How do You feel between cycles?


New Member
Hey brothers, I just started my first cycle of test, bold and wondered if my motivation and drive in the gym will suffer during and after pct. How do you guys feel between cycles?
Hey brothers, I just started my first cycle of test, bold and wondered if my motivation and drive in the gym will suffer during and after pct. How do you guys feel between cycles?

Your motivation and drive is all on you. Youll lose a little size and some strength, but personally im more motivated to try to keep my lifts up.
It can be depressing when you start to lose size, strength and the superior feeling you get from aas. How you handle it is up to you. You can either stick to your "plan" of "responsible" aas use or abandon it and just start running what will turn into one continuous cycle which will present its own problems, many irreversible, further down the road. The choice is yours. Choose wisely. Good luck!
I just figured that introducing elements like Nolva and Clomid while simultaneously stopping aas use could be a shock to the system. Especially considering I have no idea yet how my body will react to those meds. I'm taking Hcg now to smooth out the transition and have done my homework but I've heard some nasty things about Clomid. How did you guys react to pct meds?
My feels in one pic-

I'm on trt so can't speak to that. But I can say that motivation suffers even going back to trt dose. I keep pounding though and I find I adjust in time. But the loss of high hormone level is definitely noticeable no matter what you do.
My last cycle (was my 1st) took the sust about 3 weeks to clear . then I will say I lost motivation. I was an idiot by not having my pct ready. So I waited 2 weeks for my friend to get it for me. I stopped going to the gym. For about two weeks. It sucks. I can imagine it would have been better if I did what people said have pct ready way before you need it. Its been about 4 mnts off. And I'm not going to lie im just feeling like my self again.
Clomid will make you a little emo. Just dont watch any sad movies around people
My last cycle (was my 1st) took the sust about 3 weeks to clear . then I will say I lost motivation. I was an idiot by not having my pct ready. So I waited 2 weeks for my friend to get it for me. I stopped going to the gym. For about two weeks. It sucks. I can imagine it would have been better if I did what people said have pct ready way before you need it. Its been about 4 mnts off. And I'm not going to lie im just feeling like my self again.
Did you even keep any of your gains?
Did you even keep any of your gains?

Yes. You gotta eat right (keep your cals up) and stay motivated and intense at the gym. Hopefully you have pictures. Its easy to say youre loosing with no perspective.
So if you started at 200 and gained 25 lbs and lose 5 during pct then you didnt lose 5 lbs, you gained 20...get it?
Sorry Jay, not sure how your post got in with my response to kemist. He didn't do pct correctly so I was wondering if he kept anything at all
Some was water anyway. You kept 5 out of 13. That's not bad for 1 cycle. IMO
Yea lol I guess . I just want my mistakes to not be some one else's. So I put them out there. I was just mad at my self because I was paying gym price for gear. And a few of u know how expensive that is . lol
My last cycle (was my 1st) took the sust about 3 weeks to clear . then I will say I lost motivation. I was an idiot by not having my pct ready. So I waited 2 weeks for my friend to get it for me. I stopped going to the gym. For about two weeks. It sucks. I can imagine it would have been better if I did what people said have pct ready way before you need it. Its been about 4 mnts off. And I'm not going to lie im just feeling like my self again.
^^^^This right here!!
Dedication always trumps motivation. I may go long periods not feeling particularly motivated, but I'm always dedicated... Even in the down times it's a "necessary job" that only sucks for an hour or so. If you don't do it you're compromising your integrity.
Couldn't say it better. Even if I'm going light at least I'm still doing it. And usually once I get going things pick up. I may say "fuck it" to something else, but I always do my workouts. Always feel good after too.