How To Replicate A HIGH Dose Of Pharma Grade GH With MK-677 And Peptides - MPMD

ook that's just theory .... have to find someone that actually tried it and did bloodwork to at least consider this as viable
although you would probably become insulin resistamt in a quater of the time you would with just GH

on top of that GH is cheap now...sure not pharma buy it works just as well if you are lucky and don't get crippling water retention or carpal tunnel ...
Mk677 is a no-no.

its a cheap GHRP which is the worst on fasting blood sugar out of all of them. Also it induced anxiety and fear in rodents.

I think only real benefit with it was years ago when WADA tests were worse so you likely never got caught with it, and even if you did usually oral peds have lesser sentences.

CJCdac stimulates ghrh pathway all day. Thats something totally not natural and may or may not have severe consequences. Since we don't have loads of clinical data on neither CJCdac nor CJCnodac, CJC nodac shows better safety profile and should be the safest option and therefore the first choice.

And you want to combine 2 of the worst options, because a youtuber said so?

I do not write off peptides as most on this forum (some of them may have more knowledge than me tho), but I would just use different ghrp and ghrh.

In case you want to use small amounts of GH peptides can be a good option to cycle with rHGH. 4 weeks gh, 4 weeks peptides for example. Probably till 2-3 IUS. If you want IU 4-6 you can combine peptides with good timing. But its pain in the ass so you might want to just switch to rHGH totally.
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If thats trully possible, using QSC's CJC 1295DAC + MK677 would be way more efective and cheaper than regular GH. To achieve those same results on a 100kg the study says it would be needed over 30IUs

That article has been discussed here; use the search bar.

The cost analysis and comparison to 30 IU hGH are way off. Search bar my man.
ook that's just theory .... have to find someone that actually tried it and did bloodwork to at least consider this as viable
although you would probably become insulin resistamt in a quater of the time you would with just GH

on top of that GH is cheap now...sure not pharma buy it works just as well if you are lucky and don't get crippling water retention or carpal tunnel ...
Derek from MPMD said he got 500ng/dl
Derek from MPMD said he got 500ng/dl
perhaps he did, but thaye just one guy....he might have a very good response and a high starting point....
some people do not go over 300 igf even on 18ui of pharma gh...look up chase Irons and Vigorous steve and they still grow...

serum igf is not comparable from one individual to another and might not be relevant in the big picture for muscle growth and actual muscle igf is the only thing that matters..who knows studies available but anecdotally it seems to be the case...

good luck with the secretagogues , only reason I can see to use them is if you are a pussy and can't even handle a 30g needle
perhaps he did, but thaye just one guy....he might have a very good response and a high starting point....
some people do not go over 300 igf even on 18ui of pharma gh...look up chase Irons and Vigorous steve and they still grow...

serum igf is not comparable from one individual to another and might not be relevant in the big picture for muscle growth and actual muscle igf is the only thing that matters..who knows studies available but anecdotally it seems to be the case...

good luck with the secretagogues , only reason I can see to use them is if you are a pussy and can't even handle a 30g needle
i think he does, he got 500 IGF-1 with 3 IUs
i think he does, he got 500 IGF-1 with 3 IUs
yup here you go... and he still looked like shit all delts, no arms, no chest,no back no legs ....meanwhile we've hot guys with 400test natural that look more jacked...genetics suck we got to play the cards we're delt...
look up chase Irons and Vigorous steve and they still grow...
Chase Iron has good physique.

Vigorous Steve tho? He usually looks average considering how much shit he uses. Ahh 1 cycle, 3 compounds, then 20 different ancilleries, GH,insuline, IGF, ghkcu, tb500, bpc, glps and even the exotic shit... everything you can find under the sun this guy uses it. He is a coach, not like he does construction and already drained physically. He sits most of his days and can't even
Right now his traps look like its not his body part. Shoulders small, neck is a pencil, but the muscle that reacts the best to peds is huge. That's also the muscle that will do most of the work if you have incorrect technique. Not a great sign.

'ohhh guys I use everything at once, now I have this health issue, I need to stop even TRT. 3 months later: Look, Im the king, I am the expert, I could stop the illness I brought upon myself. So time to use everything again. Then health issues arise. Then he stops gear totally or do TRT and does some crazy protocols, once again to heal...' Rinse and repeat. This guy's last 5 years? And then he says he experiments for others to learn, no, not because he has to fix himself. lol Also, he trains couple months and then come up with something why he only go to gym 2x a week or not even going. Excuses vary.

It just doesnt do too good for his reputation.

Derek more plates is kinda the same, the only difference he just have shitty physique for a bodybuilder, he tends to be on the safer side and not use that much shit. Still its a joke a guy who is some guru looks like the average gymrat who has supposedly no idea about anything really.
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