aren't the guys with PFS claiming that ED meds don't help or aren't even taking any at all?
I also read someones comment recently that they believe some of them just have some fetish for talking about their dick on the internet, i wouldn't be surprised.
Like there was one guy that came out of the woodwork on here to spaz about PFS he has been dealing with for years, and throughout that time never got a DHT or even testosterone test.
it just seems like these people suddenly notice hairloss, google frantically for 5ar inhibiitors, start taking them, and then freak out whenever they hear about PFS because its the first medicatin they've ever self prescribed, are emotionally vulnerable regarding their hairloss/self worth and then have this background thought of "fuck fuck fuck, i took this finasteride to not lose hair so i can be more attractive to women, but now my dick isnt going to work even if im attractive again, i cant win! im doomed i knew it!"