How the increase in testosterone impact the cutting?


Hi guys,
I plan to make a cut of 3 months bc I am currently to fat and need to recomp. So I was wondering what is the impact in a change in the testosterone on my cut?
I mean, for example, for the exactly same diet, same training etc.. what will change if I increase my test from 400mg/w to 500mg/w? What can I expect for? Will it faster my cut? Or will I get some extra muscle (I am not very huge and my last cycle was 2 years ago)? Or does it change nothing?
I am asking that not bc I just want more and more but I dont cycle very often and I can manage the testosterone much better than before so I want to take maximum of benefit..
Concretely, my plan is either 400mg/w test for 12w or 600mg/w test also 12w. Will it worse it to go for 600mg?
Thanks guys
I don't think there'd be too much of a difference with 100mg increase... I plan on cutting for my third cycle to rid excess skin and flab. @malfeasance says with proper compounds, you can get into a serious deficit without sacrificing muscle. I plan on doing Test at 200mg/week, Tren 280mg/week and mast at 450mg/week.
I think there was a study on this and more test was better.
More fat was lost and resulted in higher lean body mass.
It only went up to 600mg, but, yes, more was better, both for muscle gain and fat loss.

Note these young men were ordered not to weight train.

Fat-free mass increased dose dependently in men receiving 125, 300, or 600 mg of testosterone weekly (change +3.4, 5.2, and 7.9 kg, respectively). The changes in fat-free mass were highly dependent on testosterone dose (P = 0.0001) and correlated with log testosterone concentrations (r = 0.73, P = 0.0001). Changes in leg press strength, leg power, thigh and quadriceps muscle volumes, hemoglobin, and IGF-I were positively correlated with testosterone concentrations, whereas changes in fat mass and plasma high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol were negatively correlated.
7.9 kg means 17 pounds for you non-scientific types.

So, inject steroids, sit on your ass, gain 17.38 pounds of fat free mass and decrease fat while sitting on your ass playing video games. Not bad.
I been cutting using only 200mg for my test cyp and have cut tremendously in 2 months
Agreed, it isn't about the drugs, it's about the diet/training/recovery/discipline. 400mg should be more than enough to keep most, if not all muscle. I cut 25 lbs in 12 weeks on 200mg/wk test. I lost a bit of strength and probably a little muscle, but it was well worth it.

Sleep plays a HUGE role in how much fat is burned vs how much muscle is burned in a deficit. I'll see if I can find the study, but I saw a study posted by Stan Efferding once about muscle vs fat loss in a deficit based on sleep.

Keep in mind these people were natty, but those getting 5 hours or less of sleep every night lost 83% muscle and 16% fat, whereas those getting 7 or more hours of sleep lost 50/50 muscle/fat. (the study posted something about every 6 lbs lost, 5 was muscle and 1 was fat in the low sleep group and 3lbs fat and 3 lbs muscle in the higher sleep group)
Agreed, it isn't about the drugs, it's about the diet/training/recovery/discipline. 400mg should be more than enough to keep most, if not all muscle. I cut 25 lbs in 12 weeks on 200mg/wk test. I lost a bit of strength and probably a little muscle, but it was well worth it.

Sleep plays a HUGE role in how much fat is burned vs how much muscle is burned in a deficit. I'll see if I can find the study, but I saw a study posted by Stan Efferding once about muscle vs fat loss in a deficit based on sleep.

Keep in mind these people were natty, but those getting 5 hours or less of sleep every night lost 83% muscle and 16% fat, whereas those getting 7 or more hours of sleep lost 50/50 muscle/fat. (the study posted something about every 6 lbs lost, 5 was muscle and 1 was fat in the low sleep group and 3lbs fat and 3 lbs muscle in the higher sleep group)
Thats why I enjoy mari j before bed. And Cortibloc by chemix. Otherwise I toss and turn on a cut
From my experience the more test, the more fat loss. Just gotta find what works for you balancing water weight. I think primo, high test and var works great
Hi guys,
I plan to make a cut of 3 months bc I am currently to fat and need to recomp. So I was wondering what is the impact in a change in the testosterone on my cut?
I mean, for example, for the exactly same diet, same training etc.. what will change if I increase my test from 400mg/w to 500mg/w? What can I expect for? Will it faster my cut? Or will I get some extra muscle (I am not very huge and my last cycle was 2 years ago)? Or does it change nothing?
I am asking that not bc I just want more and more but I dont cycle very often and I can manage the testosterone much better than before so I want to take maximum of benefit..
Concretely, my plan is either 400mg/w test for 12w or 600mg/w test also 12w. Will it worse it to go for 600mg?
Thanks guys
Conceptually, if you increase drugs, you will retain more muscle in calorie deficit. You can eat less, lose more fat faster, without losing so much muscle.

In practice, we tend to cycle bulk and cut. Since we can't stay on big doses continuously, usually you'd lower your dose on cut and ramp up on bulk.

If you big dose on cut, what will you do when switching to bulk? Continue staying on big dose (not healthy) or reduce the dose (not effective for bulk)...

Hence the answer to your question depends a bit on your strategy, what do you plan to do after the cut? Maintain? Lean growth? Grow as much as you can? PCT or cruise/trt?
Higher test, say anything over 200mg/wk, makes me ravenous and unable to keep from binge eating. So I prefer lower test for that and other reasons when trying to shrink down. But I’m also not super concerned about maintaining all my muscle on my cuts. I’m ok with losing some. It comes back super easy as soon as I add calories and just a hint of anabolics.