How to dose exemestane correctly without fucking up my estrogen?


My plan:

- 125 mg Testosterone E every 3.5 days for the next two years at least, maybe I will add more later, but i want to try to stay at 250 mg per week if "possible"
- 20 mg Dianabol every day for the first month

1. How should I dose the exemestane in this case? Would it be enough to take 12.5 mg every 3.5 days like the Testo E?

2. How should I dose the exemestane after the first month when I stay at 250 mg Test E only?

3. What are the easiest to spot symptoms of too high and too low estrogen in your experience?

4. Is it even realistic to avoid acne completely by keeping my estrogen in a good balance? I have accutane on hand but I would like to avoid taking it.
From my research and talking to veteran members , it seems that the best way to understand what you need to do as far as dosages and AI's will rely on blood work. I would ask some of the more veteran members, but getting some pre-blood work done to see where T and E2 is at with another round maybe 6-8 weeks on cycle to see how you are aromatizing and what that new E2 number would look like.

Estrogen is neuroprotective and is a muscle buidling catalyst so you really do not want to wing it and crash it. There a slew of side effects for low e2 that can range from fatigue ,depression, anxiety, and low libido, among other things. You can search in the search bar for the forum and see quite a few different posts and their experiences.

Disclaimer - I currently am NOT on a cycle but plan to be in the future. Currently, just spending alot of time learning and researching and being apart of the community here. I am just regurgitating basic information that seems to be the consensus across the board. IF any members feel that this information is wrong - please chime in.
Best tip: if it is your first experience with aas. Don't do dianabol in the early weeks.
Start with your testosterone protocol as mentioned. After 6 weeks do bloods:
Total testosterone

Based on this outcome start an ai or not.
If you are not to fat it could be possible you don't need any ai.

Add dianabol later in your cycle when you are comfortable with your testosterone dosage and ai et cetera.