How do you guys make your orals?


Well-known Member
Hey guys, I got 10g of dbol raws on the way and was just wondering what method you guys use to make your orals? Originally I was just going to scoop 50mg into my intra workout shake, but it would be nice to be able to take it in a solid form with my other orals too. If you are going to cap them, are you stuck to weighing out your milligram weight for every capsule and doing each capsule individually 1 by 1? The only other way from my understanding is to have a mixer and combine raws with a filler, then you can do the math on how much raws and how much filler is in each capsule and then you can make that amount of powder and put it in your capsule press and distribute it evenly.. but at that point we’re talking about a lot of equipment and home brewing isn’t even worth it?

Just curious what you guys do.. I have no problem just dumping 50mg of raw into my intra workout shake if that’s what I have to do, but a more professional/proper way would be nice if at all possible.. thanks
I should add that I read Kawns “how to cap 101”

Was more so just curious if mixing in a bowl was actually a consistently accurate method?
Hey guys, I got 10g of dbol raws on the way and was just wondering what method you guys use to make your orals? Originally I was just going to scoop 50mg into my intra workout shake, but it would be nice to be able to take it in a solid form with my other orals too. If you are going to cap them, are you stuck to weighing out your milligram weight for every capsule and doing each capsule individually 1 by 1? The only other way from my understanding is to have a mixer and combine raws with a filler, then you can do the math on how much raws and how much filler is in each capsule and then you can make that amount of powder and put it in your capsule press and distribute it evenly.. but at that point we’re talking about a lot of equipment and home brewing isn’t even worth it?

Just curious what you guys do.. I have no problem just dumping 50mg of raw into my intra workout shake if that’s what I have to do, but a more professional/proper way would be nice if at all possible.. thanks
I use a tiny scooper and measure each individually. Using just active ingredient. I get down 50 pills in 5 minutes, capped. I used a toenail scraper lol. It works perfect to scoop powder out of bag. Then i double check every capsule after. But at first i put tge bag on the scale and scoop out and watch the scale go down by i crements of what i put into caps.last was .05 grams for 50 mg anadrol caps.
I use to use humco to make liquid orals, but after reading another post about making orals I use liquid ibuprofen suspension from the drug store. The stuff is like $5 a bottle, just dump in desired amount of raws and shake really good then shake before use and Bob's your uncle :cool:

Fuck capping:rolleyes:
I use a tiny scooper and measure each individually. Using just active ingredient. I get down 50 pills in 5 minutes, capped. I used a toenail scraper lol. It works perfect to scoop powder out of bag. Then i double check every capsule after. But at first i put tge bag on the scale and scoop out and watch the scale go down by i crements of what i put into caps.last was .05 grams for 50 mg anadrol caps.
So you just weigh out what you'll need then just subtract the dose everytime as you fill each cap? Hmm I'll be doing that this week. Holy shit was I ever over complicating things..
So you just weigh out what you'll need then just subtract the dose everytime as you fill each cap? Hmm I'll be doing that this week. Holy shit was I ever over complicating things..
Yes. But to be more accurate, if i buy 5 grams of anadrol raws. I put tge 5 grams in tge bag on the scale with the mouth open, so i can scoop it easy out. I have a .001 scale. So if the scale with bage reads, 5.875 then i put that in tge bag on the scale with mouth of bag, perked open. Scoop a little, where it reads, 5.825, then fill the cap. Then pre open a cap, scoop a little more, it will read 8.780, then fill the cap. Then i weigh all caps when done. I usually get within +\- 5 mg
I do suspension method. Place raw in a 30ml dropper bottle add 20% water 80% vegetable glycerin splash of mio. Shake well before use. No fuss no muss.
I use a tiny scooper and measure each individually. Using just active ingredient. I get down 50 pills in 5 minutes, capped. I used a toenail scraper lol. It works perfect to scoop powder out of bag. Then i double check every capsule after. But at first i put tge bag on the scale and scoop out and watch the scale go down by i crements of what i put into caps.last was .05 grams for 50 mg anadrol caps.
So you don’t really need a filler for caps you can just weigh out the raw steroid and however many mgs you want in each capsule put in there?
I feel like I’m over complicating this but so let’s say I have the raw powder (dianabol) I simply just use a scale that weighs mg”s and weigh out that much powder and put that much into capsule?thanks for your time btw.
I feel like I’m over complicating this but so let’s say I have the raw powder (dianabol) I simply just use a scale that weighs mg”s and weigh out that much powder and put that much into capsule?thanks for your time btw.
yes just empty capsule and active ingredient is all, i do this as well….

i found i just put a mound of powder on he scale, use a tiny scooper to fill the 00 size capsule and subtract, i can do 100 caps in like 10 minutes this way….then double check by weighing each capsule when finished.
And then just simply keep subtracting let’s say 50 mgs from the scale each time if wanted that much in each capsule?
And then you can take that orally or is that for injectable ?

And you can take that orally ?
You can buy Ora on Amazon I would make 30 ml bottles put x amount of powder for the mg you want in the bottle fill up the bottle with Ora shake u
It and it’s good to go they have steroid calculators on line that will tell u how much powder and Ora to use to get the desired mg per ml …. Iv also used 5 hour energy taste bomb and works well
Okay thanks so if take out 30 ml of suspension and put 300 mg of powder would that be 10 mgs per ml?
Go to basskiller steroid calculator put in the ml you want and the mg it will tell u how much power and how much ora delete the ba and bb because ur not using it