What should I choose as hairloss prevention?

There is good evidence supporting weekly microneedling and daily topical minoxidil.

And since everyone is citing personal anecdotes, I have shit hair genetics but have maintained a full head of hair with that protocol after years of gear use.

***I started before any signs of hair thinning, so my advice is to start now even if you're just considering it
Do you have any recommendations for which microneedling system to use? So many out there
aren't the guys with PFS claiming that ED meds don't help or aren't even taking any at all?
I also read someones comment recently that they believe some of them just have some fetish for talking about their dick on the internet, i wouldn't be surprised.
Like there was one guy that came out of the woodwork on here to spaz about PFS he has been dealing with for years, and throughout that time never got a DHT or even testosterone test.
it just seems like these people suddenly notice hairloss, google frantically for 5ar inhibiitors, start taking them, and then freak out whenever they hear about PFS because its the first medicatin they've ever self prescribed, are emotionally vulnerable regarding their hairloss/self worth and then have this background thought of "fuck fuck fuck, i took this finasteride to not lose hair so i can be more attractive to women, but now my dick isnt going to work even if im attractive again, i cant win! im doomed i knew it!"
Yes i knoe many of these PFS claims are bs and really actually psychosomatic. However there is clinical evidence like reduced signla pathways in the brain aftrr taking finastetid for example at least 6 months (as they only tested it up till then) after tge stopped taking it.

The 5alapha enzym plays a important role in many sections of your brain.

So the risk (lets calle it a small risk) is there and i absolutely would take that risk, but im only on ASS for these 4months.
So that why i was thinking more about ketocinazol + AR antagonist and thanks to the plenty of feedback here (btw thanks to everyone) also minoxidil and microneedling.

My hair genetic is ok. My father has great hair genetics, my grandfather (mothers side) terrible. I did once a genetic test (23and me) and they claimed im not prone to hairloss. However im kinda think thats bullshit, or more like a educated guess
The connection is "It's a hair loss drug, therefore it likely causes the same horrible damage as finasteride.". And if they dare try it, I'm sure for them, it will.
yeah i remember seeing something like that, holy fucking dunning krueger, they spend so much time on the internet about this but literally do not understand the absolute basics, i think the #1 side effect of PFS is mental retardation. to draw the conclusion that any medicine for the hair all works the same way and has the same sides... what other false conclusions are they jumping to... like if you miss one dose of fin/min all your hair will fall out.
Hard to tell if the test or the DHB for example is the problem.
is this a typo of DHT?
either way you dont know what youre talking about.
DHT is proven to be much more damaging to the hair follicle than testosterone itself, for many different reasons im not going to waste my time listing here because you clearly dont know anything and don't actually want to know anything.

Some say DHB is terribke for your hair, other say its one if the safest.

best thing for you to do is not do fucking steroids if you are this worried about your hair, imagine what will happen when you get other side effects from steroids like acne and permanent low testosterone all for like 3lbs of muscle you will lose anyway since you are PCTing, (another indicator you have 0 clue and think you can do a cycle and be superman for the rest of your life and compensate for your low self esteem)
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Have you also noticed pimples or other brown marks or other skin reaction?
The talk of moles becoming super dark and such is way overblown I my experience. Didn’t notice any change in pimples (no more or less). Only thing I noticed is scars are more apparent because they’ll remain white/pink and won’t be able to tan. But I assume that’s an issue anyone would have that could normally tan (I was not accustomed to that as a ginger that was not capable of tanning and was always pale)
Isn't that a good thing, called longevity?

Controlling DHT has the additional benefit of delaying or preventing another male "inevitability", the steady growth of the prostate, becoming a "dribbler" from decreased urine flow, and the possibility of requiring a procedure that may destroy the ability to get an erection or have an orgasm,

It also reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

The key is balance. As low a DHT level as possible while still feeling good. Part of the problem is the "one size fits all" doses of fin and dut. They should both have doses starting at a quarter of the standard 1mg and .5mg, respectively.
I don't want my dick to not work regardless of the cause (psychogenic or physiological).

And when there are perfectly good substitutes to finasteride like microneedling and topical minoxidil, why not?

I'll deal with systemic DHT for my prostate when the time comes. For now, I'll stick with topical treatment for hair loss prevention.
I don't want my dick to not work regardless of the cause (psychogenic or physiological).

And when there are perfectly good substitutes to finasteride like microneedling and topical minoxidil, why not?

I'll deal with systemic DHT for my prostate when the time comes. For now, I'll stick with topical treatment for hair loss prevention.
But what if when the time comes it’s too late?
But what if when the time comes it’s too late?

