I am debating if I should use Tren on my third cycle.

I’m also pretty sure my third cycle was something very similar to 500 test, 300 deca. And I could still run that and make gains.

When I serious started to get some progress was when I really made sure to get enough protein and remain in a caloric surplus for prolonged periods while on. A lot of these hard gainers think they are eating when they have no idea what it means to eat like a bodybuilder. I’m no bodybuilder myself, but if you want to be big and lean, that’s how you need to eat to get there.

eating until you are borderline sick to your stomach.

I am sure appetite stimulating AAS would come in quite handy. maybe thats why DECA is always so popular.

I probably go over my protein requirements because I love meat(no homo). That hasnt and will never be an issue for me

eating until you are borderline sick to your stomach.

I am sure appetite stimulating AAS would come in quite handy. maybe thats why DECA is always so popular.

I probably go over my protein requirements because I love meat(no homo). That hasnt and will never be an issue for me
That is something that needs to be recommended more instead of more AAS (several compounds), appetite increasing supplementation or ways to stay hungry haha... That would sort a lot for the hard gainers. I mean even I can say that my old thinking was - 3x food + gainer + bcaa + creatine + protein = GAINS!

When I stopped relying on powders a grew!

A tip for those having a hard time being hungry is force as much water as you can get in after breakfast, lunch, dinner. You will feel shit for a few minutes, but stomach expands, food digest easier, and you will be hungrier and hungrier since more room.
Works for me.
Helps the kidneys as well for us dark lords.
Goal is be be around 180lbs. 8-13 percent body fat.
This is a very reasonable goal and you should be able to achieve this as a natty or at worst with a little bit of test, especially since you are only 29. You say you are a hard gainer, l can relate to that. l only started lifting 10 years ago at age 45, l weighed 135lbs doing no exercise eating as much as l wanted, l have a crazy fast metabolism.
Fast forward to now, l am the same height as you weighing 180lbs at about 12-14% body fat as a lifelong natty.
For me 5000 calories a day is a severe cut, l need a bare minimum of 6000 calories a day to maintain where l am at the moment. l always eat quality calories not junk calories and l train my ass off. Like others have said l think you need to put your focus into eating and training properly, because without that the gear is not going to give you the results you are looking for.
Have you considered deca or npp? Typically hair safe since that is something that concerns you. Also both are compounds many people tolerate well and get good results from. Especially if you’re trying to build mass in a surplus.
Also bonus there’s less risk of rage and becoming and insufferable asshole.
It looks like I am putting the Tren to the side for now. Meanwhile everyhting gets dialled in to perfection. Decca will most likely be used at some point.
So I decided to put Tren away for now. I don't think it should expire too soon. When I'm ready, I do want to use Anadrol later for a cycle. As far as what I have researched, Anadrol can cause gyno but an AI will not help. Clomid or Nolvadex can be used in the meantime to prevent gyno. I got (puffy nipples on just 200mg test) I'm going to go with Clomid. As far as hair loss, supposedly it's not severe compared to other compounds. But I am still unsure if finasteride will help with the possible hair loss or anything else? Using test has caused mild shedding. Tamoxifen has caused the most shedding for me. Correct me if I am wrong about any of this research. what are your thoughts on this?
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I don´t wanna say I have been any better with bad growth on past cycles, took time to know my body and I am still learning. But those cycles in the past were all wasted and bad choices for me and my health. In other words - knowledge first and jump on second, in this case I wouldn't learn as I go in the same sense, can become detrimental or at best very unsatisfactory.

I am too a so called hardgainer, weighted at 65kg when I was 22 years old (185cm), damn stick! And up to 30 I was pending between 75-82kg.
Now when I understand my body I am currently 97kg. Sure I can blast up to 105kg, but I wanna avoid the unnecessary weight for growth.

Positives: Test E is a dream come true, Anavar has worked great on me, Adrol and Dbol has been superfun, Tren A has been great so far. Primo was also a blast (felt nothing but looked great).

Negatives: Now when I do TRT I love Test E and hate the old need of Test P to get the in and out quickly. NPP was a damn disappointment, and Sdrol has to be the most disgusting feeling I have ever felt in combination with health/ fitness.

Now I agree with most above that you are not ready for Tren (nothing more than test at most), but I wanna throw in that it's NOT the super raging s*x bull power supplement some state it is, at least not for me. It's subtle. Just a few easy to manage sides and a nice looking body IF carb instake is increased a lot. Carbs does the world of difference on tren, and water intake.

You need to first find a training and food regime that works for you, sounds like you rely on the drugs which 99% of us has done here at the beginning, but it will literally take you nowhere and you will do 8 wasted cycles before you start to see consistent and longterm results like that. Meaning learning to know your body and understand that it's the training and food, not your genetics and drugs that will dictate almost everything. Most here are not genetic freaks and many have succeeded on almost nothing.
I appreciate this
OP is tiny for wanting to start Tren.
Would Test with EQ be an option here?
How much EQ is needed to stimulate the appetite &/or does deca/npp do the same thing at a certain dose?
So decided to experiment a little with tren A. I could not wait. Tbh I didn't notice rage or extreme sex drive. If anything, my freinds said I appear to be calmer. I was diagnosed with moderate anxiety and ocd. Test by itself makes me panic the fuck out, but adding tren made me calmer. I actually felt worse on d bol and had bad acne and hair shedding. I'm starting to question if it's real tren.... Week 4 don't see crazy results everyone talked about. Yes I'm eating a fuk ton and still don't have a big appetite. Bloop pressure is higher Definalty. And nipples are very sore after I took an AI i felt better. 550mg sus a week. First 2 weeks tren ace 150 mg 3rd and 4thweek 200mg. Thinking of adding Anadrol on a real cycle to this dose.
well glad its working out for you.

I think its one that we all eyeball and want to try since starting.