How to tell if PCT is legit?


New Member
I've recently ordered some clomid, nolva and adex from I've used them before for sarm PCT and I'm getting ready to start my first test E cycle, but after hearing about how awful clomid tastes I'm question the legitimacy of my PCT meds and I would sure hate to start a cycle with real test and fake pct.

The meds APPEAR to be legit, they came in cipla branded blister packaging, the adex even comes with the little prescription pamphlets, but my clomid doesn't have much of a taste unless I literally chew it, but it did seem to make my tongue numb. Can anyone vouch for this source?
I've recently ordered some clomid, nolva and adex from I've used them before for sarm PCT and I'm getting ready to start my first test E cycle, but after hearing about how awful clomid tastes I'm question the legitimacy of my PCT meds and I would sure hate to start a cycle with real test and fake pct.

The meds APPEAR to be legit, they came in cipla branded blister packaging, the adex even comes with the little prescription pamphlets, but my clomid doesn't have much of a taste unless I literally chew it, but it did seem to make my tongue numb. Can anyone vouch for this source?

You can tell if clomid is real if your semen volume increases after ejaculations. You should be able to note a difference.

High LH and FSH can pinpoint that clomid is doing its job.

But a steroid test or lab exam is the only certain way.
There's no way of telling beforehand? I never paid that much attention to it after my LGD cycle and I'd rather not find out it was fake at the end of my cycle and end up with gyno cuz my PCT was fake
They actually sent it without a prescription?
I can't really say what Clomid is supposed to taste like or if it numbs the tongue. I've never used this place but remember reading a few years ago there were many fake, counterfeit, or containing no active ingredient generic pharmaceutical products coming out of India (where Cipla is manufactured). However I don't think Cipla was one of the companies fined by the FDA over it. Always try to go Name brand pharma for PCT/AI and y it's so important to trust ur source.
I thought they were legit pharma grade? It was shipped from India, I'm not sure if the prescription issue is really a concern for them. Does anyone have any personal experience with them or anyone they could recommend? My ugl doesn't sell pct and I'm not sure I'd buy it from them anyway when pharma grade is available
I had come across that thread, it was old so I was a bit concerned about whether or not they were still good, especially considering the ease of obtaining it without a prescription and the fact that my clomid doesn't really have this awful bitter taste people keep talking about, and I'd heard decent things about them but I'm just nervous to start a cycle without knowing for sure
I've recently ordered some clomid, nolva and adex from I've used them before for sarm PCT and I'm getting ready to start my first test E cycle, but after hearing about how awful clomid tastes I'm question the legitimacy of my PCT meds and I would sure hate to start a cycle with real test and fake pct.

The meds APPEAR to be legit, they came in cipla branded blister packaging, the adex even comes with the little prescription pamphlets, but my clomid doesn't have much of a taste unless I literally chew it, but it did seem to make my tongue numb. Can anyone vouch for this source?
Get real PHARMA pct drugs from a reputable general purpose (not bodybuilding or anything rec) online pharmacy.

Steroid sources know they are already breaking the law by selling controlled substances, so they don't give a shit about selling counterfeits.
A trusted source is a must for pct items. Legit pharma is nice if you can get your hands on it and is always the best option. If not there are a number of UGL that produce good quality pct items. Again, know your source.
I've recently ordered some clomid, nolva and adex from I've used them before for sarm PCT and I'm getting ready to start my first test E cycle, but after hearing about how awful clomid tastes I'm question the legitimacy of my PCT meds and I would sure hate to start a cycle with real test and fake pct.

The meds APPEAR to be legit, they came in cipla branded blister packaging, the adex even comes with the little prescription pamphlets, but my clomid doesn't have much of a taste unless I literally chew it, but it did seem to make my tongue numb. Can anyone vouch for this source?

Buy your PED ancillaries from a US based pharmacy, or as a second option a US based on-ine retailer. To that end I would suggest you avoid ANY "source" that is based in
Indo-China, India or Canada.

The latter was specifically black listed by the FDA bc a number of Canadian retailers are selling drugs manufactured in India, many of which are "non-FDA" compliant.
And quality tends to suffer in the absence of such oversight --- even when the involved compounds are NOT "scheduled".

-- Finally IMO the "cost" of KNOWING said products are legit is well worth the added price tag.

--- And if you "can't afford" the added cost then it's VERY unlikely you'll be able to run AAS, in a risk adverse manner or optimize HTPA recovery IME.

Good luck
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Buy your PED ancillaries from a US based pharmacy, or as a second option a US based on-ine retailer. To that end I would suggest you avoid ANY "source" that is based in
Indo-China, India or Canada.

The latter was specifically black listed by the FDA bc a number of Canadian retailers are selling drugs manufactured in India, many of which are "non-FDA" compliant.
And quality tends to suffer in the absence of such oversight --- even when the involved compounds are NOT "scheduled".

-- Finally IMO the "cost" of KNOWING said products are legit is well worth the added price tag.

--- And if you "can't afford" the added cost then it's VERY unlikely you'll be able to run AAS, in a risk adverse manner or optimize HTPA recovery IME.

Good luck
I totally agree it's better to buy pharma pct
best if American pharma

I understand it's better to use pct (or any drugs) only as prescribed by your doctor
but from a theoretical harm reduction point, meant only for information purposes and not to break any laws or regulations:

How to buy American pharma pct meds without a prescription? Is that even possible?
That's what I'm saying. How the hell do people get nolva and clomid from a us pharmacy without a prescription? They look pharma grade, they're cipla brand in blister packaging and everything LOOKS legit. But tasteless clomid is a little suspicious, and the issue is not that I can't afford it, it's that I can't FIND it. Someone had floated their name out on this board and I just need to know if they're legit or not
I think ur safe...Cipla is one of the few India based generics that are FDA approved. U do realize most of the time these pills are made with some kind of filler. So depending on what company produced it with each having it's own filler or different production processes can lead to a different taste or no taste. If ur really uncertain about their authenticity I believe Anaylzer tests for these substances.
Laboratory testing of AASs, GH, peptides...
Bad advice? I'm new to this whole thing
The guy is a troll.
Best just ignore everything he says whether it correct information or not.

Edit : and yes it was stupid advice.
The only sure fire way to know if your pct works is to get before and after bloods.