I don't want to get off

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I feel like you'll hit a point of diminishing returns. Myostatin levels will rise
Is it the gear that causes this to occur, if so, how? I've never heard of this. I know myostatin inhibits growth, but I thought it was a genetic thing and a response to all attempts to grow.
I think if many of us were to be honest here, we'd admit that we haven't "come off" for a long time. Even when I'm "cruising", I'm still at about 500 mg of test and an oral. You're right...I don't want to lose what I've worked so hard for. Its tough...
I mean, Taeian doesn't seem too bright because of how he talks, but he is the reason why I tried the 1 gram deca only thing lol. Whether someone is good and speaking or not, doesn't affect how I judge them if they are moral or not; we have plenty of con artists who have the gift of gab, that should be hung from lampposts for the garbage they push.

Chavez comes off a bit arrogant and could have the Napoleon complex going as well, but it seems his cockiness is also in jest; either way, what I look for is the information and not really interested in the personalities of people. He reminds me of a funny Santa Clause, but I've learned a ton from Chavez, especially what compounds to use for what.
I completely agree with statement 100 percent.

I figure you got it from Clark. He seems like a bigger dbag than the rest
Is it the gear that causes this to occur, if so, how? I've never heard of this. I know myostatin inhibits growth, but I thought it was a genetic thing and a response to all attempts to grow.
I believe after you’ve grown so much your body just needs a period to reset.

Personally at 12-15 weeks during a blast my body is just beat up and ready for a break along with the fact after I gain 15-20 lbs it’s just tough pushing past that. I notice if I aim for 30 lbs it just starts becoming sloppy. Obviously not 30 lbs of tissue just mass on the scale.

Realistically 12 weeks isn’t a lot of time. You have to think there is a limit of what you can do.

I may try and push a 20 week cycle and see how far I can make it. I just know by week 12-15 id need a week or two to relax
I believe after you’ve grown so much your body just needs a period to reset.

Personally at 12-15 weeks during a blast my body is just beat up and ready for a break along with the fact after I gain 15-20 lbs it’s just tough pushing past that. I notice if I aim for 30 lbs it just starts becoming sloppy. Obviously not 30 lbs of tissue just mass on the scale.

Realistically 12 weeks isn’t a lot of time. You have to think there is a limit of what you can do.

I may try and push a 20 week cycle and see how far I can make it. I just know by week 12-15 id need a week or two to relax
I’m finishing up a 20 week cycle right now and even with adding Anadrol and eating 5000+ calories I just can’t seem to break past the 260lb mark. Was 257 last night but I’ve been floating there for like a week. Going to add another 500 calories and hope I start going back up. I’ve resorted to eating as much junk I can, still hitting 250g protein which I should up that to 300 probably. I’m just over the eating part and force feeding myself on a daily basis, can’t wait to cut.
I felt the same way when I was in my 30s even 40s.

You'll rethink that strategy after 20-30 years of juicing. I still don't want to come off but I don't do nearly the amount of gear I used to use plus the fact I'm not competing anymore either so 300mgs of test U and 300mg of deca is more than enough for me.

I used to actually enjoy pinning myself when I was younger. Would stack Tren A, Test P just so I could stick my self everyday. Haha Now I try and pin as little as possible. Trust me after over 30 years of pinning you'll think a little differently.
I felt the same way when I was in my 30s even 40s.

You'll rethink that strategy after 20-30 years of juicing. I still don't want to come off but I don't do nearly the amount of gear I used to use plus the fact I'm not competing anymore either so 300mgs of test U and 300mg of deca is more than enough for me.
The test U and the deca, how often do you inject?
I felt the same way when I was in my 30s even 40s.

You'll rethink that strategy after 20-30 years of juicing. I still don't want to come off but I don't do nearly the amount of gear I used to use plus the fact I'm not competing anymore either so 300mgs of test U and 300mg of deca is more than enough for me.

I used to actually enjoy pinning myself when I was younger. Would stack Tren A, Test P just so I could stick my self everyday. Haha Now I try and pin as little as possible. Trust me after over 30 years of pinning you'll think a little differently.
I, like most dumb-ass kids, began "juicing" in high school for football after watching The Program with the character Latimer crushing the weights while his buddies were tired after practice. My first cycle was dbol tabs lol.

I've taken gear on and off for years, but never really understood training/nutrition until my early 30's, when, of all people, my buddy at the time, Phil Viz, taught me a few things about intensity and training. After learning what I did from him, I started to see my body change, but I was still more into the drugs than the nutrition. So that's nearly a 12 years of being a retard, so I can't even count any of those cycles or training.

I really started learning my body and myself only recently, so now I'm really hooked on making progress and not losing it. So it's not like I've been doing things right this entire time for decades into my late 30's; I've been doing things wrong most of the time, only to get things finally right about three years ago.

