Primo Pip

Most vials contain less than .2mL as is. You’d probably need less than .1mL depending on how far you are diluting it
I pre load a few pins at a time. When I wake up I will throw a syringe in the baby wipe warmer while I brush my teeth, get dressed, and eat breakfast, then pin. I been doing 1.5ml test e, 1.25 ml primo 200 pretty pipless EOD. Gear from Stan, GSO carrier.

I’ve tried other sources with much more pip. Especially when in MCT for some reason my body don’t like it vs the GSO.

Pip sucks. Maybe try diluting like others have mentioned. I had to do that with some other sources to make it tolerable before. Pre warming in the wipe warmer has been a game changer for myself though.

Good luck
No need to add BA if you are adding the oil into the syringe and not diluting in the vial.

You need to sterilize the MCT oil filtering it. I hope you know that.
Ok that’s good to hear. Also honestly I figured the oil I ordered was already sterilized since it needs to be drawn out with a needle.
Hey I just did injection today, switched to eod and heated it up with my gfs hairdryer. I’m only injecting .43ml primo and .57ml test. So far I feel nothing but time will tell how well that ends up. I did order some BA, MCT oil, .22 micrometer filters and some sterile vials and might end up diluting it if I still get pip. I’ll let ya know how that goes
Hey I just did injection today, switched to eod and heated it up with my gfs hairdryer. I’m only injecting .43ml primo and .57ml test. So far I feel nothing but time will tell how well that ends up. I did order some BA, MCT oil, .22 micrometer filters and some sterile vials and might end up diluting it if I still get pip. I’ll let ya know how that goes
Used my mug warmer last night, left the oils on it for about 10 minutes, oils were actually hot to the touch, zero viscosity, pushed quickly through a 1”
25g pin into quad(hate using quads, but, PIP in them is minimal), zero PIP this morning.
Used my mug warmer last night, left the oils on it for about 10 minutes, oils were actually hot to the touch, zero viscosity, pushed quickly through a 1”
25g pin into quad(hate using quads, but, PIP in them is minimal), zero PIP this morning.
That’s good to hear. I’m hopeful warming it up is the solution for me
I'm using QSC primo and I wouldn't call it pip but it is like a knot. I did notice, if my syringe has a 1 to 1 ratio with Test-C I barely feel the knot.
I'm using QSC primo and I wouldn't call it pip but it is like a knot. I did notice, if my syringe has a 1 to 1 ratio with Test-C I barely feel the knot.
Primo Pip is such an individual issue. GA Primo killed me. QSC 100 and 200 gave me no issues. No issues with Stan’s 150 GSO either. I just ordered a bunch of his 200 MCT and one vial of 200 GSO. If his MCT gives no Pip I’ll just stick with it going forward.
Sup dudes just wondering how many of you have gotten pip from primo and what you did to manage. Started my second cycle of 500 test e and 300 primo e this Monday, injected into right ventro glute and limped for a solid 3 days. Pain was so bad I had to skip legs this week. Luckily it’s gone on right side but just did left today(Thursday) and not looking forward to looking like a cripple again the rest of the week.
For reference Im using 200mg/ml primo and am injecting in the same shot with the test(250mg/ml). Also I haven’t injected ventro glutes since my last blast so hopefully it gets better after a couple injections. Was only using 5/8s in needles for my cruise so I just stuck with quads and Delts for injection sites.

I just posted a related thread, but I can recap for you. I made a batch of 200 mg Primo. I am on only TRT dosage, so I do .7 test cyp (240 mgs/cc) and .7 Primo (200 mg/cc) every 5-6 days. I get absolutely zero PIP. However, if I increase the Primo....did 1.3 cc with .7 test....then big OUCH, I got bad PIP.

In the past I ran Primo but I brewed it at 120 mgs, no PIP. I think I may have tried 1 full CC of the 200 mg Primo with .7 test and still got significant PIP.

There is a reason no one brews this compound in high dosage. But if you mix it 50/50 w/ test and assuming it is well made, you should be fine.
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GA’s Primo is the worst for pip. I’ve got GA Primo 200, QSC 100 and 200, Stan’s 150, and HYB’s GSO Primo 200 and only GA gives me pip. I stopped using it last cycle and have been using QSC’s. Thought I’d try GA again 2 weeks ago VG. Big mistake. I’ve still got a knot there.

I have purchased raws from QSC and some Zepbound. I trust them, but when it comes to final product I always go with what I make for myself.
I just posted a related thread, but I can recap for you. I made a batch of 200 mg Primo. I am on only TRT dosage, so I do .7 test cyp (240 mgs/cc) and .7 Primo (200 mg/cc) every 5-6 days. I get absolutely zero PIP. However, if I increase the Primo....did 1.3 cc with .7 test....then big OUCH, I got bad PIP.

