How do You feel between cycles?

Dedication always trumps motivation. I may go long periods not feeling particularly motivated, but I'm always dedicated... Even in the down times it's a "necessary job" that only sucks for an hour or so. If you don't do it you're compromising your integrity.
Well said, but hormones are the control center for a man. You start fucking with hormones and you'll find that some of these factors/side effects become unavoidable. Dedication itself cannot take away depression, anxiety, and lethargy from a low testosterone level, but yea it can help get you through the storm. But sometimes the storm don't end, then you need a Doc
Some was water anyway. You kept 5 out of 13. That's not bad for 1 cycle. IMO
I am certainly aiming much higher than "only keeping 5 pounds". If I only kept 5 of what I gain, the monetary and physical cost wouldn't be worth it. That's why pct is so important. If he had done his pct correctly, he'd have kept more, I think that's what xy5 is saying he did wrong.
Dedication always trumps motivation. I may go long periods not feeling particularly motivated, but I'm always dedicated... Even in the down times it's a "necessary job" that only sucks for an hour or so. If you don't do it you're compromising your integrity.
I've been hitting the weights a very long time and I don't skip days no matter how I feel because it just makes me feel guilty. Skipping can turn into more skipping and it's like a snowball rolling downhill. Besides, this is literally my only stress reliever and hobby. I would also never damage my body to the point where I no longer have natural test production so would never ever just cruise. I will cycle every now and then, but I will do it responsibly. There was a time when I treated my body like a playground. I used to be a heroin addict and am part of a small percentage of people able to beat it. I've always said that if I can do that, I can accomplish anything and many miracles have happened since getting clean. I'm blessed to be in a position financially where I can spend on aas and pct. Hell blessed to still be alive! Thanks for all the input brothers
I've been hitting the weights a very long time and I don't skip days no matter how I feel because it just makes me feel guilty. Skipping can turn into more skipping and it's like a snowball rolling downhill. Besides, this is literally my only stress reliever and hobby. I would also never damage my body to the point where I no longer have natural test production so would never ever just cruise. I will cycle every now and then, but I will do it responsibly. There was a time when I treated my body like a playground. I used to be a heroin addict and am part of a small percentage of people able to beat it. I've always said that if I can do that, I can accomplish anything and many miracles have happened since getting clean. I'm blessed to be in a position financially where I can spend on aas and pct. Hell blessed to still be alive! Thanks for all the input brothers

Yep. There's a lot of us man. I used/sold/cooked meth continuously (unless I was locked up) for 17 years... Literally almost died, and if I fuck up one more time (never gonna happen;)) they'd start me at 25 years... I HAD to quit, and my wife and hard training and healthy diet, are the only thing that brought me back to happiness. Like you said, it's my only hobby too, damn good thing it's a gift that keeps on giving. I get the guilt too (healthy guilt) even when my wife and I are on a cruise ship, we hit the gym hard, and earn that nice feeling.
You guys put a lot of great info out there, so m curious. I'm still new at AAS and I've had some really bad "mentors" to start, gave me a lot of bad info, and I made several mistakes. I'm getting a better handle on everything but still always trying to expand my knowledge base, I always feel EXTREMELY fatigued after 4-5 of pct. Typical pct for me is 4-5 weeks of nolva / clomid. Is there anything I could do or not do on or off cycle to help smooth this out? I haven't ran any cycle support while on cycle, thinking that may help? Plus I'm gyno sensitive. So any tips would be appreciated! I'm should be starting my next (and largest to date) bulk cycle at the first of the year( 12 week pct) so I want to get everything straight by then. Thanks again.
I am certainly aiming much higher than "only keeping 5 pounds". If I only kept 5 of what I gain, the monetary and physical cost wouldn't be worth it. That's why pct is so important. If he had done his pct correctly, he'd have kept more, I think that's what xy5 is saying he did wrong.

