lifted in 9 days. Cycle was just peaking
I would keep pinning, yes. You should be recovered in a week or so if you’re on the antibiotics now. That’s 2 weeks out of 16-20 I would imagine? Which is potentially only 1/10th of your cycle so I would keep it going