I hate off cycle.

Doc, I wish there were an icy cold font you could have used for that reply, with a dry British accent to go with it. :)

Gotta wonder why Schredder failed to grasp that, was pretty bloody obvious.

My British accent is horrendous. It's good for a laugh at my expense only.
Like all AAS esters the Decanoate moiety is cleaved within minutes upon entering the bloodstream by the ubiquitous "esterase" enzyme, whos primary purpose is to deesterify esters of all forms, including the fatty acids we metabolize every day.

Although the half life of "Deca" for example is primarily a reflection of its Decanoate ester,
once in the blood stream Nandrolone is ALSO metabolized into at least two more active metabolites yet unlike the parent compound itself are considerably more lipid soluble.

The enhanced lipid solubility enables the "storage" of such metabolites within adipose tissue, esp during prolonged use,
and contributes to its detection
and HTPA suppression in users for many months AFTER discontinuation.
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