I don't want to get off

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The past 2 years, I have dropped down to Test only at 300mg for like 8 weeks once, and 4 weeks a couple of times, and 200mg for 4 weeks maybe twice. So no real cruise dose, or cruise.
I'm always just rotating Tren E and Deca, and Test Only.
I run orals but for like 4 weeks.
I might do 4 weeks of anadrol, or 4 weeks of winstrol. Not continuous... I spend alot of time off orals. Not really into orals too much, except for getting ready for vacation or events where my shirt is off lol.
Cialis year round but take 3 two week breaks for no reason at all.

I just did 12 weeks bulk with Test D @1.2g, with Deca @900 with Nolva 20mg E3D and no AI.

Now for refining, not a hard cut, running 600 Test D, 600 Deca, 400 Tren E.
6mg Aromasin E4D

Sometime in Oct. I will drop to 200mg Test D and 200mg Deca for 8 weeks.
Then drop deca for 8 weeks and run 300mg Test D.

Deca really helps my back. Compressed discs from years of Infantry and deployments.

Honestly, I should do a real 12 week cruise @200mg Test D... I have mature muscle, and I don't really lose it. I went 1 month without any lifting... due to some long use training issues with lower back, and right delt, and tennis elbow.... the 1 month off worked. No problems since. But, I didn't lose much mass.
So I really don't know what the issue is as far as just doing a real cruise other than the pumps aren't as great around week 8.

Being on we obviously just feel better mentally and physically.

Now, alot of people, even me, lie. We say we do this cruise, to spread harm reduction, but.... we never stick to the cruise protocol.
Maybe it's PTSD from when we first cycled. I cycled twice, with PCT... and thought. "This blows, 2 steps forward, one step back". I switched to blast and cruise at age 38.
Sure, PCT is way different from cruising... but again at week 8 I start to feel that I am just a normal dude. Sex drive is not out of this world, pumps are meh...

I really need to just suck it up, because as I've said, I don't really lose much. Therefore it's all mental of course.
I had a shit load of water weight on me. BP was under control. I didnt look bloated(I think).

lowered dick sensitization for sure.
So you had a lot of water retention but didn't look bloated?

Dick sensitization means that it becomes easier or harder to cum?
So you had a lot of water retention but didn't look bloated?

Dick sensitization means that it becomes easier or harder to cum?
I guess in my head I didn't. but it was my first cycle. I couldn't tell cause I was fat to begin with.

Harder to cum
Here are my bloods on 400 Cyp/ 600 Primo: literally THREE markers barely off!
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Here are my bloods with 1g Deca, but I did add Drol for 19 days so that my have screwed things up worse...so several markers are off, but I stopped at three months.
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View attachment 171006

As you can see, the Test/Primo did jack shit compared to the Deca/Drol. Which is why it does make sense for me to run a Deca and cycle off, but I have a feeling the drol fucked up this bloodwork, even though I stopped it.

Regardless, why would I come off to true TRT (125-150)? See what I'm saying? In other words, cycle on and off the more "harmful" ones to accelerate maximum growth, but then why not stay on the safest ones? If 1g of total gear of cyp/primo barely moves my markers, why wouldn't I stay on it as long as possible?

I am just going to leave this here. I think you know I mean well. If you think your blood tests are "fine," then you need to think again. Your cholesterol would return to normal over time with a physiological level of testosterone. Low HDL levels are positively associated with cardiovascular disease and mental decline. Take a break. Let it get higher and back to normal again.
Don't you get depressed on that level of estro?
Negative thoughts ? laziness?
no, I was getting exhausted mentally further down a cycle I get.

I dont know how someone can be on. The longer I am on the cycle, the more I am looking back to getting into lower levels. I do not know how people can permablast.

It might be because that I ensure I lift 5-6x a week and am constantly making sure I am making the cycle worth it.

Not going to do hazardous drugs and sit on my ass at home. You know?
no, I was getting exhausted mentally further down a cycle I get.

I dont know how someone can be on. The longer I am on the cycle, the more I am looking back to getting into lower levels. I do not know how people can permablast.

It might be because that I ensure I lift 5-6x a week and am constantly making sure I am making the cycle worth it.

Not going to do hazardous drugs and sit on my ass at home. You know?
If i get estro up to 180 i slip in to depression.
Training becomes harder and mentally i keep finding reasons to not train .
20k steps days become 10k than 5 k
Its interesting most people dont feel this way or maybe they don't notice and power through it …
Different for everyone brother.
Mine was around 140-180 on 600mg of test
Yeah, I know aromatization is individual. I was wondering if he was a high aromatizer like I am. At 500mg/week my e2 was at 190, so it's similar. I asked because I may try the same dose of nolva instead of aromasin, or maybe cut the aromasin dosage (50mg/week on 390-500mg of test per week) in half and replace the other half with nolva. TypeIIIX suggested using nolva instead of AI's may be the superior option.
If i get estro up to 180 i slip in to depression.
Training becomes harder and mentally i keep finding reasons to not train .
20k steps days become 10k than 5 k
Its interesting most people dont feel this way or maybe they don't notice and power through it …
It's all about symptoms. They don't have any defect as their number is high or even higher than ours yet they don't feel like shit like us when estro is high...

That's why it's said if no symtoms then nothing to fix. Unfortunately we have a lot to fix.
This is my current blood work on week 6 or 7 of my 400 cyp, 400, deca, 400 primo cycle, with 5ius ED.

I posted it in another thread I'm still getting notifications on this one, might as well post it here, also.InkedInked10-24-22.jpgInked10-24-22-2.jpg
I started taking DIM last week to lower E levels, as I don't want to take serms or AIs.

Blood pressure was normal when taken the morning of this test.

And this cycle was right off of a 400mg cyp cruise for 6 weeks. I've been "on" doing various blasts and cruises, since Nov of last Jan 2021.

Currently 254lbs, eating 5k calories a day. I'm going to continue bulking until my coach and I decide its time to hold for two months, then cut next spring. I may reach 260-70 at the rate I'm going, and my fat hasn't been too bad. Once I'm done cutting and finally reach my end goal, then it will be a maintenance phase for life, ending the perma-blasting.
no, I was getting exhausted mentally further down a cycle I get.

I dont know how someone can be on. The longer I am on the cycle, the more I am looking back to getting into lower levels. I do not know how people can permablast.

I don't see this at all too. It's mentally to taxing. The constant drive and fight or flight mode ... Just need a long holiday after a cycle and am never doing more then 6 to 8 week cycles again.
Shit man, do you ever come off lol...

Pick some dose like 200-250mg and stay on it if you don't want to lose too much, but constantly high dosing and switching shit is taxing your health.