What herbs are you referencing? I am currently on PCT and wondering if I should start taking DHEA and Boron supplements again, and maybe some other things, but I'm worried that I would be throwing too many ingredients into the hormone stew. DHEA and Boron supplements have worked for me in the past (to raise my constantly low DHEA, and the Boron upped my Testosterone by about 120ish points), but those supplements also spiked my E2. Since I'm taking nolvadex 20mg per day, maybe my E2 won't spike this time if I take those again?
PS I don't feel any different on Nolvadex, is that normal? I feel like it's not doing anything (Odin brand, maybe it's bunk, I don't know, their testosterone was legit). I just quit Test C 18 days ago. I feel really fatigued every day. Since this is my first PCT, I have nothing else to compare it with, so don't know if I'm feeling how I should, if the Nolvadex I'm using is fake, or if this is just how going through PCT feels.