How do I kill the worm eating my brain?

So all this "worm" talk has had me researching this topic even further over the last several weeks. Apparently, millions of people all over the world do "de-worm" once or twice per year, including people in Japan who regularly eat raw fish. Being a sushi lover here in the US, I wonder why I would not also need to de-worm and benefit from the practice?

Ivermectin for humans is much more difficult to get that I thought it would be, especially with all the previous COVID hype (or maybe BECAUSE of it). However, veterinary Ivermectin is EASY and CHEAP (see photo). I've taken veterinary steroids before, a family member all but cured their Stage 4 cancer using dog dewormer, many of us use UGL labs for AAS. So the question is...

To use or not to use Horse Health Ivermectin paste? Most issues I've read with it relate to overdose but there is a dial that allows for easy dosing. Any experiences here?

No way when pharma ivermectin is readily available from PCT24x7 and PCTZONE for pennys. A good med to add to the emergency stash too.

I stocked up on ivermectin early covid. Never touched it but now reconsidering.
So all this "worm" talk has had me researching this topic even further over the last several weeks. Apparently, millions of people all over the world do "de-worm" once or twice per year, including people in Japan who regularly eat raw fish. Being a sushi lover here in the US, I wonder why I would not also need to de-worm and benefit from the practice?

Ivermectin for humans is much more difficult to get that I thought it would be, especially with all the previous COVID hype (or maybe BECAUSE of it). However, veterinary Ivermectin is EASY and CHEAP (see photo). I've taken veterinary steroids before, a family member all but cured their Stage 4 cancer using dog dewormer, many of us use UGL labs for AAS. So the question is...

To use or not to use Horse Health Ivermectin paste? Most issues I've read with it relate to overdose but there is a dial that allows for easy dosing. Any experiences here?
my brother swears by this stuff. any time someone in his family gets sick, they take it for a few days and they're reportedly all fine. after reading this thread, I might get some as well (pill based probably).
It's just nature. I don't know if this will help but I know a few people who cured their cancer with it!

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Wait, you actually know, as in personally?

Id come across mention of this in my Facebook travels but had always put it down to kooks making baseless claims as it was always knew someone who knew someone type of deal.

I'd love to see/hear some 1st hand accounts about this if you can point me in the right direction.
He does say some of the right things. If you are on the right, be aware aside from two or three issues including the vaccine RFK is still far left. He endorsed Bernie Sanders and wants to take guns away.
He is hardly far left.... He is the closest thing anyone has seen to a centrist in decades! That by its very definition means if you identify with the propaganda of the right or the left, you going to sacrifice on some points regardless.

But look at the path US politics has gone down! A centrists is very likely what everyone needs and reset this madness! By keeping everyone fighting amongst themselves, they can slowly seesaw erode everyone's rights!
I know a lady whose husband died of a random fungus he got in the desert. Breathed it in and it ate up his brain. Perfectly healthy guy and he got exposed to it on a small family trip. Died within a few weeks of getting back.

Believe it’s called Valley Fever. This was an extreme case but it’s pretty crazy how much of nature is ready to destroy our shit, and it’s usually the microscopic stuff that we need to worry about most.

Go look into Prions if you want something to be paranoid about. The roots of mad cow disease and that family of illness are terrifying. All you have to do is take one bite of contaminated food and then you lose your ability to sleep and stay awake until you die. Or you end up like the cows and start scratching yourself until the meat is falling out of your skin. Forgot the other kinds of things it can do to you but it’s essentially the closest thing to a zombie virus we know of.
Family friend when I was a kid had the human form of mad cow (Think it is called CJC or something). It hadn't been identified and he had brain surgery. All the instruments are meant to be destroyed after as autoclave doesn't kill it, surgery staff are supposed to have closed air PPE and and heap of safety measures in place.

They sent a sample off for testing post surgery and it came back as being positive. Surgeon said to him all the staff will now likely have it after the exposure and they had no idea where his instrument's where in the system.

I never had a lot to do with him but dad said years later it was pretty grim watching him go down hill.
I was being lighthearted about this but seriously, I didn't know until I looked into it that most of the world deworms twice a year, and it's only not a thing in the 1st world until you show symptoms because overuse, like antibiotics, could cause "superworms" to develop.

Considering this can go on for a lifetime undetected, I'm less concerned with the communal effects of overuse and more with my health. I also travel extensively, and was never advised to do this despite spending lots of time in Asia.

Just wondering if anyone had any experience with the process. Seems simple, a single dose of weight determined Ivermectin is the standard.
Now that you bring this up, I remember my parents giving us dewormer a few times as a kid but we lived of farms so I guess I always assumed it was a farm thing.

No idea what they used.

Grandfather used to own a piggery and every morning on his way to work he would stop by the shed he had all the medicines in and dip his finger into a big container of some shit they gave the pigs to keep them healthy and swore he never got sick because of it.
He'd still have all of his brain if only he dewormed.

No, seriously. This was just reported today.

A fcking worm ate his brain.

Most of the world is encouraged to deworm at least once a year:

We deworm our pet ffs. No one ever told me I should be deworming myself.

All it takes is an undercooked piece of fish or a fast food worker not washing his hands after taking a dump!

I'm adding Ivermectin to my Indian pharma order. Will that kill it?

What the hell is going on? When did I have to start worrying about brain eating worms?

I feel like I've slipped into an alternate universe.

He sought treatment and said in the deposition two years later that a doctor told him the issues could be "caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died".
Worms do not eat brain tissue, experts say, but the idea is a non-medical or layman's understanding of what parasites might do if they enter the central nervous system.

