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Currently on my last 4 weeks of a 500 Test C/350 NPP cycle that started off with 8 weeks of 50 mg ED Anavar. Eating around 3700-4k calories per day usually.

I track the following metrics:
1. Body weight
2. Just aesthetics via pictures in the mirror
3. Muscle measurements with a measuring tape: arms, forearms, thighs, calves, chest, shoulders, neck, hips, glutes, stomach/abs, wrists/ankles.
4. Caliper skin fold measurements, just measuring R/L love handle and stomach. The formulas they try to give you are worthless, but I find tracking skinfold size just to see the trend to be very beneficial. I know I haven't gained much fat during this cycle thanks to not only pics but also quantifying and tracking my skinfold measurements!
5. Lifts: weight and reps.
6. I also track my cycles and substances I take.

Personally, I just use excel to track all these things. I have one spreadsheet which tracks my cycles and schedule with PEDs and blood tests in great detail which has my body measurements on a separate tab too. The app I recommended in a different thread, Bearable, also allows me to track what meds/PEDs I take on which days, which is super slick to have that level of detail on top my spreadsheet with my cycles planned out. Then I have my workout program in a separate google doc which has the side benefit of tracking my lifts since all work done is documented in the spreadsheet.

So far for this cycle:
- I am up 24 lbs (sitting at 230 now) and still looking lean and mean! Still have pretty visible abs, but my love handles are puffing out a little bit
- Love handles have gone up a little from 20mm to 26mm. Abs stay the same around 18-20mm.
- Lifts have all gone up substantially (although I think I have sacroilitis right now, so can't deadlift or squat for the last 2 weeks. Running BPC-157 and TB-500 to help it heal).
- Chest has grown 2", thighs have grown 2", calves gone up .5", arms have gone up .5" flexed, forearms are up .5", glues are up 1.5"

Personally for myself I track the same metrics year-round. I take a photo and full body measurements of all muscles and skinfolds once per month. I don't have a body fat scale as they are garbage and worthless, and I've never done underwater weighing/a dexa scan, they're both a waste of money to me. I just started doing this reliably about 6-7 months ago. In a couple years I plan to make a nice graph to illustrate the progress and better quantify gains and weightloss from different cycles and substances or cruising. Should be an interesting little data set :)

Discussion Questions:
1. How do YOU measure your progress?
2. How long have you been doing so?
3. Do you track different metrics while on cycle vs off cycle?
4. Do you track different things while bulking vs cutting?
5. What tools do you use to track your metrics? Do you use an app? What app?

Just a note: I edited this multiple times to round out the information. All done now, the post is final, enjoy! Looking forward to seeing some of the responses.
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Discussion Questions:
1. How do YOU measure your progress?
2. How long have you been doing so?
3. Do you track different metrics while on cycle vs off cycle?
4. Do you track different things while bulking vs cutting?
5. What tools do you use to track your metrics? Do you use an app? What app?
1. When I was bodybuilding I did exactly as you except calipers as I dont have them. Powerlifting now so dont track measurements anymore. I write in a notebook in the bathroom then transfer to excel later.
2. Been doing since I started back lifting so guessing 5 yrs or so
3. Pretty much the same cut to bulk for me. PL I just track bodyweight and weight on the bar
4. Same as 3
5. No apps for me except MFP for calories and macros
1. When I was bodybuilding I did exactly as you except calipers as I dont have them. Powerlifting now so dont track measurements anymore. I write in a notebook in the bathroom then transfer to excel later.
2. Been doing since I started back lifting so guessing 5 yrs or so
3. Pretty much the same cut to bulk for me. PL I just track bodyweight and weight on the bar
4. Same as 3
5. No apps for me except MFP for calories and macros
Thanks for the reply! Yeah I imagine powerlifting probably is easier as far as metrics tracking goes! I use MFP too. As a powerlifter hoa often do you cut/bulk? I'm curious if it is any different than when you were body building? Maybe bulk a little more cut a little less? Or just don't cut as hard?
Thanks for the reply! Yeah I imagine powerlifting probably is easier as far as metrics tracking goes! I use MFP too. As a powerlifter hoa often do you cut/bulk? I'm curious if it is any different than when you were body building? Maybe bulk a little more cut a little less? Or just don't cut as hard?
Been at PL a little over a year now maybe 18 months. Done 2 half assed cuts and currently in midst of real steep cut. So being new I would say leas hard cuts be the norm just when you are getting a bit too pudgy. This steep cut I am on now is to give me some room to gain before a meet in May. Was 225 at start and need to be as close to 200 in 8 weeks, I just finished week 5 down 12.5. I plan to do meet at 220.
Been at PL a little over a year now maybe 18 months. Done 2 half assed cuts and currently in midst of real steep cut. So being new I would say leas hard cuts be the norm just when you are getting a bit too pudgy. This steep cut I am on now is to give me some room to gain before a meet in May. Was 225 at start and need to be as close to 200 in 8 weeks, I just finished week 5 down 12.5. I plan to do meet at 220.
Yeah that makes sense, but damn that is a steep cut. Seems like a solid plan though. I'm rooting for you bro!
The scale and calipers have been the most useful for me. Whether I'm bulking or cutting, bodyweight + the abdominal and supariliac measurements tell me everything I need to know for physique goals.
The scale and calipers have been the most useful for me. Whether I'm bulking or cutting, bodyweight + the abdominal and supariliac measurements tell me everything I need to know for physique goals.
I love my calipers. For a while i didn't use them but now I feel it gives me a much better ability to objectively track my fat levels. I don't use the formula but just track the skinfold measurements and it seems you and I use the same measurement sites too. Some days when my brain is like dude you're getting too fat, I grab the caliper and say HAHA nope it's the same as yesterday :)
I don't use the formula but just track the skinfold measurements and it seems you and I use the same measurement sites too.
I have rarely calculated bf%. Those two site measurements are sufficient to gauge my progress. My bodyfat distribution is such that my legs, arms, delts appear relatively lean year-round. The midsection is the challenge for me.
I have rarely calculated bf%. Those two site measurements are sufficient to gauge my progress. My bodyfat distribution is such that my legs, arms, delts appear relatively lean year-round. The midsection is the challenge for me.
That is the exact same for me. I also have scoliosis which makes my left love handle look bigger than it is. Mainly just I have some extra BF my left LH and my right trap and lat look a little bigger. Makes posing on my right side look beastly, definitely that's my "good side" lol. I don't gain weight super easy, but I dint have this set point around 13-14% BF where my body wants to stay, and it is mostly in the mid section.
I started using the body fat calipers on my nipples too. I had full gland removal done, so it really can't come back unless I seriously fuck myself up, however after 15 years of constantly being self conscious about it, being able to measure that shit and say "nope it's still a measly 4 mm--basically just skin" is comforting to me. So now once a week when i do my weight and my measurements for all my muscles and my body fat caliper points, I also do my nips haha.

I have a spreadsheet going back that tracks date, weight, muscle measurements for basically every muscle from ankles to forearms to chest to shoulders to neck. And also body fat millimeter measurements for right and left side of my abs, love handles, and nipples.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing my weight and BF caliper measurements go down and my muscles stay the same size!!!
I do weigh myself daily and do weekly pic. For training, i track weight and reps in a rep range