How long can i stay on 5mg var + 5mg dbol


New Member
I’m currently 6’2 sitting at 74kg using 5mg dbol and 5mg anavar, here’s my physique
Appetite is fine, feel great. I’ve been on for 6 weeks, should i stop? (Please don’t tell me you need test my blood work on 5mg dbol alone is perfect just low lh/fsh as expected with 900 ng/dl test levels) Thanks, roidedman.
Jokes aside, are you taking any test with this?
What’s the goal for running the long term orals? Are you looking to build more size?

I know the small doses seem less harmful but orals and orals only can do a lot of damage if not taken correctly or for too long.
Jokes aside, are you taking any test with this?
What’s the goal for running the long term orals? Are you looking to build more size?

I know the small doses seem less harmful but orals and orals only can do a lot of damage if not taken correctly or for too long.
I was on 200pw chilton ran out of pins like a retard and thought it was a sign from god to tell me to stop pinning (high estro delusions) i came off about 13 weeks ago felt shit for the 6th week thrn back to normal with morning wood at the 7th.

I heard about dbol only increasing test AFTER the cycle and wanted to try it anyway. Got my bloods done at 5mg with everything with 900ngdl test and 0 effect on liver. Added in 10var and made my dry but my joints were sore, dropped it to 5 and now looking better than i was on test.
I was on 200pw chilton ran out of pins like a retard and thought it was a sign from god to tell me to stop pinning (high estro delusions) i came off about 13 weeks ago felt shit for the 6th week thrn back to normal with morning wood at the 7th.

I heard about dbol only increasing test AFTER the cycle and wanted to try it anyway. Got my bloods done at 5mg with everything with 900ngdl test and 0 effect on liver. Added in 10var and made my dry but my joints were sore, dropped it to 5 and now looking better than i was on test.
thats interesting man. Just shows how everybody and every body is a little different- if gym performance is increasing and appetite is increasing, then I would run it until I felt like shit lol
Keep us updated if you continue!
You're a troll. You weigh nothing. If you were lean and dry you probably wouldn't even weigh 60kg. That's why took a picture with the lights off.
Id say i look fairly dry, with shoulder striations though i could be a lot leaner. I’m going for more of a aesthetic look (think frank zane). Mind posting your physique weight and height?
thats interesting man. Just shows how everybody and every body is a little different- if gym performance is increasing and appetite is increasing, then I would run it until I felt like shit lol
Keep us updated if you continue!
Will do, though I’ve definitely slowed down now. I feel more as if I’m maintaining what i have than gaining but i reckon ill stay on the 5mg dbol long term.
You’re not going to gain anything if you don’t eat.

6’2 160lbs and on drugs isn’t exactly smart. You need to learn to eat.
Sure but it’s woman dosages. Id say my physique is fair for what I’m on. Test made my skin go a horrible 50yo man texture. Point is I’m happy with this and mainly was asking if it’s ok to stay on for longer. Half the dudes on here carry some weird anger for asking questions, tf
Sure but it’s woman dosages. Id say my physique is fair for what I’m on. Test made my skin go a horrible 50yo man texture. Point is I’m happy with this and mainly was asking if it’s ok to stay on for longer. Half the difference des on here carry some weird anger for asking questions, tf

If you were a woman at 160lbs and 6’2 you’d still to too small to be playing with steroids. You’d still need to learn how to eat to grow.

This is a harm reduction forum, that’s why so many people are against it.

You also look to be extremely young. I’m guessing sub 21?
I’ve pinned before and it feels like a pinch, you take some sort of pride with injecting steroids cause your so manly and cool but in reality your a fragile insecure man inside with small balls, projecting your inner anger.
It's not about pride, it's about not being fucking retarded, which you are.

Grow up kiddo, life ain't sunshine and roses, it's rain and farts.