I don't want to get off

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Idk if this is very convincing. People think lots of stuff that is wrong is logical. Flat earth seems logical in the absence of science. If the dose makes the poison you still consumed & exposed yourself to the same overall dose, just over a longer period of time. You can do whatever you want obviously i just can’t see the point in being on tren as long as possible instead of minimising time of exposure due to sides most people experience.

Regarding the on g deca stuff and so on have you had EKGs or anything like this after? I had these and was fine (using less gear) but i don’t think it’s safe operating under the assumption that doing the test once means im in the clear. if you’re gonna be like permablasting you gotta be really on top of testing. A lot of guys you mentioned like Dorian has a very enlarged heart and he has openly discussed it, Arnold has had heart surgery etc. Ronnie also doesn’t have the best bill of health, and Meadows RIP has passed away. They’re very big but at what cost? If you realise those outcomes are likely/possible and go that way that is one thing, and I can respect that but don’t think it can’t happen to you if adhering to those kinds of protocols. Not trying to be rude or change your opinion, but just staying on seems like a decision not to be taken too lightly
This is also a harm reduction board. Seems careless to promote this kind of behavior.
Idk if this is very convincing. People think lots of stuff that is wrong is logical. Flat earth seems logical in the absence of science. If the dose makes the poison you still consumed & exposed yourself to the same overall dose, just over a longer period of time. You can do whatever you want obviously i just can’t see the point in being on tren as long as possible instead of minimising time of exposure due to sides most people experience.

Regarding the on g deca stuff and so on have you had EKGs or anything like this after? I had these and was fine (using less gear) but i don’t think it’s safe operating under the assumption that doing the test once means im in the clear. if you’re gonna be like permablasting you gotta be really on top of testing. A lot of guys you mentioned like Dorian has a very enlarged heart and he has openly discussed it, Arnold has had heart surgery etc. Ronnie also doesn’t have the best bill of health, and Meadows RIP has passed away. They’re very big but at what cost? If you realise those outcomes are likely/possible and go that way that is one thing, and I can respect that but don’t think it can’t happen to you if adhering to those kinds of protocols. Not trying to be rude or change your opinion, but just staying on seems like a decision not to be taken too lightly
"The dose is the poison" isn't necessarily related to the time; it is related to the actual dose...you're thinking of it in a total, when it isn't; it means at a certain point it is harmful or it is isn't; no amount time could a non-harmful dose be harmful.

Indeed, that is why he calls is "safer models" rather than safe; there are always a risk, but they are drastically minimized. One way they are minimized is taking enough test to work, while avoiding AIs, which are detrimental to our health, is just one example.

This is also a harm reduction board. Seems careless to promote this kind of behavior.
The behavior in question is the actual blast/cruise model, which is harmful in of itself, while people think it's not, while also completely avoiding the most toxic and harmful drugs, using only those studied in humans.
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"The dose is the poison" isn't necessarily related to the time; it is related to the actual dose...you're thinking of it in a total, when it isn't; it means at a certain point it is harmful or it is isn't; no amount time could a non-harmful dose be harmful.

Indeed, that is why he calls is "safer models" rather than safe; there are always a risk, but they are drastically minimized. One way they are minimized is taking enough test to work, while avoiding AIs, which are detrimental to our health, is just one example.

The behavior in question is the actual blast/cruise model, which is harmful in of itself, while people think it's not, while also completely avoiding the most toxic and harmful drugs, using only those studied in humans.
Sounds more like your promoting permanent blasting and just swapping out compounds. Curious what your stats are that you think you need that much gear to maintain what you have. I bet you could keep your gains with as little as 200mg of test.
Sounds more like your promoting permanent blasting and just swapping out compounds. Curious what your stats are that you think you need that much gear to maintain what you have. I bet you could keep your gains with as little as 200mg of test.
Depends what you mean by "blasting"; the word to me sounds like higher dosages...perhaps that's my misconception.

I'm 5'11
38 years old
231lbs this morning

I probably could maintain what I have now at 200mg, since that used to put me at 1500 ng/dl, but I still want to grow some weak-points while I'm rebounding off my last cut.
Let' also not forget the question I raised in this post as well:

Am I addicted to these drugs or am I just not seeing the point? There is not one pro who has taken off gear and retained anything he's built; not one. All these guys coming out like Seth Feroce or Lee Preist claiming they are on TRT only are full of shit: Look at Dorian, Arnold, Haney, Ronnie, and everyone else running TRT, how much they shrunk. So why would we want to blast and cruise, to gain and shrink, on and off? Isn't that retarded or what? Why not just stay on until you're done taking them all together?
You are very much addicted to AAS. I wish you the best but I fear for your future.
You are very much addicted to AAS. I wish you the best but I fear for your future.
I'm certainly addicted to the gym, but you make it sound like I'm abusing 1000mg of tren per wweek for decades lol; I'm not Boston Lloyd
I'm certainly addicted to the gym, but you make it sound like I'm abusing 1000mg of tren per wweek for decades lol; I'm not Boston Lloyd
I was 21 diagnosed with moderate lv dysfunction cardiomyopathy. The most I ever ran was 400mg tren and 500mg test for 8 weeks and only 2 test dbol cycles before that. Blood work perfect even an echo was perfect. The mri caught it and now I am on ramipril for the rest of my life going every 6 months for checkups.
I was 21 diagnosed with moderate lv dysfunction cardiomyopathy. The most I ever ran was 400mg tren and 500mg test for 8 weeks and only 2 test dbol cycles before that. Blood work perfect even an echo was perfect. The mri caught it and now I am on ramipril for the rest of my life going every 6 months for checkups.
And you don't think this is in anyway genetic? If this were the norm, literally everyone would be fucked.
I was 21 diagnosed with moderate lv dysfunction cardiomyopathy. The most I ever ran was 400mg tren and 500mg test for 8 weeks and only 2 test dbol cycles before that. Blood work perfect even an echo was perfect. The mri caught it and now I am on ramipril for the rest of my life going every 6 months for checkups.
I am being completely serious when I say this.

