I don't want to get off

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Deleted member 123722

I will admit that logically I should get off soon, go back to a "TRT" dose, but I won't; my TRT dose is 200mg of cyp, which isn't even TRT, and puts me over 1000.

I've been on for a while now; taking only a month or so between cycles, since literally last year, when I did my 1 gram of Deca only for 12 weeks; after that, I went like few weeks, then started Test/Tren E/Primo. 15 weeks into that, I dropped the Tren E, and switched to Anavar 50mg ed. I'm currently still on the Test/Primo/Var since my cutting cycle started in Feb!

I've been taking 5iu of GH ED since last year, and I recently bumped it up to 10ius about 20 days ago.

I don't care to take bloods, because it wouldn't stop me anyway, and I only do so when its my time to go to get a yearly check up. And when I did take my bloods, they weren't bad at all, few things like AST and Hemocrit 51% elevated but nothing crazy. In fact, a year prior, I ran a low-dose of Cyp 200 / Tren E 200 for six months straight, and I only took a month off, and my bloods were normal after. My EKG and everything was literally perfect.

I don't get high blood pressure from any drug, while on; I don't feel like shit; I don't get any of the sides most people complain about, even from Tren. I feel like I'm one of those people who are very side-effect resistant. The only drug that I got noticeable shit from was anadrol, which gave me acid reflux that was annoying. I stopped that 17 days in because it was not allowing me to eat the calories I needed to bulk.

Point is, since I am on TRT for life, I see no reason why to stop, even if it is to return to "normal" levels of whatever blood markers. What is the point really, if I'm just gonna blast again in another month; even if I took two or three months off, how does that help? It's not like a month or so will undo all the damage being done to my organs, if any. And like I said, my bloods come back perfect, so where is this damage that supposed to be harming me? This makes me think pros are taking 100x more than we do, as they are literally walking around with high blood pressure for years, and having shitty bloodwork the whole time.

Why couldn't I just drop all gear and return to Cyp only, but at 600mg to maintain what I built? There was a study showing that men taking 600mg had literally no negative sides at all. In fact, Milos runs 500mg for 20+ years as his "TRT" based on this very study. I just feel that gaining size, then going to TRT for a month just doesn't make any sense; if the drugs are fucking your bloodwork up badly, you shouldn't be taking those drugs at all, and you should find drugs that don't.

Am I addicted to these drugs or am I just not seeing the point? There is not one pro who has taken off gear and retained anything he's built; not one. All these guys coming out like Seth Feroce or Lee Preist claiming they are on TRT only are full of shit: Look at Dorian, Arnold, Haney, Ronnie, and everyone else running TRT, how much they shrunk. So why would we want to blast and cruise, to gain and shrink, on and off? Isn't that retarded or what? Why not just stay on until you're done taking them all together?
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Me too. Until my health allows me and when I hit 30's then I'll do a proper cruise.

Plan is for now, but anything can change in life.
Here are my bloods on 400 Cyp/ 600 Primo: literally THREE markers barely off!

Here are my bloods with 1g Deca, but I did add Drol for 19 days so that my have screwed things up worse...so several markers are off, but I stopped at three months.

As you can see, the Test/Primo did jack shit compared to the Deca/Drol. Which is why it does make sense for me to run a Deca and cycle off, but I have a feeling the drol fucked up this bloodwork, even though I stopped it.

Regardless, why would I come off to true TRT (125-150)? See what I'm saying? In other words, cycle on and off the more "harmful" ones to accelerate maximum growth, but then why not stay on the safest ones? If 1g of total gear of cyp/primo barely moves my markers, why wouldn't I stay on it as long as possible?
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I remember that around week 16 or so of my blasts I am, for lack of a better word, just utterly bolloxed. I start to hurt and ache, there’s a needle going in somewhere on me every day, 2 oh my HCG days and I just feel beat up after a while. But the one thing I remind myself of when I know it’s time to chill is this; I’m not going to look good when I’m dead.

