I don't want to get off

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What convinced you for the deca only cycle?
Taeian Clark convinced me, stating how back in the 70's guys were not even running test: Mentzer would run 900mg of NPP a week with basically no sides; no hair loss, no acne, no issues, so I decided to try it for myself and he was right.
Not that anyone gives a fuck about what i think, i'm a firm believer in getting the most out of the least amount of gear. Its always funny how the guys who take the most shit are the ones sitting in the first 3 rows at Pro Shows, when most think its the dudes on stage.
Not that anyone gives a fuck about what i think, i'm a firm believer in getting the most out of the least amount of gear. Its always funny how the guys who take the most shit are the ones sitting in the first 3 rows at Pro Shows, when most think its the dudes on stage.
Your approach is the most logical and I agree; thing is, everyone has to find what their most effective least amount is.
A simple analogy for you. Would you wait until ur engine started knocking to change the oil or do you change it regularly bc it's better for your engine.
Why wait until u have health problems to ease up on the drugs?
While I understand your point behind this post, you're looking at short term. Bloodwork may be ok, but do you think about the effects on the heart like LVH and other issues like that long term?

My opinion is a 600mg test cruise between blasts is not only Unhealthy, but excessive and way more than is needed to simply maintain. Your diet and training are more important in maintaining than blasting gear, assuming one isn't past their genetic potential.
Surprised this wasn’t mentioned earlier.

I was going to comment something similar and decided against it. Blood work is not the end all be all of health.

It is the bare minimum we can monitor imo.

Ive maintained 245 after being 215 pre cycle. Nothing crazy, but by this point if. I wasn’t on trt id be 10 lbs lighter at this point. I take what 125 mg a week.

200 mg actually was really nice as the gains felt accelerated still. But my cholesterol was fucky due to poor diet model and anavar in the last cycle.
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A simple analogy for you. Would you wait until ur engine started knocking to change the oil or do you change it regularly bc it's better for your engine.
Why wait until u have health problems to ease up on the drugs?
Thing is, I don't have any health problems on cyp/primo is my point; however, people are extrapolating and saying, "you will eventually one day," but why? They are assuming the drugs will cause all these health issues, but if they aren't harming the organs in question, then how could they? Of course the "dosage makes the poison" and I'm not advocating to take the more hepatoxic and side-effect inducing ones. If Milos can take 500mg for 20+ years, and isn't falling apart like other people, how can someone make this prediction?

And what if one's car needs less oil changes than another car, being that all cars are different (genetics)?

Surprised this wasn’t mentioned earlier.

I was going to comment something similar and decided against it. Blood work is not the end all be all of health.

It is the bare minimum we can monitor imo.

Ive maintained 245 after being 215 pre cycle. Nothing crazy, but by this point if. I wasn’t on trt id be 10 lbs lighter at this point. I take what 125 mg a week.

200 mg actually was really nice as the gains felt accelerated still. But my cholesterol was fucky due to poor diet model and anavar in the last cycle.
I agree, however, my lipids barely moved at all with cyp/primo.

But I want people to understand my main point:

The futility of coming on and off, whether it is blasting and cruising, or coming off totally, going on PCT to restore natural testosterone levels. If you're going to take more cycles in the future, what is the point?

The only scenario I could imagine someone taking steroids ONCE and never again, is a 160lb natty, who takes one cycle, gets noobie gains to his genetic potential at 200lbs, and maintains for life.
I feel it around 10-12 weeks this past 2 cycles. Mental clarity falls, and fatigue goes up.

My blood work looks great though lol.

But that's awesome for you
This is the boat I’m in as well. But then I’m older. I get to a point where I can’t wait to just drop down to TRT+ for a couple months.

Then of course the itch comes back to and round and round we go.
Thing is, I don't have any health problems on cyp/primo is my point; however, people are extrapolating and saying, "you will eventually one day," but why? They are assuming the drugs will cause all these health issues, but if they aren't harming the organs in question, then how could they? Of course the "dosage makes the poison" and I'm not advocating to take the more hepatoxic and side-effect inducing ones. If Milos can take 500mg for 20+ years, and isn't falling apart like other people, how can someone make this prediction?

And what if one's car needs less oil changes than another car, being that all cars are different (genetics)?

I agree, however, my lipids barely moved at all with cyp/primo.

