How long until PCT, using HCG after last pin? Bloods attached


New Member
Hey guys, a few questions:

I am planning on nolva and clomid for PCT. Currently running 500mg test e/week. Want to dial in my PCT timing. Pre and mid bloods are attached below. I'm 36 and ran test e for 13 weeks. Aromasin at 12.5ED (gyno sensitive).

1. TT pre was 937. Six weeks in: 4547. This leads me to believe that about 2.5 weeks after last pin, I would start PCT?

2. I have just started low does of HCG (250 2x/wk) and plan to increase: Current plan after last pin is 500ED for 10 days, 250ED for 10 more. Then PCT. If my 2.5 weeks (for test e half-life) is correct, maybe a little less HCG?

3. If I do bloods 16 days after last pin and find that my TT is where is started (937), I should start PCT right away? Is clomid still smart to use? Interesting since test e levels will be almost gone, HCG should have me "up and running" again. Presumably, I will still use nolva and clomid, but wanted some veterans' thoughts/experience.

4. Should I taper down my aromasin at any point after last pin, it being suicidal?

If anyone likes/hates that PCT, I'm interested. I've read a few people using aromasin (alone?) through PCT, for example. I also have arimidex, letro, caber on hand.

(For anyone interested, I ran bloods 24 hours after 2nd pin of week 5, and 48 hours after 1st pin of week 6. Out of curiosity. 48 hours showed higher test levels)


I guess that last questions is: how long should I run my PCT? I've read a lot of differing opinions from 45 days total to matching the length of your cycle. Possible those were not found here and I will go look through the forums, but is there a relatively simple rule of thumb?
Hey guys, a few questions:

I am planning on nolva and clomid for PCT. Currently running 500mg test e/week. Want to dial in my PCT timing. Pre and mid bloods are attached below. I'm 36 and ran test e for 13 weeks. Aromasin at 12.5ED (gyno sensitive).

1. TT pre was 937. Six weeks in: 4547. This leads me to believe that about 2.5 weeks after last pin, I would start PCT?

2. I have just started low does of HCG (250 2x/wk) and plan to increase: Current plan after last pin is 500ED for 10 days, 250ED for 10 more. Then PCT. If my 2.5 weeks (for test e half-life) is correct, maybe a little less HCG?

3. If I do bloods 16 days after last pin and find that my TT is where is started (937), I should start PCT right away? Is clomid still smart to use? Interesting since test e levels will be almost gone, HCG should have me "up and running" again. Presumably, I will still use nolva and clomid, but wanted some veterans' thoughts/experience.

4. Should I taper down my aromasin at any point after last pin, it being suicidal?

If anyone likes/hates that PCT, I'm interested. I've read a few people using aromasin (alone?) through PCT, for example. I also have arimidex, letro, caber on hand.

(For anyone interested, I ran bloods 24 hours after 2nd pin of week 5, and 48 hours after 1st pin of week 6. Out of curiosity. 48 hours showed higher test levels)

Just touching upon a couple points.

Good luck seeing your TT back down to baseline 16 days after a shot of test e, that is a scientific impossibility. Around here, the general concensus is ( at your dose and compound ) to start pct 4 weeks after your last pin. Starting pct too early can have a negative impact on your HPTA.

Use the search and look for @Michael Scally MD 's protocol. 2 weeks is too early to start post cycle therapy. You're looking at 4 weeks of pct
Just touching upon a couple points.
Use the search and look for @Michael Scally MD 's protocol. 2 weeks is too early to start post cycle therapy. You're looking at 4 weeks of pct

Thanks, man. It seemed too short to me, to be honest, just need a better understanding of the half lifes. And I was curious how HCG would affect the timing.

I will run bloods at 20 days to get a sense of where I am at. From the article, your 4 weeks until PCT sounds just right for my case.

As for the HCG (if you use it), he mentions 2000 E3D for 14 days = ~10,000. I've read it's more affective ED, but I'm looking at the same total amount. Any thoughts on this? Or just go with the doc?
Taper down the clomid and nolva at the end? Over a few days? Or not necessary because TT levels are back to normal? (thinking about rebound, I guess)

Yeah the usual pct protocol is:

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20