how to make steroid tablet

How are you guys!
I’m living in Asia.

I’m about to buy tablet machine

but, I don’t know how to make steroid tablet such as Stanozolol, Clenbuterol, Anavar with tablet machine, even more caps.

when I make tablet with tablet press machine, do I need to mix something with tablet raw powder?

hope guys reply
The best way to do this depends on whether you want to make tablets just for yourself, or for a smaller group of friends, or you plan to share it with "friends all over the world" (commercially produce and sell).

If it's just for yourself, most likely it's better to just buy ready-made tablets, or to produce a solution / suspension.

If you have zero clue, producing "commercial quality" tablets is not an easy task that someone can explain in detail on this forum.
Yes and good day to you. Making tabs for persona l use would be pricy right. Getting all the setup. Compaired to caps. Caps are cheap and easy. Kind of like me.

Caps are better for personal/small commercial purposes.

Tabs better for quantity.
There's absolutely ZERO need to ever use inositol to make aas tablets!

MCC is the #1 main filler and other binders/fillers/lubricants/disintegrants consist of magnesium stearate, copovidone silicon dioxide, precipitated silica, croscarmellose sodium and a few others that are more suited to candy production.

BTW love your avatar :)
What filler do you think is best for caps? Dextrose or something else?
Keeps me hard. Im not young like you tren3times. I like to take an oral that doesnt convert befor sleep to keep my test high while my muscles repair. Not sure there is science behind it. But that is what i do.
Keeps me hard. Im not young like you tren3times. I like to take an oral that doesnt convert befor sleep to keep my test high while my muscles repair. Not sure there is science behind it. But that is what i do.

There is actually a little bit of logic in taking something like var before bed for older guys with slower metabolisms, lower natty test levels, and an inclination towards fat storage/raised estrogen.

It's probably not necessary though if you've already got exogenous synth test in your system but it certainly won't do you any harm.
There is actually a little bit of logic in taking something like var before bed for older guys with slower metabolisms, lower natty test levels, and an inclination towards fat storage/raised estrogen.

It's probably not necessary though if you've already got exogenous synth test in your system but it certainly won't do you any harm.
That is what i thought. Keeps me anabolic so when i sleep i get plenty of blood into recovering muscles. And those pleasure areas not relaxing. Just b4 sleep.
Always happy to chat tren3times. You are one of the few who never seem to get out of sorts. You seem like a happy content person. Doing what you want.
I'm the happiest guy in the world man!!! And believe me...there are things that should just utterly destroy me.
The best way to do this depends on whether you want to make tablets just for yourself, or for a smaller group of friends, or you plan to share it with "friends all over the world" (commercially produce and sell).

If it's just for yourself,
I think if someone is talking buying a pill press, safe bet its not for personal use. Tho someone with supposed access to a press but not the info, or desire to google the info, seems super fishy.
I think if someone is talking buying a pill press, safe bet its not for personal use. Tho someone with supposed access to a press but not the info, or desire to google the info, seems super fishy.

It does seem a bit odd, I agree.

Most people thinking about a pill press would already know all the basics and have formulas for the powder/filler ratios from capping and were ready to scale up for mass production.
It does seem a bit odd, I agree.

Most people thinking about a pill press would already know all the basics and have formulas for the powder/filler ratios from capping and were ready to scale up for mass production.
Not to mention the cost. And if you were busted by the cops with pill manufacturing they will pin party drugs on you too.
Little advice from an old cunt. Buy only what you need for this cycle and the next. Buy tabs premade. Or make caps.
Always assume you will get busted one day and only have enough gear for them to pin you with personal use.
Here in australia i know two guys busted for personal use. Both beat the charge because they were on doctors trt. They proved it was cheaper to make trt than buy it from pharmacy.
How are you guys!
I’m living in Asia.

I’m about to buy tablet machine

but, I don’t know how to make steroid tablet such as Stanozolol, Clenbuterol, Anavar with tablet machine, even more caps.

when I make tablet with tablet press machine, do I need to mix something with tablet raw powder?

hope guys reply
I have access to a pill press and I use MCCP 102, Starch, Magnesium stearate and aerosil. If you want a more detailed explanation and maybe a demo, DM me your wickr username.
There's absolutely ZERO need to ever use inositol to make aas tablets!

MCC is the #1 main filler and other binders/fillers/lubricants/disintegrants consist of magnesium stearate, copovidone silicon dioxide, precipitated silica, croscarmellose sodium and a few others that are more suited to candy production.

BTW love your avatar :)
Maybe just get some proslov 90, prosliv smcc or Easytab?‍♂️
Is there a post on here somewhere or anyone that can provide a little info on making an oral solution with aas raws? Something like anavar? I’ve heard of junco but do you just get the measured amount of aas oowder and shake it into the solution? Is it that simple?
Is there a post on here somewhere or anyone that can provide a little info on making an oral solution with aas raws?

Start a new thread for visibility, that's a completely different topic than this one.

The wiki in the steroids Subreddit might actually have the information you want, check there too.