I'm a fan of long esters anyway, so the max I'll pin is 3x a week if the dosages are high. But usually I split it into Mon and Thurs. Sad it took me this long to learn how to do thing somewhat right, but better late than never. That's why the older pros give me hope lol.
I, like most dumb-ass kids, began "juicing" in high school for football after watching The Program with the character Latimer crushing the weights while his buddies were tired after practice. My first cycle was dbol tabs lol.

I've taken gear on and off for years, but never really understood training/nutrition until my early 30's, when, of all people, my buddy at the time, Phil Viz, taught me a few things about intensity and training. After learning what I did from him, I started to see my body change, but I was still more into the drugs than the nutrition. So that's nearly a 12 years of being a retard, so I can't even count any of those cycles or training.

I really started learning my body and myself only recently, so now I'm really hooked on making progress and not losing it. So it's not like I've been doing things right this entire time for decades into my late 30's; I've been doing things wrong most of the time, only to get things finally right about three years ago.

I'm a fan of long esters anyway, so the max I'll pin is 3x a week if the dosages are high. But usually I split it into Mon and Thurs. Sad it took me this long to learn how to do thing somewhat right, but better late than never. That's why the older pros give me hope lol.
We all live and learn brother.

I was a late starter, didn't start using gear until I was 30 and like you and most everyone else, did the same thing. You focus on the drugs thinking If i do enough of the right gear I'll get big. haha Nutrition is a second thought.

But once you level up like you did with Phil (great guy by the way) and learn how to combine training, nutrition and gear its a new game.

I actually made my best gains in my early 50s, like you it took me a while to piece it all together but once I did, what a difference.

I agree with you brother, better late then never!

Look forward to seeing your progress.
We all live and learn brother.

I was a late starter, didn't start using gear until I was 30 and like you and most everyone else, did the same thing. You focus on the drugs thinking If i do enough of the right gear I'll get big. haha Nutrition is a second thought.

But once you level up like you did with Phil (great guy by the way) and learn how to combine training, nutrition and gear its a new game.

I actually made my best gains in my early 50s, like you it took me a while to piece it all together but once I did, what a difference.

I agree with you brother, better late then never!

Look forward to seeing your progress.
I'm from NJ, so I was literally friends with Phil, Trigili and Niencyzk and a few others lol. Small world.
I will admit that logically I should get off soon, go back to a "TRT" dose, but I won't; my TRT dose is 200mg of cyp, which isn't even TRT, and puts me over 1000.

I've been on for a while now; taking only a month or so between cycles, since literally last year, when I did my 1 gram of Deca only for 12 weeks; after that, I went like few weeks, then started Test/Tren E/Primo. 15 weeks into that, I dropped the Tren E, and switched to Anavar 50mg ed. I'm currently still on the Test/Primo/Var since my cutting cycle started in Feb!

I've been taking 5iu of GH ED since last year, and I recently bumped it up to 10ius about 20 days ago.

I don't care to take bloods, because it wouldn't stop me anyway, and I only do so when its my time to go to get a yearly check up. And when I did take my bloods, they weren't bad at all, few things like AST and Hemocrit 51% elevated but nothing crazy. In fact, a year prior, I ran a low-dose of Cyp 200 / Tren E 200 for six months straight, and I only took a month off, and my bloods were normal after. My EKG and everything was literally perfect.

I don't get high blood pressure from any drug, while on; I don't feel like shit; I don't get any of the sides most people complain about, even from Tren. I feel like I'm one of those people who are very side-effect resistant. The only drug that I got noticeable shit from was anadrol, which gave me acid reflux that was annoying. I stopped that 17 days in because it was not allowing me to eat the calories I needed to bulk.

Point is, since I am on TRT for life, I see no reason why to stop, even if it is to return to "normal" levels of whatever blood markers. What is the point really, if I'm just gonna blast again in another month; even if I took two or three months off, how does that help? It's not like a month or so will undo all the damage being done to my organs, if any. And like I said, my bloods come back perfect, so where is this damage that supposed to be harming me? This makes me think pros are taking 100x more than we do, as they are literally walking around with high blood pressure for years, and having shitty bloodwork the whole time.

Why couldn't I just drop all gear and return to Cyp only, but at 600mg to maintain what I built? There was a study showing that men taking 600mg had literally no negative sides at all. In fact, Milos runs 500mg for 20+ years as his "TRT" based on this very study. I just feel that gaining size, then going to TRT for a month just doesn't make any sense; if the drugs are fucking your bloodwork up badly, you shouldn't be taking those drugs at all, and you should find drugs that don't.

Am I addicted to these drugs or am I just not seeing the point? There is not one pro who has taken off gear and retained anything he's built; not one. All these guys coming out like Seth Feroce or Lee Preist claiming they are on TRT only are full of shit: Look at Dorian, Arnold, Haney, Ronnie, and everyone else running TRT, how much they shrunk. So why would we want to blast and cruise, to gain and shrink, on and off? Isn't that retarded or what? Why not just stay on until you're done taking them all together?
While I understand your point behind this post, you're looking at short term. Bloodwork may be ok, but do you think about the effects on the heart like LVH and other issues like that long term?

