How would you dissolve tren base that got stuck subq?


New Member
First of all I am a moron and I deserve mockery so go ahead

Like 3 months ago or so I injected tren base from this local source. I already used it in the past without any major issue, but for the first time it leaked subq in the quads.

Probably because of the guaicol my whole thigh goes numb. I didn't freakout because there was no pain or redness or anything at all so I just waited. Within a week or two most of the thigh is not numb anymore and it seems most of the tren was absorbed. Except this part on the side of the quad, maybe becauss there is less circulation there.

Well it has been 3 months and basically no progress. I tried to massage it and heat it up, hard. Heating works a bit, but not much. I will try a sauna this weekend to see if it helps, I noticed my whole body temperature raising seems to matter more than local heating.

Please dont suggest doctors, I tried that. In this shit country where I live doctors are insanely useless. I went to 5 doctors (not joking, 5) because is not infected and is not an abscess they dont give a fuck and wont drain. Problem is that this shit hurts like a mofo sometimes and that the tren absorbing in burts was fucking up my pct. One of the doctors seems to think is a fibrous capsule around the oil preventing absorption, and will only try to drain if its not gone after a year.

A friend of mine suggested injecting vey pure dmso carefully, but isnt that really dangerous?

I tried to drain it by myself but it was quite difficult to find the oil. I do think I punctured the capsule because there was a hematoma in the area (despite only going subq) and I think some oil was absorbed. It just seems like this stuff was seriously badly brew.

I appreciate any ideas guys
It sounds like time is the answer here. Your doctor was probably right that it's stuck in a fibrous capsule. Continue with the heat and massage. Maybe get your lady to bounce on it in the jacuzzi- might as well have fun with it!
It sounds like time is the answer here. Your doctor was probably right that it's stuck in a fibrous capsule. Continue with the heat and massage. Maybe get your lady to bounce on it in the jacuzzi- might as well have fun with it!
Yeah for sure it is. Tried to drain it again and this time I felt the same burning sensation on thr skin that I felt when injecting this shit as soon as I broke in. Is immediately under the skin

Apparently some dermatologists apply a type of acid to dissolve them, I might try asking one
It sounds like time is the answer here. Your doctor was probably right that it's stuck in a fibrous capsule. Continue with the heat and massage. Maybe get your lady to bounce on it in the jacuzzi- might as well have fun with it!
What do you make of this brother?

Apparently is common to use it for fibrous capsules but usually in plastic surgery
I don't know anything about that. Should be some interesting reading. Maybe @Ghoul can look it up for you.

If a doc won't remove it for a year, then wait, or go back telling him (or a different doc) it now hurts, a lot. More pain every day. Pain almost always gets doctors to act.

That's what people with painless lipoma have to say to get surgeons to remove them.

"Self surgery" is never advisable. Don't go digging in there with a syringe, I guarantee it won't go as well as you think.
If a doc won't remove it for a year, then wait, or go back telling him (or a different doc) it now hurts, a lot. More pain every day. Pain almost always gets doctors to act.

That's what people with painless lipoma have to say to get surgeons to remove them.

"Self surgery" is never advisable. Don't go digging in there with a syringe, I guarantee it won't go as well as you think.
Yeah you are right. I am going inside limping next time and say the pain is unbearable and worse by the day