Dr Philip Budge, an associate professor of infectious diseases at the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, said that parasite larvae can migrate to the brain and create cysts, in a condition known as neurocysticercosis.
"The cysts don't absorb any brain tissue, they simply create a space for the parasite to live," potentially pushing aside small parts of the brain, Dr Budge said.
"The cysts can occur in many places in the body. They usually don't cause any trouble unless they are in the brain," he said.
And the effects of brain parasites depend on where they end up: "It's like real estate: it's all about location location location."
He'd still have all of his brain if only he dewormed.

No, seriously. This was just reported today.

A fcking worm ate his brain.

Most of the world is encouraged to deworm at least once a year:

We deworm our pet ffs. No one ever told me I should be deworming myself.

All it takes is an undercooked piece of fish or a fast food worker not washing his hands after taking a dump!

I'm adding Ivermectin to my Indian pharma order. Will that kill it?

What the hell is going on? When did I have to start worrying about brain eating worms?

I feel like I've slipped into an alternate universe.

Fake news, i.e. a mega misdiagnosis?
Interesting to see this topic pop up here

This is something I’ve been looking into for the past 6 or so months as I’ve started finding studies from Cairo, Egypt that prove that parasites are often either cancerous themselves, or are straight up mistaken for cancer because cancer cells have a parasitic relation to the body, doctors kind of disregard that a parasitic drain on your body may even be a parasite or parasites themselves.

It seems like the knowledge of this is becoming more mainstream which is very interesting and cool to see, because I think there’s a LOT that big pharma deliberately hides to protect their cancer treatment profits,
He is hardly far left.... He is the closest thing anyone has seen to a centrist in decades! That by its very definition means if you identify with the propaganda of the right or the left, you going to sacrifice on some points regardless.

But look at the path US politics has gone down! A centrists is very likely what everyone needs and reset this madness! By keeping everyone fighting amongst themselves, they can slowly seesaw erode everyone's rights!
You can’t endorse a communist and be a centrist. You can’t pick a far left running mate if you’re a centrist. You can’t double down on the new green deal and be a centrist. You can’t support killing a baby up until the moment of birth and be a centrist.

Shall I continue?
Wait, you actually know, as in personally?

Id come across mention of this in my Facebook travels but had always put it down to kooks making baseless claims as it was always knew someone who knew someone type of deal.

I'd love to see/hear some 1st hand accounts about this if you can point me in the right direction.
Yes. Cancer is never actually "cured" as in "gone forever and never coming back" especially once it reaches advanced stages. However, this person was Stage 4 lung cancer that had spread from the lung to the adrenals to the neck and several bones including the femur. Aggresive form. Doctor wouldnt put a timeline on it but 6 months looked unlikely. Chemo almost killed them so they had to quit that. About that time, they learned of Joe Tippens and his fenbendazole (Panacur dog dewormer) protocol (you can google it). They started the protocol in addition to some immunotherapy. Long story short - the next 3 month pet scan showed all tumors decreased in size. Three months after that - the PET scan showed NO DETECTABLE CANCER.

Believe me - I'm not a "I found a guy on Youtube that cured cancer" kind of guy. But this story is real. I was there. There is something to all this.
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Yes. Cancer is never actually "cured" as in "gone forever and never coming back" especially once it reaches advanced stages. However, this person was Stage 4 lung cancer that had spread from the lung to the adrenals to the neck and several bones including the femur. Aggresive form. Doctor wouldnt put a timeline on it but 6 months looked unlikely. Chemo almost killed them so they had to quit that. About that time, they learned of Joe Tippens and his fenbendazole (Panacur dog dewormer) protocol (you can google it). They started the protocol in addition to some immunotherapy. Long story short - the next 3 month pet scan showed all tumors decreased in size. Three months after that - the PET scan showed NO DETECTABLE CANCER.

Believe me - I'm not a "I found a guy on Youtube that cured cancer" kind of guy. But this story is real. I was there. There is something to all this.
Thank you for that! You are the 1st person I've managed to talk to that's had 1st hand reports on it. I understand its anecdotal... But there is enough stories getting around about it that its worth looking into further.

Will be doing some more research on this for sure!
Yes. Cancer is never actually "cured" as in "gone forever and never coming back" especially once it reaches advanced stages. However, this person was Stage 4 lung cancer that had spread from the lung to the adrenals to the neck and several bones including the femur. Aggresive form. Doctor wouldnt put a timeline on it but 6 months looked unlikely. Chemo almost killed them so they had to quit that. About that time, they learned of Joe Tippens and his fenbendazole (Panacur dog dewormer) protocol (you can google it). They started the protocol in addition to some immunotherapy. Long story short - the next 3 month pet scan showed all tumors decreased in size. Three months after that - the PET scan showed NO DETECTABLE CANCER.

Believe me - I'm not a "I found a guy on Youtube that cured cancer" kind of guy. But this story is real. I was there. There is something to all this.

So you know for a fact that it wasn't the immunotherapy. It was the dog meds
Said it before and I'll say it again, I shit a worm after my first round of Ivermectin. Fucking thing was swimming around in the bowl, it was the most rachet experience of my life. When your pealed, don't drink or do drugs, got your macros on point.. Feeling good ya know... Then all of a sudden hunger hunger catapillar crawls out of your ass, its shakes a guy.

Just ordered second cycle from ACE, they have a product line called IverCan... Wasn't expensive, the whole house gets a course, babies too.