I hate off cycle.

Actually it's more accurate to say
PCT IS EVIDENCE BASED, yet the evidence itself is not derived from formal clinical trials.

This distinction is important bc human clinical trials form the therapeutic gold standard for cause and effect relationships in meedicine.
Damn your a fool who can't READ!

Because the options I posed were based on my experience RECOVERING many Clowns like yourself who used AAS like candy.

No where did I imply or suggest anything to the contrary bc I'm not an unread unlearned clown like yourself and KNOW, exclusive of case studies and the extrapolation of TRT,or fertility data PCT itself is NOT EVIDENCED BASED, Bozo!

Have you seen a psychiatrist for what is most likely a Bipolar or Schizophreniform disorder? No, hmm well you may discover Lithium does wonders for those with such overt insecurities and the depression that's soon to follow.
I truely feel sorry for you. My conversations with you or at you or whatever you want to call them are done because you panties are jammed so far up there man no combination of words is going to get them lose. Ill save myself the embarassment of even being in the same thread as you. You are an embarassment to bodybuilding and fitness and everything to do with it man. You keep talking about the willingness to learn. You should take your own advice.

Have a nice night.
Yea well your next stop should be a psychiatrist, bc you don't know how to "learn".

Not once have you contributed anything worth reading, just more "bro" bullshit!
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Yea well your next stop should be a psychiatrist, bc you don't know how to "learn".

Not once have you contributed anything worth reading, just more "bro" bullshit!
One last thing before I go which is also fact. You never have and never will recover guys like me because guys like would never in their wildest dreams come to you for advice on a PCT protocol, restart protocol, TRT protocol, AI mono, or HCG mono therapy protocol. We know better then to do such a foolish thing. You do not have the pleasure of working on guys like me. Be assured of that.
Your a fool SCHREDDER not, and you can't tolerate the notion someone else has finally called you out for spewing bro-science BULLSHIT.

Like "everyone needs an AI" at the beginning of a cycle.

See fools like NOT SCHREDDED arrive on Meso occasionally, and having never been challenged elsewhere, are often willing to say or do almost anything to bolster their Meso credibility.

However they soon learn unlike many other PED forums, respect must be EARNED on Meso, and he's "earned" ZIP, ZILTCH, ZERO to date.
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Your a fool SCHREDDER not, and you can't tolerate the notion someone else has finally called you out for spewing bro-science

Like "everyone needs an AI" at the beginning of a cycle.
Jim your the teacher of broscience101!! You didnt call me out on anything. You also need to learn how to write conversational english.
Oh come on SCHREDDER NOT, can't you focus on even one question posed by another "well known Meso member".

Are you still parroting that sort of AI advice!

Sure you are, bc all you "know" is PARROTED "bro" garbage.

How ironic your "one size fits all" approach to AI therapy, iwill soon be followed by a "everyone is different" explanation for the variances that are a part of medical therapeutics.

Fortunately know nothing clowns like SCHREDDED NOT, depart shortly after their entrance, and as his record speaks for itself, so will this NOOB.

But take comfort in the fact knowing I'll be with you every step of the way SCHDEDDED NOT, to ensure you don't lead Meso's noobs astray, anymore than you already have.
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One last thing before I go which is also fact.

You do not have the pleasure of working on guys like me.

Be assured of that.

Hello, Hello, Hello; "just one more thing before I go which is a fact",

Just another comment I've spoken to directly!

However your illiterate, since I've already stated those of YOUR ILK wouldn't be allowed entry into MY PARKING LOT.

"And you can be assured of THAT"!

LMAO, fool!
Oh come on SCHREDDER NOT, can't you focus on even one question posed by another "well known Meso member".

Are you still parroting that sort of AI advice!

Sure you are, bc all you "know" is PARROTED "bro" garbage.

How ironic your "one size fits all" approach to AI therapy, iwill soon be followed by a "everyone is different" explanation for the variances that are a part of medical therapeutics.

Fortunately know nothing clowns like SCHREDDED NOT, depart shortly after their entrance, and as his record speaks for itself, so will this NOOB.

But take comfort in the fact knowing I'll be with you every step of the way SCHDEDDED NOT, to ensure you don't lead Meso's noobs astray, anymore than you already have.



What are earth does that even mean only one thing is spelled correctly here and all the 'NOTs' at the end make none of them make sense. Pretty hard for me to be litterate when what im reading isnt legible.
You Guys type so many words in this thread. Are you smart or something wtf ?
For some reason this made me actually laugh out loud.... I thought I went over this a while ago, most of these usernames as all me, just having weird conversations with myself. Glad you enjoy.
For some reason this made me actually laugh out loud.... I thought I went over this a while ago, most of these usernames as all me, just having weird conversations with myself. Glad you enjoy.

Its like full of words and logics and thought process and talk tracks and shit, and I'm just like wow man gotta chill now and eat, shit, lift and fuck bitches doode lol
Its like full of words and logics and thought process and talk tracks and shit, and I'm just like wow man gotta chill now and eat, shit, lift and fuck bitches doode lol
I tried to explain to my girl's parents last night that I'm not interested in sports mainly because i'm stupid and just like to pick heavy things up.... The couldn't understand why I'd like to just lift weights. I think they get it now... LOL
Feels like there is something missing in my life every time I take a break lol. It's crazy how I catch my self looking a my vials from time to time . The sweet golden nectar How I miss you all ready . And it only been 2 weeks .

This is why I decided to quit using gear for good. That is no way to live. At some point, you have to call it quits.
Nandrolone and it's metabolites last much longer in the body than does trenbolone, hence nandrolone is harder to recover from than tren regardless of the fact they're both 19-nors

The issue is not nadralone per se, but the decanoate ester.
Damn your a fool who can't READ!

Because the options I posed were based on my experience RECOVERING many Clowns like yourself who used AAS like candy.

No where did I imply or suggest anything to the contrary bc I'm not an unread unlearned clown like yourself and KNOW, exclusive of case studies and the extrapolation of TRT,or fertility data PCT itself is NOT EVIDENCED BASED, Bozo!

Have you seen a psychiatrist for what is most likely a Bipolar or Schizophreniform disorder? No, hmm well you may discover Lithium does wonders for those with such overt insecurities and the depression that's soon to follow.

Lithium is a highly underrated drug, especially at low doses.