But I want people to understand my main point:

The futility of coming on and off, whether it is blasting and cruising, or coming off totally, going on PCT to restore natural testosterone levels. If you're going to take more cycles in the future, what is the point?

The only scenario I could imagine someone taking steroids ONCE and never again, is a 160lb natty, who takes one cycle, gets noobie gains to his genetic potential at 200lbs, and maintains for life.
I agree with u that if it's not showing anything harmful then is it really harmful. But again it may not be a problem UNTIL it is a problem. Like others have said bloodwork doesn't show everything I'm sure it takes a toll. Maybe small maybe large in the long run. So it's a risk and if it's worth it to you then stay on.
In my opinion there's no need to run that much continously. I maintain very well after a blast with just a cruise dose of 200-250mg a week. If ur not trying to grow then why run more than u need to?
This is the boat I’m in as well. But then I’m older. I get to a point where I can’t wait to just drop down to TRT+ for a couple months.

Then of course the itch comes back to and round and round we go.
See I’m at week 17 almost 18 and I feel no more tired then I usually do. But only 500 test and 500 dhb so both “relatively” safe and moderate doses and I don’t need an ai or anything at 500.
Might go down to 300/300 as a cruise dose or swap the dhb for mast or primo or something.
Mind, fatigue and side effects at least feels side effects are almost non existent. Except with the Anadrol I’m just always pumped and the shoulder pumps are extremely painful
Thing is, I don't have any health problems on cyp/primo is my point; however, people are extrapolating and saying, "you will eventually one day," but why? They are assuming the drugs will cause all these health issues, but if they aren't harming the organs in question, then how could they? Of course the "dosage makes the poison" and I'm not advocating to take the more hepatoxic and side-effect inducing ones. If Milos can take 500mg for 20+ years, and isn't falling apart like other people, how can someone make this prediction?

And what if one's car needs less oil changes than another car, being that all cars are different (genetics)?

I agree, however, my lipids barely moved at all with cyp/primo.

But I want people to understand my main point:

The futility of coming on and off, whether it is blasting and cruising, or coming off totally, going on PCT to restore natural testosterone levels. If you're going to take more cycles in the future, what is the point?

The only scenario I could imagine someone taking steroids ONCE and never again, is a 160lb natty, who takes one cycle, gets noobie gains to his genetic potential at 200lbs, and maintains for life.
because over the years while you are perma blasting and red lining your body constantly you will have a much higher risk profile than someone who blasts say 28 weeks of the year versus your 48 weeks. Say you do this for 5 years. Over time it will matter and compound imo.

Again for what? Most of us make 0$ from this. To look crazy good? Yeah obviously we look way better on cycle compared to 200 mg of test.

My view is you can’t have something as great as being on cycle for extended periods of time like that. No matter how great you feel and how well things are working, it’s impossible to have all the benefits without some consequences. That’s all.
because over the years while you are perma blasting and red lining your body constantly you will have a much higher risk profile than someone who blasts say 28 weeks of the year versus your 48 weeks. Say you do this for 5 years. Over time it will matter and compound imo.

Again for what? Most of us make 0$ from this. To look crazy good? Yeah obviously we look way better on cycle compared to 200 mg of test.

My view is you can’t have something as great as being on cycle for extended periods of time like that. No matter how great you feel and how well things are working, it’s impossible to have all the benefits without some consequences. That’s all.
Well take this for example.

When I spoke to John Meadows back when covid started, he told me he wouldn't run Tren more than 12 weeks max. So I told him, what if I ran half the dose most people use, for twice as long? So for Tren E, most people would run 400mg for 12 weeks, so I ran 200mg for 24 weeks (6 months), along with 200mg of cyp. As I mentioned above, after one month of being off, my bloods were perfect.

So the difference is like HIT vs LISS cardio in a way, get what I mean? If you're blasting and cruising harsher compounds, then I should be able to be on longer with less harsh compounds at lower dosages.
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Well take this for example.

When I spoke to John Meadows last year, he told me he wouldn't run Tren more than 12 weeks max. So I told him, what if I ran half the dose most people use, for twice as long? So for Tren E, most people would run 400mg for 12 weeks, so I ran 200mg for 24 weeks (6 months), along with 200mg of cyp. As I mentioned above, after one month of being off, my bloods were perfect.

