How to break into the serious health/fitness coaching world?

I'm not just talking about standard personal training, even though I did that for a couple years in undergrad.

My background/qualifications.
-Bachelors in Organic Chemistry (2014 University of Illinois), Masters in Pharmacology specialized in Sports Pharmacology and Medicinal Botany(2017 University of Illinois Chicago) finishing Addiction Neurobiology PhD research at the moment, about a year to go (Back to University Of Illinois main campus)
- NASM sports nutrition cert in 2012
- ACE (oof) personal trainer cert in 2011
- Did R&D and helped establish two large online supplement/nootropics/workout supply companies, both of which would be known well by people here
-3 years of a paid summer internship with a functional medicine doctor/clinic in town focused on longevity and general biohacking.
-"CSO" of a cannabis/hemp analytics and extraction lab (quotations because while yes, I run the lab, I only work like 2 days a week to make sure the lab techs are doing everything correctly and it's a family business, not some massive publicly traded company)
-Huge athlete when younger (now almost 31). Played Baseball and wrestled through my undergrad, got a quarter ride scholarship for baseball.
-Taekwondo since 7 and Red Belt (no stripe) by 16
- Bjj since 14, Purple Belt with 2 stripes at 21.
-Muay Thai is a recent one for me, only trained for a year before i got cancer 4 years ago, but is the one I'm going to pursue again now that I'm back in action. Only sitting with an orange belt currently.
-Incredibly interested in the biohacking/longevity arena. Personally I take a massive stack of supplements and am super anal about my diet staying on point, I fully plan on being a badass 100 year old still able to run a mile some day. I both work on this style.of thing in grad school, and out of personal interest even attend conferences and such.

My entire goal with life has been to pursue research, and eventually open up a clinic that focuses on the trinity of human wellness; mind, body, spirit.

My girlfriend is an ICU charge nurse who's fully down to consult and be on board to spice up this endeavors qualifications, and I have a friend who's an internal medicine doctor on board for the same.

As I've said many times on tis board, I've also been through severe cancer and a chain of associated blood infections, lost a few body parts including part of my hand and nearly died for about 3 years straight. I fully believe had I not been as proactive with my health and diet as I was I would have died during that.

My goal would be working with absolutely anyone, focusing on getting them into peak human condition. Not just building muscle, but building health. Diet plans, fitness plans, supplement schedules, routine blood labs (I have a partnership set up with Function Health of I choose to fully pursue this). Old people, youth, body builders, disabled people, anyone.

My issue? Even being really for and with solid qualifications, I'm really introverted and loaded with social anxiety. Also, I'm kinda the poster child for ADHD sometimes and left to my.own devices is hit or miss.

How do I go about pursuing this dream as a reality? How do you network for it? How would I go about finding a partner if that's what it took?

This is fully achievable online these days, though in person clients would be fantastic too.

If anyone has.some advice, I would be insanely appreciative. I'd even be down to trade services, I'll coach your health if you'll coach my business endeavors Hell, I'll even cut someone in on a small interest in the entity if they help that much.

I have a bit of startup cash, probably 6 grand liquid, but I'm not trying to go into debt or pull anymore out to do this.

I already have a website, hosting, and e-commerce platform purchased just not set up.

Thanks for any advice y'all.
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First and foremost, congrats on beating the shit out of cancer. You are a winner on so many levels.

And now fore the ugly part.

I am going to be blunt: Missing a bodypart is not going to be a plus. I rarely have seen a successful coach/trainer that has a missing bodypart even if it's part of a hand. There is something f up in human way of thinking that associates a deficit in the field of interest with incompetence even if it's not true.

I wish you the best.
First and foremost, congrats on beating the shit out of cancer. You are a winner on so many levels.

And now fore the ugly part.

I am going to be blunt: Missing a bodypart is not going to be a plus. I rarely have seen a successful coach/trainer that has a missing bodypart even if it's part of a hand. There is something f up in human way of thinking that associates a deficit in the field of interest with incompetence even if it's not true.

I wish you the best.
Fair point. However, It's just my middle finger and a slight V into my palm (the initial hospital IV site where I got a systemic MRSA infection) and its really not noticable in passing unless I show people or they're paying close attention.

And like I said, I'm not looking to do personal training, the concept in my head is a way to replace the traditional medical system by teaching people how to take care of themselves for anything shy of needing an ER immediately type scenarios. Yes, this includes fitness as a big lart, but more so diet, supplementation, mechanical therapies/biohacking techniques (Cold plunging, IR therapy, saunas etc), breath work, etc.

Plus, with my PhD specialization, I really want to target the addict population as an alternative for traditional rehab/detoxification.

I'm kinda considering opening up a 3/4 house down the road focusing on these ideals.

Thank you though! I do appreciate it.
How do I go about pursuing this dream as a reality? How do you network for it? How would I go about finding a partner if that's what it took?

Social media. Try to get a following however possible, interact with big accounts or whatever, give lots of free advice, and every so often advertise your services.

I am going to be blunt: Missing a bodypart is not going to be a plus. I rarely have seen a successful coach/trainer that has a missing bodypart even if it's part of a hand.

It can be anonymous. Virtual appointments, phone calls, etc.

I think this would be one of the cheapest and least time-consuming ways to get started. Maybe it stays a side hustle or maybe you'll be doing it 40 hours a week.
Fair point. However, It's just my middle finger and a slight V into my palm (the initial hospital IV site where I got a systemic MRSA infection) and its really not noticable in passing unless I show people or they're paying close attention.

And like I said, I'm not looking to do personal training, the concept in my head is a way to replace the traditional medical system by teaching people how to take care of themselves for anything shy of needing an ER immediately type scenarios. Yes, this includes fitness as a big lart, but more so diet, supplementation, mechanical therapies/biohacking techniques (Cold plunging, IR therapy, saunas etc), breath work, etc.

Plus, with my PhD specialization, I really want to target the addict population as an alternative for traditional rehab/detoxification.

I'm kinda considering opening up a 3/4 house down the road focusing on these ideals.

Thank you though! I do appreciate it.
You said it right there: you PhD about addiction is your main interest.
You did this for a reason.
If you do anything, I think it should be this.
You're qualified out the ass.
Frankly, I think online coaching would largely be a waste of your education. I'd imagine you have more desirable options with those credentials.

If you decided to pursue coaching, the biggest factor is getting your name out there.
Social media, with all its flaws, is essentially the most effective way.
If I were you, I'd leverage your education to make informative or discussion posts on Instagram and TikTok, maybe YouTube, to get a following started.

With your health history, beating cancer, and your education, you should be a compelling podcast guest, so I'd reach out to a couple smaller or mid level podcasts and ask to come on.

After that it's building a reputation specifically as a coach. Youll likely need to take on a handful of clients for free at the start just to get postable content and progress off them l so that you have results to show people.

Your social anxiety and ADHD tendencies will need to be managed yourself. Practice in social environments is best for overcoming social anxiety once you determine what the root cause of the anxiety is