How long can i stay on 5mg var + 5mg dbol

I’m currently 6’2 sitting at 74kg using 5mg dbol and 5mg anavar, here’s my physique
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Appetite is fine, feel great. I’ve been on for 6 weeks, should i stop? (Please don’t tell me you need test my blood work on 5mg dbol alone is perfect just low lh/fsh as expected with 900 ng/dl test levels) Thanks, roidedman.

You're TT is at 900ngdl on 5mg dbol and 5mg var?
I am flabbergasted. Do whatever the fuck you want your obviously not going to listen to anyone
2023 had a huge influx of kids like this. Always best to ignore them or hope to God they listen to someone bigger and more intelligent than they are (I'll give you a hint: it's typically not the latter).

EDIT: Case in point -- Anavar+LGD/DBol = GODSEND

EDIT pt. 2: @RiceNKimchi post history confirms they are "under 20", whatever that means.
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Because your mind is likely made up about doing steroids I feel like my post may be futile.

If nothing else, maybe some food for thought.

Your goal physic can be achieved without gear, especially because of your age and hormone levels.

There is so much to be said about ensuring you eat enough, hence why you see the recommendation constantly. If you’re under 20, all the more reason to start dialling that aspect in now. You have many years of quality growth ahead of you. Be patient. Take your orals for a couple more weeks, then cut them out. I say this because there is probably no point telling you to stop today. Take advantage of your last two weeks and eat like a motherfucker, until it’s uncomfortable; then continue to do so after the orals.

This doesn’t come from a place of ignorance. When I was under 20, at 6’3 I was 165lbs. I was very active inside and outside the gym. I came to find out after spinning my tires for so long that my activity level and metabolism were both way too high for the amount I was giving my body. At best. before I realized this I was 180lbs. I felt like I was eating enough, but that simply was not the case. (full disclaimer, I didn’t figure this out for myself, someone had to tell me and I took it to heart)

After some focus on my diet, with similar training, I put on 25 more pounds of lean mass in about a year and a half, without the help of gear. That’s 40lbs from my starting point which was very similar to yours. (I’ve continued to grow since, but this put me around what I think your goal weight might be)

Again you can reach your stated goals naturally.
2023 had a huge influx of kids like this. Always best to ignore them or hope to God they listen to someone bigger and more intelligent than they are (I'll give you a hint: it's typically not the latter).

EDIT: Case in point -- Anavar+LGD/DBol = GODSEND

EDIT pt. 2: @RiceNKimchi post history confirms they are "under 20", whatever that means.
Hes cycled 200 test before this oral crap and recovered fine by feels... the age just was assumed when "cycling" 200 test a week.

Kids will be kids