So the difference is like HIT vs LISS cardio in a way, get what I mean? If you're blasting and cruising harsher compounds, then I should be able to be on longer with less harsh compounds at lower dosages.
I hear you. I don’t think there’s necessarily right or wrong in your situation. Just more of a philosophy difference.

To your HIT vs LISS cardio. Which is easier for your body to recover from?

I can do HIT maybe 1-2 times a week while lifting. 3 at the absolute most. My body is destroyed after true HIT cardio. I’m talking true HIT cardio like back in highschool/college football and basketball days.

LISS I can do 5 times a week no issues..
Well take this for example.

When I spoke to John Meadows back when covid started, he told me he wouldn't run Tren more than 12 weeks max. So I told him, what if I ran half the dose most people use, for twice as long? So for Tren E, most people would run 400mg for 12 weeks, so I ran 200mg for 24 weeks (6 months), along with 200mg of cyp. As I mentioned above, after one month of being off, my bloods were perfect.

So the difference is like HIT vs LISS cardio in a way, get what I mean? If you're blasting and cruising harsher compounds, then I should be able to be on longer with less harsh compounds at lower dosages.
It sounds to me like u might just be addicted haha like instead of getting shitfaced drunk all weekend you'll just drink a medium amount of beer everyday and it won't be as bad. But that's an alcoholic. Haha.
If u want to do ur plan then do it and let us know how it goes but honestly there's a reason people have been doing it this way for a very long time. U take higher doses and try to grow as much as u can without hurting ur health too much then u cruise and allow urself to recover some for the next growing phase
I hear you. I don’t think there’s necessarily right or wrong in your situation. Just more of a philosophy difference.

To your HIT vs LISS cardio. Which is easier for your body to recover from?

I can do HIT maybe 1-2 times a week while lifting. 3 at the absolute most. My body is destroyed after true HIT cardio. I’m talking true HIT cardio like back in highschool/college football and basketball days.

LISS I can do 5 times a week no issues..
This would actually prove my point, like the 6 month cyp/tren run at low dosages with perfect bloods a month later lol.
@falseprophet09 what have you decided to do? Are you gonna cruise or just take steroids for undefined amount of time?

P.S. not attacking, just asking out of curiosity. (I put disclaimers cuz people now falsely think I'm attacking them...)
@falseprophet09 what have you decided to do? Are you gonna cruise or just take steroids for undefined amount of time?

P.S. not attacking, just asking out of curiosity. (I put disclaimers cuz people now falsely think I'm attacking them...)
Once I run out of Anavar in a few days, I'm dropping that; I'm usually not a fan of orals anyway, and even though var can be safe on lipids, some people get destroyed by it. I haven't check my bloods in a while, so I may be ok on it, but I don't care to take orals and find them inferior to injectables for several reasons.

I've stopped the 10ius of GH yesterday, and will take no GH to see if that has been causing me sleep apnea, which I believe it is; if it is, I may return to 5ius ED Monday, or just stop for a while (I have 8 kits left), and save it for when I bulk for three months.

Test I'm not going to come off at all; I will remain on 400mg, regardless.

The question then remains, do I keep the primo in at 400mg per week, and the answer is "Yes"; I'm going to finish the vials I have.

But removing the var, I may add Deca at 200mg per week.

So yea, I'm not coming off, but I'm also not going hard.

I'm sold on Victor Black's advice to stick to the safest compounds at lower dosages, avoiding AIs and other things. I may even pay for an hour consult with him ($200), to put my doubts to rest, but what I've gathered so far from hours of his interviews, is that he believes to take everything at lowest effective dosages, and I mean everything: AAS, insulin, ARBs, GH, to cover all the anabolic pathways, and doing so long term, rather than blasting and cruising. He doesn't believe we should have ot wait to maximize AAS before touching GH, slin, or other things; why? Because just hammering at AAS until you reach your max (at grams) is more detrimental than taking everything at the safest and most effective dose possible, combining all the synergy of the compounds to get the best results with the least amount of problems. This of course will be more expensive, requires more connections and more knowledge of what you're doing, which is probably why people just opt out to slam the AAS.

And this goes back to my own personal experiment running low-dose cyp/tren for six months straight with virtually flawless bloodwork a month later.