My opinion is a 600mg test cruise between blasts is not only Unhealthy, but excessive and way more than is needed to simply maintain. Your diet and training are more important in maintaining than blasting gear, assuming one isn't past their genetic potential.
While I understand your point behind this post, you're looking at short term. Bloodwork may be ok, but do you think about the effects on the heart like LVH and other issues like that long term?

My opinion is a 600mg test cruise between blasts is not only Unhealthy, but excessive and way more than is needed to simply maintain. Your diet and training are more important in maintaining than blasting gear, assuming one isn't past their genetic potential.
I don't think anything we do is "healthy" because it is not necessary at all, but if we are going to do things, we should do them intelligently.

If you watch the video above, you'll be surprised as I was, to hear Victor say that blasting and cruising is actually the worst model for taking steroids; I came to this conclusion myself today before even watching the video, hence this post.

Funny enough, the safest gear to take, according to him for brain health, is primo and test, which I'm taking right now, and my bloods didn't even really move at all on that, compared to the high dose of deca.

Point is, if taking the correct compounds, we wouldn't even need to come off at all, and just keep going, while maintaining good blood work. As for the other issues you're concerned with, they will certainly come with abusing the more toxic compounds, and I think with training and age in general.

Ultimately, it seems to be more logical to take the safer compounds and then stop taking gear when you're finished bodybuilding permanently, otherwise it makes no sense to go up and down for years on end, unless you're going to blast on the more toxic compounds to give a boost.
While I understand your point behind this post, you're looking at short term. Bloodwork may be ok, but do you think about the effects on the heart like LVH and other issues like that long term?

My opinion is a 600mg test cruise between blasts is not only Unhealthy, but excessive and way more than is needed to simply maintain. Your diet and training are more important in maintaining than blasting gear, assuming one isn't past their genetic potential.
Genetic potential is different for everyone though and is also dependent on so many factors. If I look at the simple calculations and stuff online my genetic potential was 30lbs ago.
It also doesn’t calculate in other factors like testosterone levels, igf levels etc.
I’m trying to understand you saying that 600mg cruise is unhealthy and isn’t needed to maintain and then going to say, assuming you’re not past your genetic potential.
If someone is clearly past that then what is a good and most healthy cruise dose in your opinion? Please don’t take any of this as disrespect I’m genuinely curious and want to know.
I don't think anything we do is "healthy" because it is not necessary at all, but if we are going to do things, we should do them intelligently.

If you watch the video above, you'll be surprised as I was, to hear Victor say that blasting and cruising is actually the worst model for taking steroids; I came to this conclusion myself today before even watching the video, hence this post.

Funny enough, the safest gear to take, according to him for brain health, is primo and test, which I'm taking right now, and my bloods didn't even really move at all on that, compared to the high dose of deca.

Point is, if taking the correct compounds, we wouldn't even need to come off at all, and just keep going, while maintaining good blood work. As for the other issues you're concerned with, they will certainly come with abusing the more toxic compounds, and I think with training and age in general.

Ultimately, it seems to be more logical to take the safer compounds and then stop taking gear when you're finished bodybuilding permanently, otherwise it makes no sense to go up and down for years on end, unless you're going to blast on the more toxic compounds to give a boost.
Based on what I've read, I agree with test and primo being a safer alternative to trt if one Is bent on it. I'd personally run test around 300 and equal primo or slightly higher, with regular bloodwork in between blasts. But that's just me.
Genetic potential is different for everyone though and is also dependent on so many factors. If I look at the simple calculations and stuff online my genetic potential was 30lbs ago.
It also doesn’t calculate in other factors like testosterone levels, igf levels etc.
I’m trying to understand you saying that 600mg cruise is unhealthy and isn’t needed to maintain and then going to say, assuming you’re not past your genetic potential.
If someone is clearly past that then what is a good and most healthy cruise dose in your opinion? Please don’t take any of this as disrespect I’m genuinely curious and want to know.
600mg in between actual higher blasts can't possibly be good for years on end. We see guys bloodwork after cycles and sometimes things are off. I feel the body needs a break from pushing it past natural limits. Just my opinion.

If one is past their genetic potential, I'm not sure what test level is needed to maintain. No idea on that, but I'd imagine 600mg would definitely be enough.
600mg in between actual higher blasts can't possibly be good for years on end. We see guys bloodwork after cycles and sometimes things are off. I feel the body needs a break from pushing it past natural limits. Just my opinion.

If one is past their genetic potential, I'm not sure what test level is needed to maintain. No idea on that, but I'd imagine 600mg would definitely be enough.
It's why I bring up Milos Sarcev, who has taken 500mg for 20+ years lol. But yea, no way someone who is 280 going to maintain on normal TRT.
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