Howcome melanotan 2 makes you nauseous?

I disagree. I got MT2 from AA. The smallest amount makes me quite tan. To the point where my family asks me where I got my tan from.

I work all the time and my weekends are filled with different events. None of them involve being outside.
What's your protocol look like?
What's your protocol look like?
Didn't have BAC, so I put it in B-12. Then I got BAC, so I added it to it. At that point, there shouldn't have been much left at all, but anytime I add it to my weekly injection of gear, I turn orange. So my understanding is a very small amount = orange.
Always try low low (100mcg) dosage at first. Sides of this shit are wacky.
One time i shot 300mcg before beach and i got fkng ill and couldn't eat nothing the whole day even with mk 677. Tan effect is real and marvelous besides the moles.
Even at a low dose I felt like I was literally poisoning myself. I just tan a few times a week now and I feel less like I’m dying which is cool.
Even at a low dose I felt like I was literally poisoning myself. I just tan a few times a week now and I feel less like I’m dying which is cool.
In many ways I agree. On a good note, if you go on vacation, the body will tan much better. You burn significantly less, which is very cool.
I use melanotan 1. Mt2 croises the blood brain barrier Has effects on the nervous system. People think it's fun to get random bonersand have uncontrollable yawning, but in reality we have no idea what sort of detrimental neurological effects it could have. If I want to get costs ill just take some cialis. Mt1 does not cross the blood brain barrier and so all it does is make you tan. I can't help but wonder why so many people choose mt2 over mt1.

Mt1 can cause some nausea as well but I've never gotten any dosing at 150mcg per day loading for a week and 75 ncg twice a week thereafter

There is a case report of some dumb guy that injected 6 mg of mt2 and got rhabdomyolysis, which is when your muscles start breaking down so fast that your blood gets filled with toxic Proteins. It requires and ER visit. I believe he had side neurological symptoms to but not sure. You can find it easily. Obviously that dose is retarded but still... I say go with mt1.
This is an old post but I'm still looking for a source of quality mt1.

May I ask where you purchase yours?
I went for suaway, not sure if they ship outside the eu. It had much less side effects compared to mt2, but for tanning it didn't work that well

What's your original skin type?

And you dosing protocol?

I've read some posters say mt1 is great for tanning, and then less positive reports from others.
I've used MT2 and got a nice tan...not super dark but very noticeable that my family asked why I got so dark. Fibbed that I spent time on the beach when I traveled to Atlantic City :)

I do get a bit nauseous on 1/2 cc of MT2 which translates to 250mcg. I pin that like e2d.
What's your original skin type?

And you dosing protocol?

I've read some posters say mt1 is great for tanning, and then less positive reports from others.
Type II layed in the sun around 5 days a week roughly for half an hour with spf50 on my face. Roughly 1 1/2 months each cycle, 2 so far.

Don't quite remember my dosing protocoll, as I started really low and gradually went up to 250 mcg MT2. There is a good protocol on the MT2 subreddit. Roughly 1 1/2 months. Got really tan, ppl. were commenting if I've been on holidays as living in northern europe is not favourable for tanning.

Same protocoll with MT1
It had much less side effects, even the desireable ones like steel cutting hard boners on MT2 ^^ It took atleast 500 mcg to notice some skin change. I only tried for 3/4 month after switching to MT2 to boost my skin colour.

I you have the money and time I would recommend going for MT1 and see if it works for you, as MT1 beeing the safer variant of the two.
Type II layed in the sun around 5 days a week roughly for half an hour with spf50 on my face. Roughly 1 1/2 months each cycle, 2 so far.

Don't quite remember my dosing protocoll, as I started really low and gradually went up to 250 mcg MT2. There is a good protocol on the MT2 subreddit. Roughly 1 1/2 months. Got really tan, ppl. were commenting if I've been on holidays as living in northern europe is not favourable for tanning.

Same protocoll with MT1
It had much less side effects, even the desireable ones like steel cutting hard boners on MT2 ^^ It took atleast 500 mcg to notice some skin change. I only tried for 3/4 month after switching to MT2 to boost my skin colour.

I you have the money and time I would recommend going for MT1 and see if it works for you, as MT1 beeing the safer variant of the two.
Care to mention your source for mt1?
I weight around 253 lbs and used mt2 very long over years.

I also get sick every first time I started a cycle.
Yesterday I decided to start even lower so I took arround 30mcg.

