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I bulked up to 240 right after this pic and now I’m at 189 with striations in my shoulders biceps quads and calves. You could fucking never

A real shame you were a heavy user during the critical period that permanently reduces the mass of white brain matter. I'll enjoy my big fat brain, while you wonder why, as year after year passes, everyone else seems to be doing so much better while you stand still.

A real shame you were a heavy user during the critical period that permanently reduces the mass of white brain matter. I'll enjoy my big fat brain, while you wonder why, as year after year passes, everyone else seems to be doing so much better while you stand still.

You’re a fucking obese loser bro no girl willl ever love you. You will die alone and fucking fat
LOL, I've had sex more times than days you'll have lived by the time depression and drug abuse finish you off.
Wanna know something crazy? I’m about to leave my house and go somewhere because I have a life outside this fucking forum unlike you. All you do is sit on here all day every day. You’re so fucking pathetic.

FYI the pawn shop keeps 38s and hollow points pretty cheap, you don’t gotta keep suffering bro
And sorry we’re not all fat ass fucking cheese puff eaters that sit at their computer all day who’s only fulfillment in life is acting like we’re hot shit on a forum that’s a shell of its former self thanks to you god damn diabetic fat fuck low test bitch made cornball motherfuckers
cheese puffs are delicious... iifym

back in the 2000's this guy came along and invented this handheld device you could surf the www on.. It's pretty cool you should check it out. You can actually read the news, forums ect. from anywhere as you go about your day. these days those of us privellaged enough don't have to be at home sitting behind a computer. sorry for your hardships.
Do you stay perpetually stoned to forget what your father did to you?

I mean, I'm not suggesting he's gay. At 6' and 160, he could close his eyes and pretend you were a girl.

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Who the fuck is this skinny ass cunt ? Is this the keyboard warrior giving it all the big one before he can’t get no more dbol and adex for his girly emotions? Fucking Jesus, I’ve seen more meat on a seagulls kneecap! This photo has reminded me I need to take that frozen chicken out of my freezer.
cheese puffs are delicious... iifym

back in the 2000's this guy came along and invented this handheld device you could surf the www on.. It's pretty cool you should check it out. You can actually read the news, forums ect. from anywhere as you go about your day. these days those of us privellaged enough don't have to be at home sitting behind a computer. sorry for your hardships.
Don’t lie we all know you fat glp fucks have no life and nothing better to do than to sit here. Y’all damn sure ain’t got no hoes, don’t even try to lie homeboy