Unfortunately there are no proven alternatives to reducing DHT, the root cause of damage to male pattern balding susceptible follicles,

Everything else may buy some time at best.

Topical 5-AR inhibitors may minimize systemic exposure, but besides being a chore, I think it's easier to calibrate a micro dose of Fin or Dut that keeps sexual function intact vs some unknown and variable amount being absorbed through the scalp,

With benign prostate hyperplasia (90% of men will develop this in their lifetimes without intervention), fin or dut will quickly shrink the prostate and improve urine flow, so you can "turn back the clock" a bit, but the moment you stop it'll regrow to its original size +, and you lose the significant anti-cancer benefits,
But what if when the time comes it’s too late?

I've been taking preventative measures against hair loss for years and will continue to do so.

There is good evidence supporting weekly microneedling and daily topical minoxidil.

And since everyone is citing personal anecdotes, I have shit hair genetics but have maintained a full head of hair with that protocol after years of gear use.

***I started before any signs of hair thinning, so my advice is to start now even if you're just considering it

You mean when this protocol is no longer sufficient? Yeah I'd consider other options. Preferably none that could mess with my dick (psychogenic or physiological).

If I was prescribed fina/duta for a clinical condition (physical health not hair thinning), I'd take it. Not zealously against it, just that there are other good options for hair loss prevention.
I can tell you what stopped my shedding. Dutasteride 0.25mg every 5 days due to half life. Daily Topical minoxidil from Costco. When I run out I'll switch to oral minoxidil probably from SSA. On trt I don't have issues with shedding so I don't use anything but on cycle of test/mast/tren/var I started shedding. This stopped it and I have zero changes in libido or sexual performance.

If you don't want to use anything go with a deca base cycle and leave out the testosterone or keep it as low as prevents shedding on you.
I can tell you what stopped my shedding. Dutasteride 0.25mg every 5 days due to half life. Daily Topical minoxidil from Costco. When I run out I'll switch to oral minoxidil probably from SSA. On trt I don't have issues with shedding so I don't use anything but on cycle of test/mast/tren/var I started shedding. This stopped it and I have zero changes in libido or sexual performance.

If you don't want to use anything go with a deca base cycle and leave out the testosterone or keep it as low as prevents shedding on you.

Do you restrict hair loss prevention treatment to only on cycle because worried about sexual side effects?

I've been doing it daily since forever just as preventative. But I'm topical only. Might be more cautious if I was on orals.

Going on and off hair loss prevention treatment protocols doesn't seem intuitive to me. Like, once you're on, you're on, until you embrace the bald.
I can tell you what stopped my shedding. Dutasteride 0.25mg every 5 days due to half life. Daily Topical minoxidil from Costco. When I run out I'll switch to oral minoxidil probably from SSA. On trt I don't have issues with shedding so I don't use anything but on cycle of test/mast/tren/var I started shedding. This stopped it and I have zero changes in libido or sexual performance.

If you don't want to use anything go with a deca base cycle and leave out the testosterone or keep it as low as prevents shedding on you.

How do you get .25mg dutasteride? Suspension?

For anyone unaware, the reason dutasteride is more effective at preventing hair loss than finasteride isn't because it lowers DHT more, but because there are 2 types of test to dht conversion. Fin only suppresses type 2. Dut suppresses type 1 and type 2,

Type 1 conversion takes place within hair follicles, the worst possible place for DHT to be produced, This DHT also emerges from the follicle with natural oils, then spreads across the scalp to other follicles, acting like a topical DHT lotion.
this comment will cause 1000s of panic attacks for years to come

Sad to say, I discovered this too late, if you have "oily" type skin/hair (ironically also a sign of high androgens/DHT), you are more prone to accelerated MBP than those with normal or dry skin because of this DHT spreading phenomenon and should use a salicylic shampoo to cleanse it off.

There are more "scholarly" articles on this, but this summary is easy to read,

One of the best things about having gone through a full Accutane cycle is that my hair no longer gets oily after a few hours, and a single daily wash is sufficient,
Do you restrict hair loss prevention treatment to only on cycle because worried about sexual side effects?

I've been doing it daily since forever just as preventative. But I'm topical only. Might be more cautious if I was on orals.

Going on and off hair loss prevention treatment protocols doesn't seem intuitive to me. Like, once you're on, you're on, until you embrace the bald.
No it's more just bc I'm lazy and it's less stuff to take. Plus I've never noticed and shedding when off cycle