Again, I'm thinking out loud right now, but no matter what I'm not going to get off 400mg of test.
Genuine question: I think you had mentioned before that you were married. What does your wife think about this? Does she ask you/worry about the health implications?
Once I run out of Anavar in a few days, I'm dropping that; I'm usually not a fan of orals anyway, and even though var can be safe on lipids, some people get destroyed by it. I haven't check my bloods in a while, so I may be ok on it, but I don't care to take orals and find them inferior to injectables for several reasons.

I've stopped the 10ius of GH yesterday, and will take no GH to see if that has been causing me sleep apnea, which I believe it is; if it is, I may return to 5ius ED Monday, or just stop for a while (I have 8 kits left), and save it for when I bulk for three months.

Test I'm not going to come off at all; I will remain on 400mg, regardless.

The question then remains, do I keep the primo in at 400mg per week, and the answer is "Yes"; I'm going to finish the vials I have.

But removing the var, I may add Deca at 200mg per week.

So yea, I'm not coming off, but I'm also not going hard.

I'm sold on Victor Black's advice to stick to the safest compounds at lower dosages, avoiding AIs and other things. I may even pay for an hour consult with him ($200), to put my doubts to rest, but what I've gathered so far from hours of his interviews, is that he believes to take everything at lowest effective dosages, and I mean everything: AAS, insulin, ARBs, GH, to cover all the anabolic pathways, and doing so long term, rather than blasting and cruising. He doesn't believe we should have ot wait to maximize AAS before touching GH, slin, or other things; why? Because just hammering at AAS until you reach your max (at grams) is more detrimental than taking everything at the safest and most effective dose possible, combining all the synergy of the compounds to get the best results with the least amount of problems. This of course will be more expensive, requires more connections and more knowledge of what you're doing, which is probably why people just opt out to slam the AAS.

And this goes back to my own personal experiment running low-dose cyp/tren for six months straight with virtually flawless bloodwork a month later.

Again, I'm thinking out loud right now, but no matter what I'm not going to get off 400mg of test.
Isn’t slin supposed to lead to a lot of negative outcomes, more so than AAS?

Also about the tren at 200mg for 6 months, aren’t there studies that show the longer you are on tren the more at risk you are to cardiovascular maladaptations, something like after 6 weeks? & correct me if I’m wrong but I think i recall something similar about nandrolone. is there any legit science that backs up the claim that 24 months with essentially the same mgs of a 12 week blast would in any way reduce harm or be beneficial for gains?
Once I run out of Anavar in a few days, I'm dropping that; I'm usually not a fan of orals anyway, and even though var can be safe on lipids, some people get destroyed by it. I haven't check my bloods in a while, so I may be ok on it, but I don't care to take orals and find them inferior to injectables for several reasons.

I've stopped the 10ius of GH yesterday, and will take no GH to see if that has been causing me sleep apnea, which I believe it is; if it is, I may return to 5ius ED Monday, or just stop for a while (I have 8 kits left), and save it for when I bulk for three months.

Test I'm not going to come off at all; I will remain on 400mg, regardless.

The question then remains, do I keep the primo in at 400mg per week, and the answer is "Yes"; I'm going to finish the vials I have.

But removing the var, I may add Deca at 200mg per week.

So yea, I'm not coming off, but I'm also not going hard.

I'm sold on Victor Black's advice to stick to the safest compounds at lower dosages, avoiding AIs and other things. I may even pay for an hour consult with him ($200), to put my doubts to rest, but what I've gathered so far from hours of his interviews, is that he believes to take everything at lowest effective dosages, and I mean everything: AAS, insulin, ARBs, GH, to cover all the anabolic pathways, and doing so long term, rather than blasting and cruising. He doesn't believe we should have ot wait to maximize AAS before touching GH, slin, or other things; why? Because just hammering at AAS until you reach your max (at grams) is more detrimental than taking everything at the safest and most effective dose possible, combining all the synergy of the compounds to get the best results with the least amount of problems. This of course will be more expensive, requires more connections and more knowledge of what you're doing, which is probably why people just opt out to slam the AAS.

And this goes back to my own personal experiment running low-dose cyp/tren for six months straight with virtually flawless bloodwork a month later.

Again, I'm thinking out loud right now, but no matter what I'm not going to get off 400mg of test.
So what is ur goal with this? Are you still gonna be cutting or are u bulking. Bc u don't even need 400mg of test to maintain the shape ur in now. I just want to know ur goal or reason for doing this. I can understand the WANT to, just not the need. I'm not criticizing ya just trying to understand.
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