Yeah, abusing the stuff won’t kill me this week. Probably not this year, or this decade, but we need time to enjoy ourselves and appreciate the work we do and stay working ourselves mentally as well as physically. Self appreciation is something that’s lost on us men nowadays, I believe.
Look into Victor Black ped models. He believes blast and cruise is an old concept. Basically you utilize all growth pathways so you don't only rely on steroids, use as much test as you can personally tolerate (mostly up to 400mg), balance e2 to androgen ratio with dht derivatives without touching AIs etc. In theory you would be able to keep going for decades on his basal models.
Funny I’ve been thinking and feeling the same way. I really don’t want to come off, I pretty much want to go right into my cut cycle after this bulk cycle. I’ll probably just take a month off and get bloodwork and still hop back on. I was thinking about posting something real similar glad I’m not the only one thinking this lol.
You don't get mental fatigue and exhausting from a blast? I feel like I get the shit best out of me.
Nope lol. I had a friend who was trying to win his pro card, he looked and felt like death, and said his body hates the drugs. I feel completely fine because I take substances that I know my body likes, and I don't even get bad sides from the worst ones like tren, so I'm lucky.

But I now know my body doesn't like anadrol for example. I did run winny 50mg ED for two months, and I noticed some lethargy, so I stopped it at that point.
I remember that around week 16 or so of my blasts I am, for lack of a better word, just utterly bolloxed. I start to hurt and ache, there’s a needle going in somewhere on me every day, 2 oh my HCG days and I just feel beat up after a while. But the one thing I remind myself of when I know it’s time to chill is this; I’m not going to look good when I’m dead.

Yeah, abusing the stuff won’t kill me this week. Probably not this year, or this decade, but we need time to enjoy ourselves and appreciate the work we do and stay working ourselves mentally as well as physically. Self appreciation is something that’s lost on us men nowadays, I believe.
I think if I ran a compound that fucked up my bloods like Deca/drol did for years, that would 100% kill me earlier, but the 400/600 cyp/primo combo barely moved my bloodwork at all...how would that kill me later? See what I mean?
Look into Victor Black ped models. He believes blast and cruise is an old concept. Basically you utilize all growth pathways so you don't only rely on steroids, use as much test as you can personally tolerate (mostly up to 400mg), balance e2 to androgen ratio with dht derivatives without touching AIs etc. In theory you would be able to keep going for decades on his basal models.
I will do so, thanks
Funny I’ve been thinking and feeling the same way. I really don’t want to come off, I pretty much want to go right into my cut cycle after this bulk cycle. I’ll probably just take a month off and get bloodwork and still hop back on. I was thinking about posting something real similar glad I’m not the only one thinking this lol.
Right, but the month off will do what exactly, is my point? That's why I think I'll just stay on Cyp/Primo in between blasts of Deca ,Tren and other gear that does affect bloodwork badly in higher dosages.
I think age and genetics play huge role.

Most older guys can't really get away with blasting non stop. I'd reconsider if I was in my mid 30's as it hits hard. If you're in your 40's it's almost out of question look at Batista and other smart dudes they downsized. Idiot ones like the rock blast like mad man.

Most ppl are dumb anyway, so they do dumb things. And then there are donkeys who are stupid af and listen to some crazy idiots who don't even look like they lift...

Oh they don't have pics too, but know a lot somehow.

Btw op do whatever you want who gives a fuck? It's your health not ours. If you fuck yourself up then come off or something. You know what to do...
Right, but the month off will do what exactly, is my point? That's why I think I'll just stay on Cyp/Primo in between blasts of Deca ,Tren and other gear that does affect bloodwork badly in higher dosages.
For me it’s mostly so I can round up all the gear I’m gonna need for the cut cycle lol.
Nope lol. I had a friend who was trying to win his pro card, he looked and felt like death, and said his body hates the drugs. I feel completely fine because I take substances that I know my body likes, and I don't even get bad sides from the worst ones like tren, so I'm lucky.
I feel it around 10-12 weeks this past 2 cycles. Mental clarity falls, and fatigue goes up.

My blood work looks great though lol.

But that's awesome for you
Creating duplicate accounts to insult, harrass, and/or troll other members is prohibited.
I think age and genetics play huge role.

Most older guys can't really get away with blasting non stop. I'd reconsider if I was in my mid 30's as it hits hard. If you're in your 40's it's almost out of question look at Batista and other smart dudes they downsized. Idiot ones like the rock blast like mad man.

