How much does PCT actually suck?

What herbs are you referencing? I am currently on PCT and wondering if I should start taking DHEA and Boron supplements again, and maybe some other things, but I'm worried that I would be throwing too many ingredients into the hormone stew. DHEA and Boron supplements have worked for me in the past (to raise my constantly low DHEA, and the Boron upped my Testosterone by about 120ish points), but those supplements also spiked my E2. Since I'm taking nolvadex 20mg per day, maybe my E2 won't spike this time if I take those again?

PS I don't feel any different on Nolvadex, is that normal? I feel like it's not doing anything (Odin brand, maybe it's bunk, I don't know, their testosterone was legit). I just quit Test C 18 days ago. I feel really fatigued every day. Since this is my first PCT, I have nothing else to compare it with, so don't know if I'm feeling how I should, if the Nolvadex I'm using is fake, or if this is just how going through PCT feels.
Ha damn, I'm in the same boat. Taking Nolva from Odin also for my first PCT and also feel super fatigued. Strength is still good, and I'm sleeping like a fucking ROCK though, which is nice.
Ha damn, I'm in the same boat. Taking Nolva from Odin also for my first PCT and also feel super fatigued. Strength is still good, and I'm sleeping like a fucking ROCK though, which is nice.
are you getting nausea with this Nolva? I guess it's a pretty common side effect. I cut back to 10mg daily and still kinda queasy. I'm also sleeping soundly.

still wondering if I should take DHEA & boron supplements or just leave well enough alone. My DHEA is always low, though.
>Herbs don’t do nothing

bruh I'm not talking about parsley and oregano :p - I'm talking about actual supplements, as in if you were deficient in Vitamin D, you would take Vitamin D supplements. But it's true there is a lot of snake oil out there, and the supplement/vitamin market is highly unregulated, so you gotta be smart about it.
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PS I don't feel any different on Nolvadex, is that normal? I feel like it's not doing anything (Odin brand, maybe it's bunk, I don't know, their testosterone was legit). I just quit Test C 18 days ago. I feel really fatigued every day. Since this is my first PCT, I have nothing else to compare it with, so don't know if I'm feeling how I should, if the Nolvadex I'm using is fake, or if this is just how going through PCT feels.

Ha damn, I'm in the same boat. Taking Nolva from Odin also for my first PCT and also feel super fatigued. Strength is still good, and I'm sleeping like a fucking ROCK though, which is nice.

Considering getting your hands on some Pharmaceutical grade serms gents.

I know this is a bit behind, but how have the pct’s gone since? You just never know what you’re getting from a UGL; whether it’s lacking in dosage, or nolva all together.

One of you mentioned dropping to 10mg/day. If you can get pharm grade serms and up the dosage, you’ll be doing your recovery a favour.

If you feel like recovery is lacking at this point, Doubling down on the pct with Nolva and Clomid could be helpful. I felt amazing on the combo personally. Some people do report more side effects with Clomid though.
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Considering getting your hands on some Pharmaceutical grade serms gents.

I know this is a bit behind, but how have the pct’s gone since? You just never know what you’re getting from a UGL; whether it’s lacking in dosage, or nolva all together.

One of you mentioned dropping to 10mg/day. If you can get pharm grade serms and up the dosage, you’ll be doing your recovery a favour.

If you feel like recovery is lacking at this point, Doubling down on the pct with Nolva and Clomid could be helpful. I felt amazing on the combo personally. Some people do report more side effects with Clomid though.
I would definitely love to get some pharma grade for my next round, lesson learned. Tbh, I think I'm probably just done with blasting in general, it's super difficult to fit into my lifestyle, so I'll probably just talk to a doc and try to get on TRT for a year or two. Being super strong for 16 weeks and then feeling like dick for a month and a half is sort of a bummer lol.

I'm about 4.5 weeks into my PCT right now and I'm feeling pretty good. I've lost about 10lbs on my big lifts in the gym, and I'm not sleeping very well again (but tbh that could be a sign that my test is recovering since I slept like shit when I was on-cycle, but slept amazing when coming off...?), but my acne is clearing up so that's nice. I've also dropped all but about 5lbs of the weight I gained on cycle. I definitely look bigger, but I get what everyone is always talking about now when they say that one cycle isn't going to make you look like Arnold.

I've been doing 10mg of Nolva and 6.25mg of Enclomiphene every day. Still very active (climbed an 11,000ft mountain yesterday and skied back down), so I guess if my HPTA was completely fucked I probably wouldn't be doing things like that so I'll take it as a sign that things are on track.
>Herbs don’t do nothing

bruh I'm not talking about parsley and oregano :p - I'm talking about actual supplements, as in if you were deficient in Vitamin D, you would take Vitamin D supplements. But it's true there is a lot of snake oil out there, and the supplement/vitamin market is highly unregulated, so you gotta be smart about it.

Maybe they could give you a little boost.

Been there done it all. Everything prolongs the inevitable.

You cannot fool your body. Always acts accordingly.
Life is better natural? Sure, keep telling yourselves that. Because most guys in their 40’s+ walking around look happy, healthy, and don’t have a gut rt? FUCK THAT, GIVE ME THE TRT!!!!!
Hahaha well of course your point is accurate. But for me bro after all that mask and crap… it’s nice to think naturally not “fucking what bro!?” Haha.

Oh TRT for me one day absolutely.
why TRT one day?
are you disowning what God has given you? how are you so sure you will feel like crap later in life when you are aging?
Hahaha I love you bro great question.
I’m not sure. My thought process is maybe I will feel fucking fantastic until the day I die due to my brand new gonads…. But if I don’t, and I feel like shit. Absolutely
Anyone deal with headaches and almost dizziness? I didnt mind being shutdown, but after i introduced nolva and clomid, i started to feel like shit.
I am on week 2 of PCT and I feel like ass, 20tamox/50clomid ED, after the HCG left my system in the pre-pct blast I started to pay the price of cycling.

Other times have been smoother.
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