How many of you are using test only for blasts?

what does eating every meal perfectly have to do with how much gear they take?
If you eat like a professional, you’re going to grow like a professional. Day in and day out perfect diet is what is going to put on actual size.
but wont even take the same doses recreational guys take?
Who said they don’t? I said there’s a range. There are recreational guys using way more gear than they need to make up for their terrible diets, just as there are pros using more gear than they need

you buy into the B.S too much, so much so that you believe pros take less gear than regular guys because they train harder?
Sounds like you’re buying into the “every pro is on 5 grams of gear” BS. There are guys out there who are bigger and leaner 6 months into lifting than guys a year into blasting gear. Whether or not you can acknowledge that is on you but that’s the reality. No, it’s not down to training harder. It’s down to primarily genetics and then making the most out of the gear you do take by, yes, training harder and eating properly. Those recreational guys you’re talking about have mid genetics, eat like an idiot, and aren’t consistent with intensity in their training
what does eating every meal perfectly have to do with how much gear they take?
These two things are not mutually exclusive.

So they'll eat every single thing perfectly, weighed to the gram, timed to the exact minute, set their whole life up for bodybuilding, train every rep like its the rest rep of their lives, life and breathe bodybuilding, have supplement sponsors, an extreme competitive desire to beat other people on stage, actively competing against everyone every moment of every day, have to look good 24/7 for instagram to build their brand,

but wont even take the same doses recreational guys take?

you buy into the B.S too much, so much so that you believe pros take less gear than regular guys because they train harder? what

the low dose virtue signalling is the most annoying think about steroid forums

it's the new "I'm totally natty bro".

Usually paired up with "using GLPs is cheating and taking shortcuts bro"
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If you eat like a professional, you’re going to grow like a professional. Day in and day out perfect diet is what is going to put on actual size.

Who said they don’t? I said there’s a range. There are recreational guys using way more gear than they need to make up for their terrible diets, just as there are pros using more gear than they need

Sounds like you’re buying into the “every pro is on 5 grams of gear” BS. There are guys out there who are bigger and leaner 6 months into lifting than guys a year into blasting gear. Whether or not you can acknowledge that is on you but that’s the reality. No, it’s not down to training harder. It’s down to primarily genetics and then making the most out of the gear you do take by, yes, training harder and eating properly. Those recreational guys you’re talking about have mid genetics, eat like an idiot, and aren’t consistent with intensity in their training
lol yeah they have better genetics so they use less. Get real. I’m sure they’re standing on stage thinking well I have such great genetics I can play it safe and only take 1 gram of gear when everyone else is taking 5 grams lol. That’s like a race car driver detuning a race car because it’s too fast. These guys are on grams and grams of gear, all of them. I suppose you believe they only take 4 iu of GH too? They lie about what they take because they want gullible idiots to think they have better genetics and somehow work harder than everyone else.
If you eat like a professional, you’re going to grow like a professional. Day in and day out perfect diet is what is going to put on actual size.
you sound like you just copying things you see from bodybuilding instagrams or something, some sort of "bodybuilding inspo" you follow
Sounds like you’re buying into the “every pro is on 5 grams of gear” BS. There are guys out there who are bigger and leaner 6 months into lifting than guys a year into blasting gear. Whether or not you can acknowledge that is on you but that’s the reality.
this is whats called a strawman argument, no where did I argue that there isnt a genetic component, i dont think ive ever ever seen anyone say that genetics dont matter, anywhere on the internet, ever , not once', so not sure what youre going on about at all.

No, it’s not down to training harder. It’s down to primarily genetics and then making the most out of the gear you do take by, yes, training harder and eating properly. Those recreational guys you’re talking about have mid genetics,
youre just parroting more stuff you see on the internet.. i dont see guys on gear not train hard, i actually see a lot of guys train too hard. Have you seen DC training or blood n guts? its like 3 days a week of 10 sets lol... Hell i see natty guys train hard too, i dont know where you see guys not training hard or are you just saying things?
eat like an idiot
Please define "eat like an idiot" and what you mean by that

my whole point is that you are implying "pros" are intentionally not taking a lot of gear, because they "dont need it" because they are so hardworking, so they could easily take 1000mg, bu tthey instead decide to take 500mg, because they dont need the extra gear lol, like it wouldnt make a difference cause theyre so special
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