Oh I understand. I’m 42. Been using for 13 years. 8 of those blasting and cruising. But starting last July I think, I quit blasting and went straight micro doses of TRT and started experimenting with different add ons trying to get my natural testosterone working decently again and trying to regain the feeling of being on my PCT protocol during my early, test only cycles. My libido and happiness was next level during those early PCTs. So I have been researching as to what I am missing now that I was getting back then. Unfortunately it’s pretty damn complicated. Lots of upstream and downstream chemicals are affected and negated when we blast hormones. And come to find out, those chemicals are pretty important in the big picture.Its funny as I've always thought this too - I was way hornier on natty test than I have ever been loaded up on anabolics of all kinds. Even though the natural production is much lower it works so much better at making you feel great doesn't it, at least thats how I remember it 8 years ago now Lol. Problem is now being over 40 I cannot help but think if I did somehow get full natty again my lifts would be worse than that of a 12 year old LMAO.
If I could go back I would have never started cruising. I would have done a handful of cycles and a power PCT after each. Then once I had acquired the mass I wanted I would just stay natural and use things like Enclomiphene, tongkat-Ali, fadogia agrestis, HCG on occasion to keep my natural levels optimized. Oh well. Live and learn I guess.