He did do his pct correctly, he just didn't have it until he waited for the sust to clear. You can keep more than 5lbs from a cycle but it won't be more than 5lbs of muscle in most cases
He did do his pct correctly, he just didn't have it until he waited for the sust to clear. You can keep more than 5lbs from a cycle but it won't be more than 5lbs of muscle in most cases
What if it's your first cycle. I'm running test/bold and I've heard of some pretty crazy gains on the first test cycle. I'm running test e at 500/wk and bold at 400/wk. I actually put on about 7 pounds within the first week and a half of test(probably all water) but my body responded fairly quickly to it. I'm on week 3 and already see visual difference in physique. I 've always gained muscle fairly easily when my diet is tuned and my intensity is up. Do you guys remember how much you gained and how much of that you kept for your first?
You guys put a lot of great info out there, so m curious. I'm still new at AAS and I've had some really bad "mentors" to start, gave me a lot of bad info, and I made several mistakes. I'm getting a better handle on everything but still always trying to expand my knowledge base, I always feel EXTREMELY fatigued after 4-5 of pct. Typical pct for me is 4-5 weeks of nolva / clomid. Is there anything I could do or not do on or off cycle to help smooth this out? I haven't ran any cycle support while on cycle, thinking that may help? Plus I'm gyno sensitive. So any tips would be appreciated! I'm should be starting my next (and largest to date) bulk cycle at the first of the year( 12 week pct) so I want to get everything straight by then. Thanks again.
Have you tried 500mg Hcg per week during cycle? How long do you wait between cycles and what are you using? This would be a thread to start so the members with the most experience can chime in.
Have you tried 500mg Hcg per week during cycle? How long do you wait between cycles and what are you using? This would be a thread to start so the members with the most experience can chime in.
No i haven't, honestly bc of the cost of hcg and I prefer running long bulk cycles which makes hcg on cycle even more pricey. I was however going to run amiridex on cycle. Good idea or no? Average 8-12 weeks min between cycles, cycles range between 14-18 weeks total (bulk and cut) I've been trying different compounds and combos but my last bulk was t4 800mg/week with NP-TP 525 mg/mk, 12 weeks, cut was Winny 350mg/week, clen .8 ED 14 days 7 days off and then another 14 days on, primo 300mg/week, and sust 250 1ml EOD @750 a week. Next cycle plan is Test E 250 750mg/week, DECA 250 @ 750/week, with anadrol not sure on dosage yet, 16 weeks. Switching to Tren A EOD 300/week, test p 300/week, maybe some more Winny and clen? All for 12 week cut, then longggggg pct. How far off am I?
I'm not the one to ask for cycle advice yet. I'm still learning myself. As far as Hcg goes, there are YouTube videos and all sorts of info on how to mix it and get dosage right. It should make the transition to pct smoother. If you want advise from the pros here, you should start a new thread and reask your questions. No one is watching this thread and your questions here will fly under the radar
Yep. There's a lot of us man. I used/sold/cooked meth continuously (unless I was locked up) for 17 years... Literally almost died, and if I fuck up one more time (never gonna happen;)) they'd start me at 25 years... I HAD to quit, and my wife and hard training and healthy diet, are the only thing that brought me back to happiness. Like you said, it's my only hobby too, damn good thing it's a gift that keeps on giving. I get the guilt too (healthy guilt) even when my wife and I are on a cruise ship, we hit the gym hard, and earn that nice feeling.
Yeah man, it's crazy. I used to go buy bags of Shit cut with God knows what from the street. Talk about careless. I spent almost 4 years upstate. That was a different person than the one sitting here now. I attack the weights with the same intensity and drive I used to put toward my addiction. Damn bro, that's a LOT of time to be put away but you have my respect, seriously. Takes someone with a lot of inner strength and character to get through something like that. God doing for us what we couldn't do for ourselves, right?
Thanks for the honesty, and I'm gonna do a little research before I do that tho. Sometimes flyin under the radar is not so bad....
Thanks for the honesty, and I'm gonna do a little research before I do that tho. Sometimes flyin under the radar is not so bad....
Ahhh, I get it. True enough. Some of these guys can be a bit harsh when giving advise. There are endless threads here and chances are someone has asked similar questions before. The search bar is your friend.
Ahhh, I get it. True enough. Some of these guys can be a bit harsh when giving advise. There are endless threads here and chances are someone has asked similar questions before. The search bar is your friend.
Yea and i am shortfuse, I don't like dealing with people who just wanna be an ass to prove their superiority. "Ain't nobody got time that" - sweet miss brown lol
Yeah man, it's crazy. I used to go buy bags of Shit cut with God knows what from the street. Talk about careless. I spent almost 4 years upstate. That was a different person than the one sitting here now. I attack the weights with the same intensity and drive I used to put toward my addiction. Damn bro, that's a LOT of time to be put away but you have my respect, seriously. Takes someone with a lot of inner strength and character to get through something like that. God doing for us what we couldn't do for ourselves, right?

I hear you man, a lot of the successful guys use that energy for attack mode now, to stay sane and healthy. Just to clarify though, it looks like you may have thought I said I was locked up for 17 years... I was locked up for about 4 years, but was an addict for 17 years. The only time I wasn't using was when I was locked up. (100 percent clean and mean 5 years and 3 months now;))
I hear you man, a lot of the successful guys use that energy for attack mode now, to stay sane and healthy. Just to clarify though, it looks like you may have thought I said I was locked up for 17 years... I was locked up for about 4 years, but was an addict for 17 years. The only time I wasn't using was when I was locked up. (100 percent clean and mean 5 years and 3 months now;))
I did read that wrong but it's crazy how many guys I've spoken to here that went from addiction to lifting hard. Awesome job on the sobriety bro, we've got about the same amount of clean time. Keep it up, you look good man!