In the past I ran Primo but I brewed it at 120 mgs, no PIP. I think I may have tried 1 full CC of the 200 mg Primo with .7 test and still got significant PIP.

There is a reason no one brews this compound in high dosage. But if you mix it 50/50 w/ test and assuming it is well made, you should be fine.
Yea I’ve been successful so far this week with the slightest of pip by warming it up before and doing higher frequency eod injections. I’ve been mixing it with test but I think I got such bad pip the first week because I jabbed vg for the first time in about 2 months, was doing 1.75 ml injections, and didn’t warm it up. This week has been much better than last so I’m hopeful it will stay this way
I brewed my own primo enanthate, 200mg/ml, 2% BA 20% BB, ethyl oleate, raws from PPL. I brewed test the same way, same day. No PIP from test but a little PIP and a pretty bad knot from primo. I rotate between six injection sites, quads, glutes, lats, and inject daily, and if I mess up the schedule and inject at the same site I get a big knot. I also need to take a paracetamol now and then, it kind of reminds me of propionate, but I can still run the cycle and train unaffected.

Unfortunately heating it up a bit does not help as the knot forms the following days. I did try one day to fill the pin with much more test E and just a little primo, and it was much smoother.

I'm not sure if it's worth brewing it at 100mg/ml yet, that would mean a slin pin won't be enough for my daily injection, and I'd need two injections, which means less days between injecting the same site.
I brewed my own primo enanthate, 200mg/ml, 2% BA 20% BB, ethyl oleate, raws from PPL. I brewed test the same way, same day. No PIP from test but a little PIP and a pretty bad knot from primo. I rotate between six injection sites, quads, glutes, lats, and inject daily, and if I mess up the schedule and inject at the same site I get a big knot. I also need to take a paracetamol now and then, it kind of reminds me of propionate, but I can still run the cycle and train unaffected.

Unfortunately heating it up a bit does not help as the knot forms the following days. I did try one day to fill the pin with much more test E and just a little primo, and it was much smoother.

I'm not sure if it's worth brewing it at 100mg/ml yet, that would mean a slin pin won't be enough for my daily injection, and I'd need two injections, which means less days between injecting the same site.
Considered brewing 175mg or 150mgs?
Considered brewing 175mg or 150mgs?
I am running 0.36ml test and 0.3ml primo but after week 8 I will be running 0.5ml test 0.5ml primo daily, 100mg of each then, so those concentrations will make it so that one daily slin pin won't be enough, and that is enough to make it not worth the hassle. The PIP and knots are not as bad as the propionate 100mg/ml I did a long time ago in MCT oil, both prop and MCT don't go well with me, so I accept the state of things as they are now with primo :)
I am running 0.36ml test and 0.3ml primo but after week 8 I will be running 0.5ml test 0.5ml primo daily, 100mg of each then, so those concentrations will make it so that one daily slin pin won't be enough, and that is enough to make it not worth the hassle. The PIP and knots are not as bad as the propionate 100mg/ml I did a long time ago in MCT oil, both prop and MCT don't go well with me, so I accept the state of things as they are now with primo :)
I see, i had 200mg Primo of differend brand myself, always PIP but the moment i got 175mg ones, no PIP ever (all MCT, no EO).

I also pin daily and slin pins make life so much easier. Good choice!
I'd just like to give my 2 cents for any future lurkers with similar PIP issues. I've been doing what @Prince Charming did and added the equivalent amount of mct oil as primo to the syringe at each administration. My experience has been positive as well and I wanted to wait a few pins and some time before commenting. This method has helped take a good amount of the pip away for me in some of the trouble areas I had such as quads and delts. I do feel pain there for a couple days but no lumps or any long term issues so far. The pain for me is similar to getting a tetanus shot and that area is sore the next day. I may venture back to my lats and traps, and potentially pecs, but we'll see. I'm pinning daily so I need all the locations I can get.
Yea I’ve been successful so far this week with the slightest of pip by warming it up before and doing higher frequency eod injections. I’ve been mixing it with test but I think I got such bad pip the first week because I jabbed vg for the first time in about 2 months, was doing 1.75 ml injections, and didn’t warm it up. This week has been much better than last so I’m hopeful it will stay this way

2 days ago i did my first ever VG shot with 1ml of test/primo and next day i was sore af. It's probably more due to virgin muscle than the compounds itself but i was kinda dissapointed because everyone online says VG is the most painless spot lol