How much protein do you guys eat?

same haha except I made sirloin steak and a protein shake. Low carbing it for a few days

checking the video out now
Very good choice

I’ve been carb cycling and it’s the best thing I’ve done. This cut is going amazing. Best I’ve ever looked and felt. Did a few zero carb days in the past few weeks but those “zero carb” days did include a green vegetable with 3 meals. So chicken breast and green beans for my last three meals. Basically just lowering and raising the starches (rice)
Thats what I thought... its literal food
That’s very simplifed

It’s like juice is to eating a piece of fruit
The Whey is the juice basically
Yes the juice came from fruit but how your body assimilates it is different
Better to eat the apple or orange
Just like it’s better to eat the chicken or steak
In an intra workout shake though the fast absorption can be useful
I've seen plenty of coaches lately preaching the "good clean food sources" stuff and that relates to chicken and rice while cutting and chicken/beef and rice in the off season.

On the other hand when i watch some of the actual bodybuilders full day of eating i'm getting full of seeing them slamming whey shakes and cream of rice and oatmeals for breakfast, preworkout, postworkout, before bed..those powders are literally everywhere. The EAAs, the cyclic dextrins, and this and that. Sometimes i wonder, where's the food?
Thats what I thought... its literal food

Of course it's food, we're not living in 2000's where whey used to be trash and with a single serving you farted for 8 hours haha! Todays protein supps are mostly very good quality, sometimes you digest it better than actual food sources. In my recent cut i had 100 grams of protein from fat free Greek yoghurt and 50 grams of whey. Never had any problems with dairy.. If you're intolerant ofc you have to avoid it, otherwise it's a great protein source.
Thank you
Going to watch this now while eating my chicken breast and Jasmine rice post workout meal

Edit: Good video!

While we are on the subject. I only use Whey in my pre and insta workout shakes which also includes cyclic dextrin and EAA and BCAA
Thoughts or discussion on Intra workout shakes?
Love intra workout shakes, Justin actually talks a lot about that topic as well. I feel like especially when taking rapid insulin pre workout, EAAs are an absolute necessity to “optimize” that training window. I think there use for EAAs without insulin as well. I like keeping cyclic dextrin in during workouts at all times no matter what phase i’m in or drugs i’m on
I've seen plenty of coaches lately preaching the "good clean food sources" stuff and that relates to chicken and rice while cutting and chicken/beef and rice in the off season.

On the other hand when i watch some of the actual bodybuilders full day of eating i'm getting full of seeing them slamming whey shakes and cream of rice and oatmeals for breakfast, preworkout, postworkout, before bed..those powders are literally everywhere. The EAAs, the cyclic dextrins, and this and that. Sometimes i wonder, where's the food?
yeah i consume a large portion of whey protein as well. Helps me get the protein in when my appetite isnt up to par, or to load up on my post workout protein intake

I think it really just comes down to preference and convenience. The gains between whey protein and actual food sources are probably the same, or maybe marginally different at worst.
I've seen plenty of coaches lately preaching the "good clean food sources" stuff and that relates to chicken and rice while cutting and chicken/beef and rice in the off season.

On the other hand when i watch some of the actual bodybuilders full day of eating i'm getting full of seeing them slamming whey shakes and cream of rice and oatmeals for breakfast, preworkout, postworkout, before bed..those powders are literally everywhere. The EAAs, the cyclic dextrins, and this and that. Sometimes i wonder, where's the food?
Nick walker has plenty of videos of him “slamming” his quality HD Muscle ProHD peanut butter chocolate whey bs all day every day. And then he admits on podcasts he doesn’t have any whey in his diets at all. Then backtracks real quick with “but pro hd makes some really great flavors that i do enjoy” so just do remember that these guys need to make money and most are making money by featuring brands

Edit; and the celsius promos where he’s holding it up to his mouth “taking a drink” and the can hasn’t even been opened cracks me up
Nick walker has plenty of videos of him “slamming” his quality HD Muscle ProHD peanut butter chocolate whey bs all day every day. And then he admits on podcasts he doesn’t have any whey in his diets at all. Then backtracks real quick with “but pro hd makes some really great flavors that i do enjoy” so just do remember that these guys need to make money and most are making money by featuring brands

Edit; and the celsius promos where he’s holding it up to his mouth “taking a drink” and the can hasn’t even been opened cracks me up
They can’t endorse and get paid from gear or whole food but they can get paid from endorsing supplements and protein powder.
yeah i consume a large portion of whey protein as well. Helps me get the protein in when my appetite isnt up to par, or to load up on my post workout protein intake

I think it really just comes down to preference and convenience. The gains between whey protein and actual food sources are probably the same, or maybe marginally different at worst.

It's great if you can't have a meal outside of home and you can take with you a shaker with just whey or add some fine oats and some nuts and you have a complete meal. Bad thing with this is you get hungry sooner haha!

Last years i haven't drink any protein shake, i always do oatmeal. I just love it, it's my sweet treat of the day and i have it in my post. Rolled oats, whey, boiled almond milk, cinnamon, a teaspoon of honey and chopped frozen strawberries. I could eat that meal 4 times a day and never get bored. I prefer this over cream of rice anytime.
Because Roman Fritz said not to lol

It’s just easier to make sure I’m getting at least my Protein from a quality protein source. I get a little protein from Jasmine rice and I have some whey in my pre workout and intra workout drinks (with cyclic dextrin) but it’s a small amount by comparison and not as quality protein source. My diet is extremely strict so there isn’t any other random sources of protein.

No disrespect meant but I have no clue how Roman is the size he is. I've seen some of his YouTube vids and the weights he uses are so light. He doesn't even go that slow on the eccentric. Must be insane genetics and lots of gear
I get in around 250-300/day with a carton of egg whites, protein shakes and whatever is for dinner. Have found it to be real helpful with weight loss and worrying about losing muscle. Usually consume 50-100 around 1hr after lifting then the rest is with regular meals