I have until May 28th


New Member
I would like to intriduce myself. I am 28 trying to get in the best possible shape that I have ever been in. Currently I am overseas doing contracting work and have all the time to hit the gym, and the food source to eat properly for free. I am going on RR last week of May so I am trying to get ripped before then.

I am on day 55 of my training. I am 5'7 160 LBS
I started with a 32 inche waist and down to a 30
My Bi's are 15.75 flexed
Chest is 40.25
neck 15.25
My abs are peaking, but still not where I want my bodyfat to be.

225 I can hit twice on flat bench. Nov 1st I could not hit 225 at all

I try to hit the gym 5 times a week, I do cardio sessions about 5 times a week as well. My diet is pretty much spot on. I am taking Natures best low carb isopure 1-2 hrs pre and 30 min post workout and one more time spaced between meals . I drink micelluar peptide casian extreme formulations prior to sleep, or when I get up mid sleep.

glutamine at 5:30 with amino 2222
I eat at 6:30 p.m. Protien/fish/or chicken, vegies, and a piece of wheat bread, low fat milk, maybe fruit. with multi vit
Protein shake at 8:30, natures best low carb isopure
Glutamine and arginine at 9:45
Jack 3d at 10:0) Gym at 10:15
Leucine and aminos 2222/glutamine immidiate post workout
Natures best protein 30 min after workout
I eat around 12:00 midnight. egg whites scrambled, fruit, bagel. or something on the main line that is healthy with multi vit
Protein shake at 3:00 a.m. or breakfast at 5:30. eggs, oats.
protein shake ultra peptide casein per sleep, or mid sleep.

Basically, trying to get ripped and lean. I am not trying to get really massive, just lean and cut. Ido cardio when I wake up at 2 pm for about a 30 mins to 1 hr including abs etc. usually threadmill for 30.

Any suggestions. thanks Chris
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Just to add very quickly. I am approx at 12-13 percent body fat according to my calipers but not sure how accurate they really are. My goal is to get down to abdominal showing range, being a full six pack. What percentage does that usually take, or does it defer by body and skin type?

I am not really tracking calories yet, but I eat fairly clean. I don't eat fried foods, battered foods, or gravies. I cheat normally once a week for one serving like a piece of pie, or someting like that.

I have over 5 months to get to 6-7 percent bodyfat, is this goal reachable in this amount of time with the diet above. Should I cut my carbs down now, or wait until late April?

My fats are low, I get fat from low fat milk, fish and chicken/eggs, cheeses etc. My redmeat intake is only once a week aprox.

Thanks for any advice.
Well your diet may be spot on, but you may consider a caloric deficit of 500 calories, daily. That should make a big difference. At this rate, you would lose almost 4 more pounds in a month, and assuming you have 4-5 months to achieve your desired body fat level, I believe you will be succesful.
160 pounds x 13% ( approximately) = 20.8 lbs body fat.
Assuming you lost 10 pounds of fat, that would put you around 7% body fat.
This is more of an educuated guess, as numbers never work out perfectly, but I think if you just eat 500 less calories a day, you will find what you are looking for in a few months.