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How? What data do you possess to support that claim?
I'm sorry but we have to keep the factory where the powder is made a secret as they are a very well known and legitimate company in China and must ensure security and privacy, of course I will test some powder soon to prove this.
Tried contacting on whatsapp for a trial order 2 days ago ... Never got a response to my question .. Guess I gotta move on - Shame as some blends / oils seemed interesting to test and get more down the line
I'm sorry but we have to keep the factory where the powder is made a secret as they are a very well known and legitimate company in China and must ensure security and privacy
So surely then this company possesses even the most basic analytical equipment to perform QC on their product. No?

Do us a solid and provide some gcms data for residual solvents, ICP/XRF, hplc purity, etc. Very simple ask for a manufacturer that has their act together. Be the change. Bonus points for NMR.

Top notch? Back it up. Thanks.