How much harder is it to PCT from a 1.5 yr blast and cruise?


New Member
I find its hard to find experiences of people who actually did a proper PCT after an extended blast and cruise,most of the posts I have found are people PCT-ing a significant time after they came off without PCT(or a crappy short one like nolva for 4 weeks) after they didnt bounce back.Or peoples whos "cruise" was 300mg test with orals.
The reason I ask is I intend to a test deca cycle,and I would probably want to do another one.Would doing 20 weeks of test/deca and then just 150mg of test/week,waiting 20-24 weeks and then another another test/deca blast for 20 weeks be feasible to PCT and recover from vs 20 week cycle of test/deca,6-8 week pct of clomid and nolva,wait 20-24 weeks(providing my blood values are acceptable obviously before I blast again) and do another 20 weeks of test/deca followed by a 6-8 week pct.
On a related note,in the blast/cruise option,would triptorelin be useful in that situation combined with the nolva/clomid?
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The answer to your question can only be subjective, considering each individual is different...

Your other question about BRIDGING, I think the consensus you're going to get here is that it's better to cycle off, pct, stay off for the amount of time on + pct(2) before you begin another cycle.

Meaning, if you do 20 weeks cycle and 4 weeks of pct, you'll take 20 weeks + 4 weeks x2 = 28 weeks off.

Now, Idk if you're going to react to this like just about every new guy that comes on here, who argues until they hear what they want to hear, but I'm almost positive you're going to be asked several question involving, but not limited to:

1. Is this your first cycle?
2. have you used either deca or test before?
3. What is your purpose of doing this? As in, why are you wanting to run a cycle, then cruise that long, then do it again?
4. Do you want to have kids?
5. will you show us a pic of your sister's tits?

If your answer to #5 is "no", you're probably not going to get much feedback here, sorry bud.

Oh, and do us a favor and make your introduction in the new member introduction thread
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The answer to your question can only be subjective, considering each individual is different...

Your other question about BRIDGING, I think the consensus you're going to get here is that it's better to cycle off, pct, stay off for the amount of time on + pct(2) before you begin another cycle.

Meaning, if you do 20 weeks cycle and 4 weeks of pct, you'll take 20 weeks + 4 weeks x2 = 28 weeks off.

Now, Idk if you're going to react to this like just about every new guy that comes on here, who argues until they hear what they want to hear, but I'm almost positive you're going to be asked several question involving, but not limited to:

1. Is this your first cycle?
2. have you used either deca or test before?
3. What is your purpose of doing this? As in, why are you wanting to run a cycle, then cruise that long, then do it again?
4. Do you want to have kids?
5. will you show us a pic of your sister's tits?

If your answer to #5 is "no", you're probably not going to get much feedback here, sorry bud.

Oh, and do us a favor and make your introduction in the new member introduction thread
Appreciate the help pal.This would be my first cycle,the reason i am going to go with deca is for less hair loss(hence the username).I was just going to run "low" test at 200mg/week and let the nandrolone be the growing compound.I was just flirting with the idea of a second cycle depending on how I feel after the first,and I thought if it would actually to be easier to recover from staying on with two blasts and a cruise inbetween for roughly 60 weeks vs on/pct/wait/on/pct that I Might be more likely to pick that option.But if recovering from staying on for a while would be more difficult(which is your opinion it seems)then I wouldnt go with that option.Do you think the chance of becoming sterile would be significantly more with the blast cruise option?
Personally i think sterile is the least of your problems. Zero libido worries me more.

Even with a 12 week cycle and poor PCT you may have issues with labido. I normaly week 1 and 2 in PCT i have no interest in sex or women.

I have always followed a PCT protocol and will continue to do so until nature desides i have to TRT and the i will blast and cruize.

But if tou
Personally i think sterile is the least of your problems. Zero libido worries me more.

Even with a 12 week cycle and poor PCT you may have issues with labido. I normaly week 1 and 2 in PCT i have no interest in sex or women.

I have always followed a PCT protocol and will continue to do so until nature desides i have to TRT and the i will blast and cruize.

But if you are set on that method i would suggest you do a Test only first cycle of 12 weeks, learn how you react to it and how to manage sides and how your body reacts to the fluctuations of hormones. And then do a PCT and see what it entails to stabilize your hormones again.

And from there make that decision.

I personally hate recovery and my longest cycle was 16 weeks. I cant imagine recovery after 1 year.

It may or may not be shutdown so bad that you lose more gains the the ones you may have with PCT and breaks between cycles.

I always as myself.. "but at what cost".. healthy hormone levels are a gift bud. Some TRT patiets will give their front teeth to have normal function.

Make good choises..

My 2c
With deca no less. Even if he stops, the shit will be in his system for years.
I agree with @Streetracer_PB your first cycle should be test only and do your pct. Hair loss won't even be noticeable your first cycle and your biggest concern should be your HPTA system like ts561 mentioned.
If you cycle that long (1 year) are you potentially prepared to be on trt for life? Is this what you live for? Do you want kids in the future? Can you afford gear and the accessories/have a supplier on speed dial if you run out? I think you need to weigh the options.
First cycle will be your best and you will retain the most amount of gains if done right.
Just stick to test only first cycle see how your body reacts and pct off. Don't be a dumbass.
Hope you like cruising because with the cycle your planning you will most likely need Trt permanently.