Howcome melanotan 2 makes you nauseous?

"Sexual benefits". Again, why not just take a cialis or something? It seems like such a risky thing to do for sexual benefits. There are many ways to improve sexual experience. @All Nats McGee

@Chips7 yes I did. It might have taken a little longer but I'm for harm reduction here so I say run it low and tan slow. I m now taking 100mcg 2-3x per week.

Also MT2 has been shown to increase risk of melanomas...MT1 has not that I know of... but that could just be lack of research.
"Sexual benefits". Again, why not just take a cialis or something? It seems like such a risky thing to do for sexual benefits. There are many ways to improve sexual experience. @All Nats McGee

@Chips7 yes I did. It might have taken a little longer but I'm for harm reduction here so I say run it low and tan slow. I m now taking 100mcg 2-3x per week.

Also MT2 has been shown to increase risk of melanomas...MT1 has not that I know of... but that could just be lack of research.
Does melanotan get you darker even without sun tan? Or it's required to take some sun/spa tannin? And after how much times it takes to work!
It'll probably depend on your body.

I tried 500 mcg. Tried 250 mcg first. Nausea happened only at 250 and only the first time. Afterwards, nope.

I ended up turning black after less than 10 tanning sessions (including going outside), but I'm Native so there's that.

Now I got black and Indian people who aren't sure wtf I am, and they often think I'm one of them. I stopped taking it and I still tan just as fast, so I'm not sure about it. No libido increase at all.

But yeah, MT2 makes me moody as fuck. I stopped it a while ago.
It'll probably depend on your body.

I tried 500 mcg. Tried 250 mcg first. Nausea happened only at 250 and only the first time. Afterwards, nope.

I ended up turning black after less than 10 tanning sessions (including going outside), but I'm Native so there's that.

Now I got black and Indian people who aren't sure wtf I am, and they often think I'm one of them. I stopped taking it and I still tan just as fast, so I'm not sure about it. No libido increase at all.

But yeah, MT2 makes me moody as fuck. I stopped it a while ago.
So you have to get tanning to get it work? Or alone will work the same?
"Sexual benefits". Again, why not just take a cialis or something? It seems like such a risky thing to do for sexual benefits. There are many ways to improve sexual experience. @All Nats McGee

@Chips7 yes I did. It might have taken a little longer but I'm for harm reduction here so I say run it low and tan slow. I m now taking 100mcg 2-3x per week.

Also MT2 has been shown to increase risk of melanomas...MT1 has not that I know of... but that could just be lack of research.
cialis gets you hard, not horny. Mt2 gets you horny.
Didn't do anything for my libido either. Got a bunch of new moles tho and extremely fast tanning

the nausea is so mild, I hardly noticed it
Only 3 days on 150-200mcg every night I had to stop it completely. Nausea like fuck and moles and birth marks were increasing and showing up like no tomorrow
Only 3 days on 150-200mcg every night I had to stop it completely. Nausea like fuck and moles and birth marks were increasing and showing up like no tomorrow
you have to dose it right before you go tanning, otherwise you get the nausea stuff happening
Everytime I take mt2 I take it before bed and I get nausea bad after the first shot, then after the second day it's not bad and everyday after that I don't get nausea anymore. But if I skip 2 days and do it again then the nausea is back. So I always just do it for about a week straight and then I'll get real dark and just do it again once I lighten back up or just one shot every week or 2 to keep my tan
you have to dose it right before you go tanning, otherwise you get the nausea stuff happening
Going tanning doesn't cancel out the nausea...

for Libido you need at least 1mg. Crazy stuff. I have a love and hate relationship with MTII. The nausea, depression, weakness but god damn the amazing tan and libido.

Does anyone know if taking antihistamines or motion sickness drugs cancel out the nausea? I remember hearing something about it.
Going tanning doesn't cancel out the nausea...

for Libido you need at least 1mg. Crazy stuff. I have a love and hate relationship with MTII. The nausea, depression, weakness but god damn the amazing tan and libido.

Does anyone know if taking antihistamines or motion sickness drugs cancel out the nausea? I remember hearing something about it.
I heard that too and I tried it. I took a benadryl and a motion sickness pill 30-60 mins before my shot and I remember it helping a good bit but I do it before bed and kept forgetting to take the pills ahead of time so just quit doin that. Give it a try
I disagree. I got MT2 from AA. The smallest amount makes me quite tan. To the point where my family asks me where I got my tan from.

I work all the time and my weekends are filled with different events. None of them involve being outside.