Side effects are coming up especially heat flashed and stuffy nose and mucus.
It's not the same intensity like 250mcg or 500mcg but if I compare 30mcg to 250mcg its more than 8 time less of the dosage. The side effects are maybe 30% lower and not 80%.
It doesn't matter if I also reach the goal with a smaller dosage or "I just waste some time with a lower dosage because I have to increase it anyway"
Today is the fifth day. I increased the dosage to 60mcg. It feels like I'm poisoning myself.
Got an intensive cough attack in the middle of the night. I almost puked myself.
Feeling tired and weak all day. I had to cancel my workout yesterday.

If it won't be better until Thursday I will end the cycle.
Today is the fifth day. I increased the dosage to 60mcg. It feels like I'm poisoning myself.
Got an intensive cough attack in the middle of the night. I almost puked myself.
Feeling tired and weak all day. I had to cancel my workout yesterday.

If it won't be better until Thursday I will end the cycle.
That sounds extreme from 60mcg... I wonder if your body is just extremely intolerant of it. I started at 125mcg and now at 375mcg with sides that do not surpass placebo. With that being said, I am administering nasally and we're two different humans so not exactly comparable. Also in your previous post, I wasn't sure if you were vouching for or advising against tapering dosage but it's definitely good with compounds like this due to compounding dosages needed for intended results, easy fuckups with quick repercussions if dosage is wrong, etc. Probably worth a shot to try nasally if you're going to quit/toss the rest anyways since all you gotta do is add some more BAC and throw it in a spray bottle
Today is the fifth day. I increased the dosage to 60mcg. It feels like I'm poisoning myself.
Got an intensive cough attack in the middle of the night. I almost puked myself.
Feeling tired and weak all day. I had to cancel my workout yesterday.

If it won't be better until Thursday I will end the cycle.
That sounds like your product is contaminated frankly.

Today is the fifth day. I increased the dosage to 60mcg. It feels like I'm poisoning myself.
Got an intensive cough attack in the middle of the night. I almost puked myself.
Feeling tired and weak all day. I had to cancel my workout yesterday.

If it won't be better until Thursday I will end the cycle.
I'm also very sensitive to MTII. No matter the dose it screws me up pretty bad for 24+ hours. Sleep, training, eating, emotions...Worse than crashing your e2. I now just do two big doses usually at least 3mg within a 2 day period and go tanning right after the last dosage on the second day. I also take prescription anti nausea drugs during this time. They seem to help. At least with the twisting sensation in your gut and nausea.

This gives me the same results as doing low doses for weeks. I would feel like crap either way but with this method at least it's just two days. I experience no cosmetic side effects from MTII and have a long history with this peptide so I know exactly how I react. This is just what I do. I am not recommending anyone to try this. If I do this once a month I can stay pretty dark year round. Not to mention you don't ruin your skin by tanning often.
I'm also very sensitive to MTII. No matter the dose it screws me up pretty bad for 24+ hours. Sleep, training, eating, emotions...Worse than crashing your e2. I now just do two big doses usually at least 3mg within a 2 day period and go tanning right after the last dosage on the second day. I also take prescription anti nausea drugs during this time. They seem to help. At least with the twisting sensation in your gut and nausea.

This gives me the same results as doing low doses for weeks. I would feel like crap either way but with this method at least it's just two days. I experience no cosmetic side effects from MTII and have a long history with this peptide so I know exactly how I react. This is just what I do. I am not recommending anyone to try this. If I do this once a month I can stay pretty dark year round. Not to mention you don't ruin your skin by tanning often.
Ever tried mt1?
I'm also very sensitive to MTII. No matter the dose it screws me up pretty bad for 24+ hours. Sleep, training, eating, emotions...Worse than crashing your e2. I now just do two big doses usually at least 3mg within a 2 day period and go tanning right after the last dosage on the second day. I also take prescription anti nausea drugs during this time. They seem to help. At least with the twisting sensation in your gut and nausea.

This gives me the same results as doing low doses for weeks. I would feel like crap either way but with this method at least it's just two days. I experience no cosmetic side effects from MTII and have a long history with this peptide so I know exactly how I react. This is just what I do. I am not recommending anyone to try this. If I do this once a month I can stay pretty dark year round. Not to mention you don't ruin your skin by tanning often.
You are crazy for just pinning 3mg like that haha. I'm curious how you react to MT-1 since a lot of the guys on this thread with negative experiences with MT-2 seem to have had good luck with that. While people run lower doses to keep sides at bay, the literature I've read points to it being safe (aside from the god-awful sides) up until you're pinning ~10mg, at which point ED, BP elev, and nephrotoxicity are of concern.

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