I hate off cycle.


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Feels like there is something missing in my life every time I take a break lol. It's crazy how I catch my self looking a my vials from time to time . The sweet golden nectar How I miss you all ready . And it only been 2 weeks .
it's cauz you were all pussies before steroids

steroids made what you are today, and im not talking of body
Feels like there is something missing in my life every time I take a break lol. It's crazy how I catch my self looking a my vials from time to time . The sweet golden nectar How I miss you all ready . And it only been 2 weeks .

This FACT become particularly problematic in those who run Blast / Cruise AAS
"cycles" and along with their "solution" the cumulative adverse effects of AAS are reasonably well established, although some more than others.

I can only tell you those that seem to have the greatest difficulty coming off AAS are those that also follow the bro notion of more is better. Many are running SEVERAL drugs simultaneously at HIGH DOSAGES for MONTHS on end, yet have NEVER stepped onto a stage, WTF, what's the point?

Well hello what do these AAS lifers expect, a simplified approach to PCT? Just NOT going to happen IME.

With that my suggestion is to limit your USE OF AAS to relatively moderate dosages and run no more than TWO simultaneously. But' but, but, what about my gains Doc.

Well gains are much easier to maintain or even reacquire than they are to develop anew!

Finally some find tapering from say THREE to ONE anabolic agent minimizes the PSYCHOLOGICAL impact of dropping a three drug panel abruptly, which is then followed by PCT

Other than those APPROACHES, using lLEGITIMATE TRT dosages on a chronic basis seems to be the most viable alternative for many IME.

Try discontinuing a 12 week Deca, TT and D-bol cycle IT SUCKS, but running the TT another 4-6 weeks at 500mg makes PCT MUCH easier, I PROMISE fella!
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Thanks @dr.Jim I don't know what we would do with out you here at meso I really mean it . You are one of the most knowledgeable people I have met regarding aas use.
Finally IDK for sure why but Nandrolone is the most difficult AAS to discontinue (in MANY mates) on an emotional basis and for that reason should be the first one stopped IMO.

I've had many patients complain of outright depression trying to get off Deca!
Thanks @dr.Jim I don't know what we would do with out you here at meso I really mean it . You are one of the most knowledgeable people I have met regarding aas use.

Dealing with folk who know WTF they are doing makes my "job" much easier, bc those that don't will be reminded of that fact, and as I see it that's my "job" also, as it should be every other vet on this forum.

I know based on the congressional and FDA hearings that were a precursor to AAS being listed as scheduled substances, one of the primary factors was the "rampant abuse" of AAS by teens and "young adults". If you fellas believe it's bad now, can you imagine how difficult it will be to acquire AAS if they ever become schedule II substances?

Want an example, try acquiring OXYCONTIN on line. We better learn to police ourselves or someone else is likely to do it for us! Oh and OXY is next to impossible to acquire on line in spite of what some websites list or suggest to the contrary.

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Folk are probably inclined to believe that Dr Jim is somehow against AAS use. That's not at the case bc I've seen the benefits associated with these substances when used APPROPRIATELY.

The difference, compared to darn near every noob on Meso, who are so gullible and unwitting, Ive also seen and treated many of those who have used these drugs like they are candy, and suffer the consequences.