Thanks for posting this. We need horror stories and not just the people who made it out completely fine. This brings people down to a realistic notch.
I am being completely serious when I say this.

Thanks for posting this. We need horror stories and not just the people who made it out completely fine. This brings people down to a realistic notch.
True lets not forget that bodybuilders are dying left and right like never before .
Caution is advised !
For people thinking coming off( to trt or light sports trt) for 2-3 month is not beneficial think again!
Quit drinking for 2-3 moths or smoking if a smoker and see if it makes a difference !
And when you get back on the drugs they work better just my 2c!
True lets not forget that bodybuilders are dying left and right like never before .
Caution is advised !
For people thinking coming off( to trt or light sports trt) for 2-3 month is not beneficial think again!
Quit drinking for 2-3 moths or smoking if a smoker and see if it makes a difference !
And when you get back on the drugs they work better just my 2c!
But they are running 20 iu hgh with 20 iu insulin, and 1000 mg of this and that and this, plus all these new shits that nobody knows, like semiglutide. So that are using much more stuff, ALONG with recreational drugs.
But they are running 20 iu hgh with 20 iu insulin, and 1000 mg of this and that and this, plus all these new shits that nobody knows, like semiglutide. So that are using much more stuff, ALONG with recreational drugs.

Are they really though? It doesn't seem to be public knowledge exactly what pros use. There is a lot of conjecture and I think it's dangerous to make long-lasting health decisions based off of conjecture.
Are they really though? It doesn't seem to be public knowledge exactly what pros use. There is a lot of conjecture and I think it's dangerous to make long-lasting health decisions based off of conjecture.
From what I gather, some do and some don't. The genetic elite hyper-responders don't need to take as much as someone who isn't a hyper-responder.

For example, I was friends with Nick Trigili years ago, and was there when he got his pro card in Vegas; he was blasting grams to get to what he looked like, but that is what he needed to do to get there; not everyone needs to, and that is a fact.

Not only does our response to gear vary, our resistance to sides varies as well.
But they are running 20 iu hgh with 20 iu insulin, and 1000 mg of this and that and this, plus all these new shits that nobody knows, like semiglutide. So that are using much more stuff, ALONG with recreational drugs.
Of course the damage is not the same and dosages matter!But still a break so that the body gets a rest cant be bad and the glycogen and water retention lost is gained back as soon as you hope back on.
Like having a sports car of corse you go fast with it but when its time to do the maintenance you have to do it or something breaks.
I am being completely serious when I say this.

Thanks for posting this. We need horror stories and not just the people who made it out completely fine. This brings people down to a realistic notch.
If you like I will remove my name from my medical reports for everyone to read
Let' also not forget the question I raised in this post as well:

Am I addicted to these drugs or am I just not seeing the point? There is not one pro who has taken off gear and retained anything he's built; not one. All these guys coming out like Seth Feroce or Lee Preist claiming they are on TRT only are full of shit: Look at Dorian, Arnold, Haney, Ronnie, and everyone else running TRT, how much they shrunk. So why would we want to blast and cruise, to gain and shrink, on and off? Isn't that retarded or what? Why not just stay on until you're done taking them all together?

The difference is they're pros and you're not.
They got paid to take the risks and got off PEDs, be it forced or voluntary for health reasons. You want to perma-blast just to walk around and have the local morons say "WoW hE's BiG."?

Wait until you hit your 40's. Shit changes. One good health scare and you'll be able to answer this question yourself.
If you like I will remove my name from my medical reports for everyone to read
Sorry, forgot to respond. It's up to you.

If you do, Make sure you delete any medical record number or even where it was done at.

We all appreciate your information on helping people reduce harm.
Personally, I believe if you're going to push your body to the limit by never going off at the very least get bloodwork done religiously/regularly and keep an eye on everything. And like others have suggested get an echocardiogram and whatever other stress tests that might help determine your state of health. And if things get out of whack be willing to dial it down and get to the bottom of things and be amenable to lowering dosages. Assuming that your moderate to heavy gear use year round is the culprit, of course.

Also, honestly ask yourself this: Say you continue to blast nonstop and all seems well. Years go by and then out of the blue you're hit with a serious medical issue that could very well be the result of never going off. And quite possibly shorten your lifespan and/or quality of life for the remainder of your time on Earth. Would you be able to accept that or would you live with regret? If you can honestly accept a worse case scenario then I wish you the best and hope it doesn't come down to that. Hopefully you'll be like another Sarcev.
Ofc he is addicted. Being continuously on gear changes your personality structure and you become reliant on it. In the end you are nothing without the feelings of assertiveness, aggression, the high confidence, and ofc higher muscle mass that the aas provide. The longer you are on cycle, the more "materialistic" you become and with it, you loose your inner self. You loose your depth.

To put it in words @falseprophet09 will understand; as you loose your inner depth you become reliant on a feeling of heightened ego self that aas provide for you. It's a sign of a fragile baseline personality structure. Again, as I've eluded to in the primo thread; ADHD will do that to you (speaking from personal experience) as will probably PTSD. And going of off aas, when your androgens start to lower and you start becoming a normal person, is a scary process, and if you are weak, you will revert to further drug (aas) use. I'm in pct now after 8 months of aas use, so can speak to this from fresh personal experience.