Most ppl are dumb anyway, so they do dumb things. And then there are donkeys who are stupid af and listen to some crazy idiots who don't even look like they lift...

Oh they don't have pics too, but know a lot somehow.

Btw op do whatever you want who gives a fuck? It's your health not ours. If you fuck yourself up then come off or something. You know what to do...
Why aren't you on an incel forum? Starting threads about zodiac signs and shit. 100% you don't get laid and have a boring shitty life and no money.

This is just my troll account. I have my pics posted in the most shredded thread and you don't need to know who I am. Here is a hint. You look like a complete bitch next to me. I don't even know why you are taking part in this thread. You don't even look like you ever went on cycle lmao.

For the record Victor Black is who MPMD, John Jewett and a ton of others based their content on. Even at 50+ the guy itself is actually much bigger than you so idk what you were talking about. Just go away dude. You are embarrassing to be in the same thread with.
Why aren't you on an incel forum? Starting threads about zodiac signs and shit. 100% you don't get laid and have a boring shitty life and no money.

This is just my troll account. I have my pics posted in the most shredded thread and you don't need to know who I am. Here is a hint. You look like a complete bitch next to me. I don't even know why you are taking part in this thread. You don't even look like you ever went on cycle lmao.

For the record Victor Black is who MPMD, John Jewett and a ton of others based their content on. Even at 50+ the guy itself is actually much bigger than you so idk what you were talking about. Just go away dude. You are embarrassing to be in the same thread with.
Idk if he was attacking you or not, but is there a specific video I should look for on YouTube from Victor Black. He has a few, I would appreciate the point in the right direction, if you can remember a good one that covers this topic.
Why aren't you on an incel forum? Starting threads about zodiac signs and shit. 100% you don't get laid and have a boring shitty life and no money.

This is just my troll account. I have my pics posted in the most shredded thread and you don't need to know who I am. Here is a hint. You look like a complete bitch next to me. I don't even know why you are taking part in this thread. You don't even look like you ever went on cycle lmao.

For the record Victor Black is who MPMD, John Jewett and a ton of others based their content on. Even at 50+ the guy itself is actually much bigger than you so idk what you were talking about. Just go away dude. You are embarrassing to be in the same thread with.
Sounds like another excuse from pathetic bitch. You know that in real life I'm superior in every way. You're fucking nothing a dirt on the ground that I step on.

Btw the only guy you mention who is cool is mpmd. And that vic is just creep who attacks taeian clark...

Man you're such a fucking nothing. Fucking manlet abusing steroids.

If you ever got laid with good looking girl you would know that they prefer me over some fucked up bald trash who looks like donkey. What a coincidence. Stay in the trash can or show yourself up bitch.
C'mon gents, let's not turn this thread into this shit-flinging drama; I post this stuff to get the information out there. Have some respect; even if you hate each other, just ignore each other. .
Okay, man it's fair and I don't want to turn it to personal drama. But he and some of his friends with no pics are cowards as you can see. I think you understand me too.

Back on your topic I think it's pretty safe to do with testosterone if your health allows you to. It's psychological too. It's like going from superhuman to regular human. So that's why I don't like coming off too.
Btw the only guy you mention who is cool is mpmd. And that vic is just creep who attacks taeian clark...
I feel like I'm neutral with most but taeian seems like a dbag overall. Just the way he talks.. I seen that side with victor and Broderick too
I feel like I'm neutral with most but taeian seems like a dbag overall. Just the way he talks.. I seen that side with victor and Broderick too
I mean, Taeian doesn't seem too bright because of how he talks, but he is the reason why I tried the 1 gram deca only thing lol. Whether someone is good and speaking or not, doesn't affect how I judge them if they are moral or not; we have plenty of con artists who have the gift of gab, that should be hung from lampposts for the garbage they push.

Chavez comes off a bit arrogant and could have the Napoleon complex going as well, but it seems his cockiness is also in jest; either way, what I look for is the information and not really interested in the personalities of people. He reminds me of a funny Santa Clause, but I've learned a ton from Chavez, especially what compounds to use for what.