I know I'm gonna get flamed


New Member
First cycle and I am using tren a and test c

10 week cycle.

500 test c sunday and Wednesday
.75 tren ed

Started tren 2nd week in. This my 5th week.

Adex .25 eod.

Pct clomid 100 / 75 / 50 / 50
Nova 40 / 20 / 20 / 20

Again I know I fucked up.

Want to know if I should run the tren 3 days up until pct from last pin of test. I as also thinking of dropping it to an 8 week cycle.

Let the dogs out.

At least you were smart enough to not use trenbolone enanthate.
I'm not going to preach but first cycles are the best as long as you have achieved all you can natty and have diet in check. You could have easily did 12 weeks with test alone and would have blown the f up with a much easier pct.
I respect this forum and all the feedback that comes with it. I should have just run the test by itself. I started the tren eod at .50 and recently bumped it .75 last week. Sides aren't that bad night sweats and cardio is a bitch. I will be starting hcg this week at 500 iu. Should I run the tren 3 days up until pct?

My diet is clean. I don't drink or use drugs. I'm in the gym 6 days a week.
I'm going to assume you mean .75ml and it's dosed 100mg/ml?

You plan on getting mid-cycle bloodwork?
I wouldn't say you fucked up. I ran tren my second cycle and ramped up the dose way higher than I should have, and stayed on way longer than I should have.

Keep us updated on the recovery
So.. it's your 1st AAS cycle-- instead of Test only, you add Tren--and now decided to blast and cruise... This is like a slow-mo train wreck just waiting to happen... :)
I have made a decision to stay on. Gonna cruse foe 6 weeks get bloods and blast.

Ur just gonna cruise for 6 weeks as if its no thing? Glad to c ur gonna get bloods b4 another blast, but CHRIST....slow down my brother/sister.

How long have u been lifting, as in having a serious understanding of training methods and all the shit that goes with it?

If u don't mind providing.....Stats and the like[emoji123]