Simec HPLC analysis results on the Dbol are here!
HPLC shows it is 9.96mg Dianabol (methandienone) in each tablet.
Let me state I have zero affiliation with this or any other source and as such I have no way to know the quality of one batch to another -- by this I mean I am not making any criticisms or recommendations for this or any other source; you must make your own conclusions and I have no way to predict how any future batch, purchase, or individual experience will turn out. Please respect these facts.
HPLC result:
Link to related LabMax (same exact box/blister-pack was used):
product was from Frank
HPLC shows it is 9.96mg Dianabol (methandienone) in each tablet.
Let me state I have zero affiliation with this or any other source and as such I have no way to know the quality of one batch to another -- by this I mean I am not making any criticisms or recommendations for this or any other source; you must make your own conclusions and I have no way to predict how any future batch, purchase, or individual experience will turn out. Please respect these facts.
HPLC result:
Link to related LabMax (same exact box/blister-pack was used):
product was from Frank
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